General Question

Unbroken's avatar

Help finding tall shirts?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) February 17th, 2013

I have a long torso and I need longer shirts, tops, blouses. I have been increasingly doing all my shopping online. I just tried shirts on til I found some I loved. I need more of a strategy now; cuts, styles, brands or stores that cater to long people.

Could you help? Have you run into a similar problem?

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15 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m 6’3” and buy a lot of stuff from JC Penney’s. Their men’s tall selection is excellent. I can’t speak for the women’s section.

Earthgirl's avatar

Here are some good brands that I’ve found.
Ann Taylor Loft
Eddie Bauer
Banana Republic
and last but not least, lol, Height Goddess
Just stay away from any Juniors department. They cut everything so short!

Unbroken's avatar

Thank You! I just went shopping, so fun! And I bookmarked all the sites.

Judi's avatar

I never had a problem until “hip huggers” came back in fashion. Now I have to buy “Not Your Daughters Jeans” AND find long shirts and hope they don’t shrink. I feel ya @rosehips!

answerjill's avatar

There are a bunch of LDS (Mormon) companies that make extra long T-shirts to provide more coverage. One example is Shade Google things like “modest Mormon clothing” for more examples.

Unbroken's avatar

@answerjill Ooo that would be a good idea for a few of my friends!
@Judi Lol I’ve heard that phrase before haven’t seen their product though. I will have to check it out.

woodcutter's avatar

Look here

They have the ones to hide the “plumbers butt”

woodcutter's avatar

sorry they are mainly a guy store

augustlan's avatar

I second Eddie Bauer.

RandomGirl's avatar

I have the same problem! Thanks for ideas, everyone! :)

Unbroken's avatar

@woodcutter I actually had a favorite shirt from there. But it was a while ago and I forgot about it. The store does have a women’s section and while simple serviceable esp for an outdoorsy girl like me..

@augustlan I had forgotten that I liked Eddie Bauer, we don’t have one here and sometimes things like that drop off the radar. no wonder I shop online.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Yay. Glad I inadvertently helped you as well @RandomGirl

woodcutter's avatar

@rosehips Deluth Trading is one of my favorite catalog stores. Because a lot of their stuff is rather pricey I have to be careful whenever i shop there. Their fire hose work pants look like the end all in rugged work clothes and outdoor wear, but I will always get the “Dickeys” brand canvas pants, almost the same thing for 20 bucks, more or less. Someday I will go and do it. One more thing to add to a bucket list I suppose. Having long shirts are more handy than people realize.

outdoorsy huh?

Unbroken's avatar

@woodcutter Dickey’s didn’t work for me I like the look but I have a butt and apparently they aren’t meant for curves. I was wondering if the fire hose were the same. But I am wishy washy over the price for an experiment.

So let me know about that bucket list will ya?

Sure. Get me in nature and I am bound to relax and have fun.

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