Social Question

Introverted_Leo's avatar

How do you think my date felt after our first meeting?

Asked by Introverted_Leo (1957points) September 9th, 2014

I haven’t done tons of dating, despite being in my mid-20s, so I’m just looking to get an opinion on my date’s actions and what they mean—especially from a male’s perspective.

So I went on a first date with this guy. He’s a contractor who does some custom design work and I’m an interior designer, so we got that going for us, haha. Anyway, in my opinion, the date went really well. We rode a trolley, walked through the city, stopped and listened to some live jazz improv, went to a restaurant (he paid; I almost didn’t notice because we were so into conversation!), explored some more of the city…and ended the night in a park just talking for a bit—about our hobbies and interests, goals, careers, philosophies on life, even religion (neither of us are religious).

He asked a lot of questions the whole night, though it never felt like an interrogation, just that he was really interested in me. He did a lot of listening; seemed to prefer that, actually. Though, of course, he was equally open to questions and answering mine. At one point he admitted, “I feel like I need to study you.” When I asked why, he said it was because he didn’t “spend time with just anyone.”

Another thing: during dinner in the middle of the date, he asked how I felt about two people living together before marriage—which I thought was a little forward for a first date, tbh! But I didn’t really mind. Just wasn’t expecting that question, I guess. Didn’t want to come across as “too serious.”

Anyway, back to the park… In the middle of me explaining something to him, he just scooted closer all of the sudden then leaned in and kissed me. At first it just involved lips then turned into French kissing, very lightly, but this lasted a looooong time, it seemed. Like at least 20 minutes. He also kissed my neck and earlobe a few times and was rubbing his nose against mine. It didn’t feel like desperate or “horny” kissing, just really soft, slow and sweet. Then he just kinda sat there holding me in his arms with a hug.

I wanted to die inside, haha.

One thing that really grabbed my attention during all of this was when he just said, “I was beginning to lose hope that there were any girls out there who weren’t superficial and just into partying and pop culture or whatever.” Or something to that effect.


So I guess I’m just not used to a guy being anything like this with me on a first meeting, despite feeling a really strong connection and chemistry with him, so I’m interested to see how others might be interpreting his actions. Also, I should mention there was no, what I’d consider, “inappropriate” touching like groping or grabbing for my inner thighs or a boob or anything like that. He just held my face and hand, really, then walked me back to my car, offered to open the door for me and kissed me for a couple of minutes again, lol.

We’re set up to go on a second date this weekend and he texts and calls me pretty much every day, when he gets a moment. Not every 10 minutes or anything, just a little throughout the day. Though, we did have a 4½ hour long conversation the other night…

Sorry for the length! Thanks ahead of time. :)

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15 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m guessing he probably was thinking wow, this is an amazing woman. If he was a horndog he would have been after the breasts or other parts. That he took it slow says a lot. I’d give him a shot. he might be a jerk, he might be special, time will have to tell.

CWOTUS's avatar

I would date that guy.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Not a guy but it sounds like a perfect date and like he respects you and is interested in seeing things progress. Good luck with it.

zenvelo's avatar

Sounds promising. If you feel the same way about him, be receptive.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What I think is irrelevant, you need to ask yopurself was how you felt about it and this situation. At the end of the day, it will be a voyage you are on and taking. I may not feel it is going nowhere, and if you listen to me, a nobody, you can miss a connection heavenly made or the best relationship of your life.

janbb's avatar

Sounds terrific! Sign me up.

snowberry's avatar

He’s a fast mover. Going from “I’ve got to study you,” to loooong smooching and “What do you think about two people moving in together?” is a big switch in one evening, and a potential red flag to me. I’ve learned caution in my old age. I’d be very careful.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@snowberry I’m just the opposite now. If I get a chance, I’m going for all the marbles. Life could end tomorrow. I say go for it.

rojo's avatar

I’d go with @snowberry on this one.

If she would have me

janbb's avatar

I would guess the moving in question was a survey of attitudes, not a request.

stanleybmanly's avatar

According to the women I know, guys like this have been hunted to extinction.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Sounds like a great connection and first date. Forget your fears and enjoy. Let go

Introverted_Leo's avatar

Thanks, all, for your answers! They’ve all been very helpful.

@stanleybmanly: Your answer literally made me lol, so thanks for that. XD

@snowberry: I guess that was one of my concerns, so I will heed a reasonable amount of caution, in any event.

I just feel like this guy is amaaaaaazing and I cannot wait to see him again tomorrow. It’s been torture waiting, lol. Neither of us are usually phone-talkers but he and I are regularly striking up conversations, if not on the phone then via text message.

I hate this part because suddenly it’s hard to focus on stuff and you’re so distracted and miserable and it’s horrible and wonderful all at once. X_X

I’m pretty sure we’re both gonna do our best to take things easy for a good while and just enjoy each other’s company, but I have to say I’ve never been this impressed all-around by a guy before and I have a really good feeling about him. :D There are already sooooo many things we’d like to do and see together… (We both share an interest in architecture, art and mid-century modern design). Needless to say, I’m excited to see how things will unfold. :)

Thanks again, everyone!

Introverted_Leo's avatar

@janbb: That’s how I took it. :)

Brian1946's avatar

Wow, this question is almost 4 years old, and we don’t even know if you went on a second date with him.

Did you?

Bri, the update guy.

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