General Question

illusionslies's avatar

What do these lyrics mean?

Asked by illusionslies (586points) October 27th, 2013

Electronic music, sang by female:

I don’t wanna laugh
I sometimes want to cry with you
You could see my smile
if i stop thinking too hard

when i am this upset
I cant get out
I cant do
cant impress you

Chemicals in my hair
are the ones in my head

Love may take me up again

I was chasin’ you
were walking
where id like to see myself
if you wanna get with me
protect me from me

i’m a victim you’re a dream
im a dreamer every now and then
if you wanna get with me
you need to help me save me

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9 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

It means the songwriter could use a visit with a mental health professional and a script for an SSRIā€¦

Smitha's avatar

Actually, it doesn’t mean anything.It’s better to just dismiss it as meaningless.

Seek's avatar

It’s ecstasy in lyric form – overly sexual and chemically inspired dependence. Typical teenager rave party crap.

ucme's avatar

The writer has gone for the fake, cliched, melancholy vibe in the mistaken belief that, by default alone, this makes for a great song with deep meaning.
It doesn’t, more like desperate, formularic, attention seeking crap.

filmfann's avatar

I like it. It’s about the desperate need for the writer to connect with the subject of his affections.
He wants to cry with her, not laugh. You can laugh with anyone, but if you share their pain, you connect with them.

glacial's avatar

@gorillapaws No good writing her a prescription if she’s just going to wash her hair with it.

linguaphile's avatar

My interpretation is that she’s hooked on codependence—

gambitking's avatar

It’s really not deep at all, nor hard to interpret. She is obsessed with a crush and lovesick, and it’s a cry for help and this love interest is the only one capable of saving her.

You want some good stuff, go listen to the album A Momentary Lapse of Reason by Pink Floyd.

janbb's avatar

Sounds adolescent to me.

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