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What global issue would be best suited for my college application essay? (Details inside)

Asked by Fly (8726points) October 20th, 2011

I am in the process of applying to Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service for a major in International Politics. Each different school at Georgetown requires a supplemental essay. For the school of foreign service, the essay topic is:

Briefly discuss a current global issue, indicating why you consider it important and what you suggest should be done to deal with it.

I know that as someone applying to a school in foreign service, I should be knowledgeable about global issues, but I am having trouble picking an issue because the only current global issues that come to mind are problems that I don’t feel I can offer a solution to (i.e. Palestinian statehood, failing global economy). I was hoping the collective might have some suggestions.

I’m not asking for solutions to the problem or opinions on issues, I’m just looking for a good place to start.

Thanks in advance!

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