What did you do today, the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year?
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jca (
June 21st, 2014
How did you spend your day today, the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year?
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27 Answers
Had lunch with an old friend, went grocery shopping with Mrs Squeeky, then came home.
What? Today is the longest day?
@Mimishu1995 It’s the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Down at 40 degrees South Latitude, it got dark before five o’clock and people are bundled up indoors.
It was a Saturday, so I was up at sunrise, had a leisurely breakfast, went on a run around the reservoir, then met someone for a coffee date. This afternoon I just hung out with my kids, and took my daughter to dinner at a restaurant down the street. Nothing too solstician.
I went to the opening of a small but elegant art gallery on Main St. of my little town. Among the seven artists represented was my sister. It was a perfect afternoon and all of the shops were open and doing business. Some music, some food and lots of good company inside the gallery and out on the sidewalk, just schmoozing.
Before that I wandered around my grounds with a cup of tea, pulling up the odd weed and sniffing my roses that are open and smelling delicious. Milo ate a lot of fresh grass but threw it up, considerately, outside rather than on one of my oriental rugs. I was able to do my necessary business, on the deck, with a portable phone and laptop.
The robins were csrrying insects in their bills. They must have had a second or possibly third clutch of eggs.
Our new enormous supermarket opened yesterday. I drove by this afternoon but was depressed by the huge numbers of cars in the enormous parking lot and the thought of even more choices of washing machine detergents. So I went home, groceryless.
I went to Denver PrideFest and to the Greek Festival with my 14yo daughter.
I took a nap in the emergency ward for 3 hours.
Ran the AC longer today than yesterday.
9:15 p.m. on the west coast and still twilight. I just came in from sitting out on the deck for awhile, nice dusk descending now.
Otherwise, I worked my behind off an researching a possible move to a new community about 2–3 hours away from me. Still in the hills, just different hills. haha
IF I make this move I will be living on Coffey Lane in Berry Creek. lol
I love coffee and I love berries, maybe it’s a good Omen.
Took my kiddo into town to see his dad and was planning on going to the outdoor Viking market, but there was a storm, with heavy rain and the wind was bringing in below 0C temperature. Oh, fun, life living above 60 degrees North. Today, people will celebrate St. Hans day and have bonfires and enjoy the 24 hour light. The weather has let up a bit. Less wind, less rain and, if we are very lucky, we may see 10C on the thermometer.
I have thrown my arms to the sky, closed my eyes and sang, sang of joy and pride, for though it is yet far, that the day now succumbs to the night only means the inevitable return of My Queen Winter.
I shall wait at the ready as I always do, for the fires of Autumn to greet back the dead, and then for them to die in turn, and welcome the black skies to cover the land in ice and snow, as I have always done, and always shall, until the day I expire in the arms of My Queen Winter. To Earth from whence I came, then too, shall I return.
It was the shortest day for me. I went to an exhibition I’d wanted to see for a long time.
I stared at the clock until my eyes bled & found there to be still 24hrs in that fucking day, what a bloody waste of time that was.
We just arrived home from holiday the day before so the day was spent unpacking, doing laundry, a visit to the supermarket to re-stock the fridge, and getting a much-needed haircut.
I did a little shopping, stopped for coffee and a bagel, returned home to clean out my car. Then I took my daughter to a birthday party at a mini golf place. After that was over, around 7, I asked her if she wanted to go to the mall or someplace for dinner, but she wanted to go home. We returned home and I did stuff around the house, and we relaxed.
Good answers will be awarded to all.
I made food. First, I made some mint cilantro pesto, because when I came downstairs I noticed that my Mom had a whole handful of mint as she was liberating it from our garden. I managed to grab it before it went into the yard waste recycling bin. So there I was with a lot of mint, so I grabbed my faithful laptop and looked up a recipe for the pesto. I used my nifty stick blender to make it. The recipe called for pine nuts, which I didn’t have, so I subbed sunflower seeds and pecans. It turned out really tasty.
Next, because it was officially summer, I decided to make deviled eggs. I finished them off with a sprinkling of smoked paprika, which has a rich, deep, smoky tangy flavor, unlike regular paprika which is used mostly just for coloring.
Then, I decided we needed another salad, since we’d just finished consuming the shaved Brussels sprouts salad and Waldorf salad that I’d made 3 days earlier. I decided to invent something with ingredients I had on hand. So I ended up creating a dish that I’m calling Kardamom’s Raw Sweet Potato Salad with Nectarine, Apple and Coconut. I was extremely pleased with how it turned out.
I threw a big beach party. I offered kayaks, inflatable rafts, and beach games.
The theme was 100 miles to Tahoe and each guest was asked to bring something from within 100 miles of Tahoe. One friend brought honey (from Coloma, @Coloma), one brought home brewed beer. Lots of farmers market dishes to be had. One lady brought local sunflowers. I offered up some outstanding local beef. It was great!
@GloPro Well.. humph…I would have come but I wasn’t invited. haha ;-)
Some good local honey and wines down this way.
@Coloma D’oh! I’ll totally invite you to the next one.
@Coloma @GloPro Knowing you two, sounds like there are good local hunnies in both your locations!
I hang around places that are air conditioned or I stay at home and taking a cold shower every 2 hours. while drinking cola.
I slept in. Watched a thunderstorm develop. Spent time on the computer while I waited for the thunderstorm to end, then went outside to clean the pool. Went grocery shopping. Watched the Cubs/Pirates play while I made dinner. I ended the night by watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire with my husband and daughter.
I spent a good chunk of the day dressed in a billowy black gown, velvet hood, and a funny hat. That’s right, it was graduation day at the college I work at and I shook many hands and was hugged far too much. I even had to get up and speak three times. Hopefully, I didn’t sound like a goober.
To complete the theme of the day, I then went to my wife’s cousin’s graduation party — which was very nice.
Went hiking and enjoyed the outdoors and photographed Nature in ist bounty.
Did not go in the 30 degees heat wave, but sensibly waited until 7pm to go out hiking and met hoards of hikers whom thought the same way.
Eventually the clouds formed in such a way as to produce interesting background for the pictures that I took on the longest day of the year.
If your going to go out….take a camera with you, to remind you of your awsome day over and over.
Got wasted. I mean, celebrated my birthday
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