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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Black Friday warfare, are there rules or is it all fair in war and shopping?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) December 2nd, 2013

If a family goes out with their kids, and they hand them a printout of the deals they are to hunt down and then turn them loose. When they meet at the designated check-in spot one of the boys is upset because he got one of the last two blanks and a woman seeing that she was going to be two person short of getting one, wrestles the item from the clutches of the boy (about 11yr). He tried hold on to the item but she was too strong. It technically wasn’t stealing because the boy or his parents had not purchased it, but extreme shopping such as Black Fridays are there any rules or every person for themselves?

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8 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Normal rules apply but people are crazy, how dare she touch a child in anger or greed. Mom shoud’ve popped her lol

josie's avatar

If I walk alone in the South side of my city after midnight with a wad of money in my hand, I am certainly going to get robbed and possibly shot.

It is not that I deserve it, or that I am wrong, but I am certainly stupid.

I feel the same way about people who go shopping on Black Friday.

YARNLADY's avatar

Most people will maintain the normal rules, but there are always a few who go all out. Your example reminds me of the woman at a baseball game who was caught on camera grabbing a foul ball out of the hands of the little child that caught it.

I witnessed one strange example. A woman saw a sign for free recipes and she mistakenly thought it was for the recipe books above the sign, instead the pamphlets inside the sign holder. She told her husband to grab all the recipe books on the shelf, and then proceeded to hold up the check out line while she insisted the sign said they were free. She made everyone in the line wait while the clerk went to see and explain the misunderstanding.

Pachy's avatar

I once wrote a short story in which the site of Jesus’ return is a department store during the Christmas rush. He was shocked by all the shoving and the pushing and materialism, so he got into an elevator and, you know, went back up. I wrote that long before there were Black Fridays—imagine how shocked he’d be today with people actually hurting one another to get a bargain.

DWW25921's avatar

As a vender of wares I set up my flea market on “Black Friday” and no one stopped. I did however make a lot of sales online in my various stores. Oddly enough, I set up roadside today too being “Cyber Monday” and did ok, with no sales online. This season is all back to front, it’s opposite year or something.

Anyway, I don’t put up with that crap at my tables. First one that picks it up and hands me cash is the new owner of the random trinket. I have a “You snooze you loose” policy. I’ve had to run a few people off for being nasty to other customers. I mean, it’s not like my crap is even all that great… It’s a flea market people, get a grip!

Coloma's avatar

Anyone that behaves like a rabid dog should be shot accordingly. I am proud to say I have never participated in a Black Friday insanity scene, ever, and never will. I say gas ‘em all. lol

zenvelo's avatar

It’s the same as every other shopping day: no rules.

deni's avatar

My thoughts are that if you’re dumb and materialistic enough to go out at 3 am and wait in line in the cold the day after “THANKS GIVING” you are subject to the rest of the idiots that do the same, so say thanks to your family the day before because you may be trampled while exemplifying the opposite of the holiday that just passed.

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