What is the food you've known someone to eat that you find oddest?
Asked by
ibstubro (
February 10th, 2014
According to my aunt, there was nothing Uncle Jack liked better than “a big ole mess of squirrel brains. Cook a big bowl of squirrel heads and he’d sit there and crack them like walnuts. Take a spoon and scoop out the brain.” Best when accompanied by “parched corn”, or corn on the cob roasted in the oven until black on the outside.
When my cousin returned from living in the South (Louisiana, I believe), he reported that they had eaten “Robin Pie”.
Alas, I have no recipes.
This is not to be confused with ‘the grossest food’ question. I myself have fried and eaten dandelion blossoms. Not gross, but odd. (I got the recipe from the Foxfire books.)
I posted under Social because I haven’t seen a good trainwreck derailment in ages.
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22 Answers
“Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, itty bitty birdy feet, bowlegged monkey meat, all stirred up in one big bowl and I forgot my spoon”.
That being said, I find any food mixed together odd. I don’t like my food touching.
Giblets. Road kill. Cold squid soup. Hummus. Mineral water.
Walleye cheeks and eyeballs. I did try the cheeks and they were good but I could never find the nerve to suck out the eyeballs with the enthusiasm my buddy had.
Chicken Balut, considered a delicacy in the Philippines. Balut is an almost but not fully developed chick or duck still in the egg. We have a number of people on staff from the Philippines; at a staff potluck one brought balut.
OMG, @chyna, gravy is the great binder. Heap the non-sweets on my plate and smother in gravy. By the time I get to the end, it will be a delicious, chowderish mess of entree, potato and veggie bound with gravy.
Humph, @talljasperman. Hummus and mineral water are delicious! Giblets make great stuffing or, properly prepared, are wonderful to the meat-eater. I’d be ready and willing to try cold squid soup. Roadkill is dangerous unless it’s still twitching when you get there.
I agree, @Cruiser. I’d have trouble sucking eyeballs with enthusiasm. Mostly I find that kind of thing popular for ‘shock’ value. Yes, I have sucked the head of a crawfish. No, there was not enough there to cause me to repeat, much less ‘with enthusiasm’.
That just makes me want to vomit, @zenvelo. Seriously. I have Flip friends too, and although I have a cast iron stomach, I think I would puke if I had to watch them eat one. Wrong. On so many levels, from my consumption habits.
The worst, all the squid on a stick and fried duck heads and yellow sausages and other questionable atrocities I saw in asian night markets. Turtle meat, nauseating. I ate a lot of vegetable dumplings, rice and corn soup. lol
Anything from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Chilled monkey brains, live unborn snakes, beetles. eyeball soup.
are there “eyes” that we condone eating? I remember my parents coming back from Mexico in the 70’s reporting eating (or having been offered) goat eyes.
What happens to all the cow and hog eyes in the US meat market? I would prefer a Rocky Mountain Oyster be an eyeball than a testical!
Lamb’s brains and eyeballs
My wife’s uncle used to eat them at Easter. Perfectly good lamb sitting on the table, and this is what he eats.
bacon. it is pig disgusting.
Since I have lived in Scandinavia, I have heard of and seen the most disgusting ‘traditional’ food. In Iceland they eat putrefied shark that has been collected and hung for months. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1karl
Here in Norway, they do weird things with fish. Rakfisk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakfisk, is essentially fish left to rot for a few months and then eaten. (I’ve had this and it isn’t as bad as it sounds.) Then there is lutefisk, which is made with lye (but so are green olives), but I won’t eat lutefisk.
They eat the whole of the cod. I have had to endure sitting at a table while people ate cod liver, cod roe, boiled cod heads where they dug out the eyes and the cheeks.
Whale is delicious. I fix that up when I’m feeling the need for a rich source of iron. Slice it thin, fry it up with some onions and mushrooms and then serve it with a nice creamy sauce. Yummm.
I know a dog sled competitor who eats seal fat to keep his energy up during the long endurance races.
I’ve seen people eat pigeon in French restaurants. These aren’t city pigeons, they are farmed. I’ve also seen people eat sweetbreads which was a borderline-vomit situation.
Hu hu grubs were the oddest thing I saw eaten in New Zealand.
Hardee’s has a delicious grilled fish sandwich, @uberbatman. Hold the tarter.
I might, at some point, have gotten past the brain, @cookieman, but never the eyeballs. Plus the fact that lamb is so damned delicious. lol
Never been a huge fan of bacon, myself, @ragingloli. Plus it’s a pain in the butt to cook.
Didn’t realize deep fried crap had jumped from Midwestern State Fair to the Island, @ucme. That’s sad. There appears to be nothing in the States that we won’t put ‘on a stick’ and deep fry.
I recently perused a Scandinavian cookbook, @cazzie, and that stuff was so foreign to my Midwestern upbringing it could have come from a UFO. I’d love to try it, but not enough to go to the trouble and expense of making it.
I do often wonder why people don’t eat more squab (pigeon). Relatively large and plentiful.
They are called “Rouladen” and are just so strange.
Wikipedia says that they are “usually consisting of bacon, onions, mustard and pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef which is then cooked. In some countries, the roulade is also known as “beef olive”.”
Weird. I rarely had typical german food like Rouladen, so when they were served in the hospital once, I was rather surprised to find a pickle inside. The nausea was rather convincing and I left it untouched.
I’ve never heard of it, @newtscamander, and I used to be a foodie. I don’t think it sounds too bad. Especially compared to traditional hospital fare.
@ibstubro Really? Maybe you should try it. I’m usually quite adventurous when it comes to food, when I lived in Korea I tried many things, for example. Somehow the pickle confused and disgusted me. It is actually quite traditional german hospital fare, though.
I no longer eat meat, @newtscamander, or I’d look for a recipe.
I Google-imaged it and I think look delicious, too. When you first mentioned I pictured something small, like a rumake. I see it’s more like a cabbage roll. There are versions where the pickle’s chopped. Maybe that would appeal to you more?
Oh, alright @ibstubro.
I think I would like rumake and have eaten something similar to it,
And I like cabbage rolls. Hm, I don’t think so, but I’ve only liked pickles in Branston and straight out of the jar, so maybe that’s the problem. I would like some now, actually, after writing about them.
Opps, even though I checked before posting, it seems the traditional spelling is rumaki. In any case, I liked it a lot when I was a meat eater. Liver seems to be the only thing they don’t make a non-meat version of. Imagine that!
Dill pickles give me heartburn, but if they’re not specifically “dill” I’m good.
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