Social Question

partyrock's avatar

How do you explain thinking about someone and then having them pop into your life again ? Is it just coincidences ?

Asked by partyrock (3870points) February 19th, 2012

Have you ever been thinking about someone in particular, and then boom, they show up back into your life, or you hear from them? Or how about thinking about someone, and you bump into them suddenly, or get a call from them. Is it just coincidences? Is it something psychic instead. What happens if this has been happening a lot – to the point where it can’t be just coincidence anymore?

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14 Answers

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Every mystery ever solved has turned out to be not magic. I suspect this trend will continue.

We see people all the time. People are pretty common things. If you were thinking about a giant termite wearing a top hat and pole dancing, and it happens, then we have something to talk about.

partyrock's avatar

But thinking of a specific person you haven’t seen in a very long time, and then them popping up a few days or weeks later and showing back in your life ? I’m asking because this has been happening a lot to me for the past year. More so than just thinking about one or two, or three, or four, people/friends. It’s been happening many many times. Where people would come out of the wood work, after I’ve been wondering about them. I didn’t say this was magic, jut wondering if there was anything beyond this. Other than simply coincidence.

It happened yesterday where I was thinking of someone and they emailed me out of the blue, after not hearing from them for 5 months. Then it happened again tonight where I was thinking of someone, and they texted me. It’s been happening on a roll lately. To the point where it makes me question things, and even freaks me out sometimes.

I’m not worried, confused, afraid, or think it is magic, just find it is too good to be true sometimes.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I do think it’s a coincidence, although stuff like that has happened to me before as well. It can feel quite strange.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You thought of a lot of people yesterday and did not hear from most of them. Many things could start you thinking about people. You might have looked at your contacts list, or looked at your friends in FB. Even the weather might have triggered a memory. Think of all the people who did not call. If any one of then had contacted you, it would have seemed quite mysterious.

What are the odds that I would be here, answering your question? I stayed up late last night and overslept this morning. That’s unusual for me. I decided not to meet my nephew for breakfast this morning because I pigged out yesterday and ate cheese cake and had some wine. (The cheese cake had been in the freezer for 3 months.) I left my computer on standby instead of turning it off last night thinking I would turn it off later but forgot so it was on Fluther when I turned it on. And through all these rare occurrences I ended up right here, right now, answering your question. Coincidence?
We humans tend to see a pattern – even if it is not there. Enjoy it for the entertainment value – But don’t count on it
Like “Reality” TV, it isn’t.

amujinx's avatar

I’m willing to bet that you have thought of people out of the blue, and they have failed to appear soon after as well. People tend to forget those occurances though.

marinelife's avatar

That’s what many people would say about it. I have always thought there was something interesting there. Possibly some connection between minds.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Okay, I really just have to ask; why do you put a space inbetween your words and question marks?! Then, in the detail section you don’t? Gargh!!!

Sorry, I can’t not think of this everytime you ask a question…lol.

Just to reiterate what others have said here, it’s confirmation bias. I think we all want it to be something more though.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It’s confirmation bias.

Coloma's avatar

I think there are moments of serendipity, yes. What do they really mean? It’s anyones guess, but if everything in the universe runs on an energy frequency then yes, I do believe at times we can tap into that wave and co-create “coincidence”.
Once I had been intently thinking about a job I wanted, and I, literally, was saying to myself, ” please let me get this job, please let them call me soon” and I swear, I was walking downstairs and the phone rang in that instant and I had the job! Woo Hoo! ;-)

SpatzieLover's avatar

People explain this off depending on their various belief systems.

I, for one do not believe in coincidence.

Jeruba's avatar

I’d say it doesn’t have any meaning except the meaning you give it.

partyrock's avatar

@Keep_on_running – I don’t know why I do that either! I always separate the question mark, even when I’m typing on other sites. Like this ? Or this ? I don’t know, lol.

partyrock's avatar

@amujinx – No not really, to be honest with you. I have a close knit of friends. There is one person who I think about that I haven’t seen/or heard from yet, but I haven’t heard from him in about 6 years so…

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