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ZEPHYRA's avatar

Are you and your spouse a match made in heaven or do you simply get on well despite not being so well suited?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) July 28th, 2014

You may not be so perfectly suited/matched yet able to make it against the odds thanks to a magic formula. Or, you may be a match made in heaven. Where do you fall? Are you perhaps a case of opposites attract?

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13 Answers

hominid's avatar

We have our challenges – especially in the past year and a half with my health issues. But I think we seem to be doing pretty well together. We’ve both grown and changed in many ways, but we really love each other and give each other room to grow and change. We’re two individuals who still continue to enjoy each other’s company.

We both share core ethical and political beliefs. We met on a bus trip in 1992 to the reproductive freedom rally in DC. She had organized the trip from our university. We share a common approach to parenting and children, and we both have our issues. I’d like for the relationship to continue as we get older.

hominid's avatar

Just stumbled across this relevant study.

From the abstract: “thinking that you and your partner were made in heaven for each other can hurt your relationship”

JLeslie's avatar

We are a really good match. I don’t know if I would say made in heaven, but I feel extremely united with him. I think if we both worked on some of the things in our personalities that need working on we would be even a better couple, but those things really have nothing to do with each other.

We are not a case of opposites attract, but we do have some differences of course. If you look at our upbringings it is almost surprising we are so alike, but we are. I think for the most important things we are similar.

cookieman's avatar

On paper, we have little in common, but in the 20+ years together, we’ve developed a lot of common interests and viewpoints.

Cruiser's avatar

2 weeks ago we just celebrated our 20th anniversary and you don’t get that far by just being a match made in heaven…plus raising 2 kids takes lots of heavy lifting while doing the things you love to do together and taking some time to be alone and do the things you enjoy they may not.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve been divorced for 11 years now after a 21 yr. marriage, mostly made in hell. haha
Bright, carefree bohemian with ethics and altruism yoked with control freak, OCD, deceptive sociopathic type. I will never forget the moment when I said to my ex, ” I have over estimated you but you have grossly underestimated me.” haha
I remain true to myself and he, all these years later, is a corporate slave all about his self image, sad because you had someone who was always their own person, very genuine and the other that makes themselves up depending on who they need to schmooze or bullshit in the moment to attain their goals.

snowberry's avatar

We are definitely not a “match made in heaven”. We’ve remained together for 36 years because from the beginning love was a commitment, which is much deeper than mere emotional love. Yes, the emotions started it, but sometimes we definitely don’t feel “in love”. Still, we know we love each other, and neither of us wants to call it quits.

kritiper's avatar

It must be a match made in heaven because I have never been married!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

We’re as much a match made in heaven as I can imagine finding. We aren’t clones. We’re quite different, but we just click and it works.

marinelife's avatar

I think that we are extremely well-suited.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s kind of a struggle right now and has been pretty much from the start. It’s getting better now but we are not where we need to be yet.

ucme's avatar

22yrs together, 2 kids, a few burnt kitchens, naked sock/pillow fights, lots of happy times.
A match made in heaven? Nah, we’re no angels, or maybe we are, only with slightly dirty faces.

Smitha's avatar

We are a match made on Earth by our parents and relatives based on our personal liking. I’ve been married for 13 years. We aren’t perfect for each other, but the good far outweighs the bad Accept each other differences! This is not only good advice, but is the secret to a lifelong successful marriage! Truly maintaining a relationship is hard work. You always have to work at it and be willing to do work at it. Nothing comes easy.

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