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xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

What if two Blackholes came into contact?

Asked by xxporkxsodaxx (1403points) May 20th, 2008

It’s just got me wondering, also like where does all of that stuff thats eaten go? Is it possible that the extra terrestrials are using those as transports instead of originally thought methods? and to the people who think there are no other life forms in the universe, you would have to be pretty cocky to say that there is NOTHING out there and we are the only ones.

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17 Answers

Fallstand's avatar

I’m not sure this crowd knows these answers, haha

arnbev959's avatar

I’m not an expert at all (I don’t even read much science fiction,) but I think the concept of a ‘wormhole’ is based on the coming together of two black holes. Not exactly sure what a wormhole is though.

psyla's avatar

A black hole is simple a tiny speck with massive gravitational compression. When an object falls into a black hole, it is compressed so severely that it adds an insignificant amount of matter to the super-compressed speck.

Our Sun has a good enough amount of gravitational self-compression, after all it’s basically a nuclear bomb that is so big that its gravity keeps it in check. The gravity of the Sun is strong enough to hold our Solar System in orbit. There’s a black hole at the center of every galaxy and its gravitation is so massive that its strong enough to keep a galaxy in orbit around it. If 2 black holes were to collide it would be like 2 magnets slapping together. As far as matter goes, the joining of 2 black holes would simply be 2 tiny specks of matter joining together.

Since the amount of matter in the 2 specks would compress down to about the size of a speck, the gravitation would resolve to be about the same as one speck. The slapping together of 2 black holes would probably be explosive, but the explosion will be sucked into the specks, the most that might escape from it might be a plume of gamma & X-rays.

xyzzy's avatar

Here’s a Simulation of what would happen. Basically, they combine into one and give off a bunch of weird glowy stuff;

(edited…. bad joke deleted)

soundedfury's avatar

A wormhole is speculative fiction. If two black holes came together, they’d simply make a larger black hole. We already have examples of this happening, and it will happen to the Milky Way when we merge with the Andromeda galaxy in some 5+ billion years.

ebenezer's avatar

they send a massive cosmic shockwave over the dance floor.

psyla's avatar

I agree with xxporkxsodaxx. It would be narrow-minded & self-absorbed for a human to say that Earth is the only planet with life. For all we know, there’s life on our own Sun, it just might be a form of life that thrives in fire & we have no common sense organ or common form of perception with the “Sun Aliens” to be able to even know that each other exists.

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

@psyla, just to make sure, you don’t mean that they are a tiny speck do you, every blackhole is really big compared to us. Or do you mean that they’re a speck compared to the universe?

psyla's avatar

xyzzy, that video was so freaking cool!

xyzzy's avatar

@soundedfury, a wormhole is speculative, but it is not necessarily fiction. Look up Einstein-Rosen bridge to learn the physics of it.

psyla's avatar

I’d need to look it up to say exactly, whether the size of the matter in a black hole is at the quantum, subatomic, atomic, or molecular level, point is, the size of the matter is tiny! The size is tiny bit the weight is heavy enough to crush the universe if, for example, you put the universe on a table & put the black hole on top of the universe. The energy of the black hole is the only thing about it that’s big. The energy reaches out as far as the outer edge of a galaxy & so keeps the galaxy revolving around it. We’re basically revolving around a very heavy speck.

psyla's avatar

The universe on the table analogy works for me too!

soundedfury's avatar

@xxporkxsodaxx – In general relativity, black holes are, indeed, infinitely small. The event horizon, the point at which you cannot escape the gravitational pull, can be large. These are important distinctions. Size is distinct from mass, however, and the event horizon is a marker of mass, not of size.

@psyla – I have no idea where you’re coming from with the idea that a black hole can crush the universe. We have observational data that supports that black holes are common, and they are not currently “crushing the universe.” Also, energy and gravity aren’t the thing. They are related, but again, they are distinct concepts

@xyzzy – While I was meaning wormholes as devices for travel (the force of gravity should rip apart any organism unlucky enough to pass in), wormholes are mathematically valid in general relativity, but there is no observational data to support their existence, nor is it believed by the greater astronomical community that we will discover any.

Besides, even in general relativity it requires exotic matter – things that have negative mass – that is on the edge of theory and we absolutely no data to support.

There is an excellent cover story in the May 20, 2008 (today’s) of Physical Review Letters that argues that singularities themselves are simply approximations required by “our insistence that space-time should be described as a continuum.” It’s fascinating stuff, really.

psyla's avatar

soundedfury, I wasn’t implying that black holes are crushing the universe! It was a (poor) way of differentiating between size and mass. It is fascinating that the size of the black hole is determined by the event horizon! This is unique, judging size by the limits of an object’s energy! I mean we don’t judge the size of a circuit breaker box by the stretch of it’s EMF. Gravity is the most elusive force in the universe & scientists still don’t fully understand it. Perhaps it’s as you’ve said, not yet understandable through our sensory organs oriented to time & space as separate concepts. Science understands the Strong, Weak, & Electromagnetic forces but gravity is a mystery.

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Ulmaxes's avatar

This is a fairly unanswerable question.
There’s the simple “they merge” that soundedfury proposed, which is true.
However, to explain what actually would happen step by step, we’d need to actually know HOW black holes truly function at their singularity (core). At that point, every law of physics basically explodes into multi-colored confetti, so trying to really explain what happens is a moot point.

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