Sarah Palin reports that she's ‘hopefully running for office’ soon. What office do you think she stands a chance of winning? [Possibly NSFW]?
Asked by
ibstubro (
October 30th, 2014
Bless her heart, we want Sarah to be successful! Lets throw out some offices she might want to pursue. Keep in mind that “just 36% of Alaska voters have a favorable opinion of the tea party firebrand, while 55% view her negatively”.
It’s just such a gosh darned shame she couldn’t run for mayor of Toronto. Heck, I bet she can see it from Alaska!
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41 Answers
Something with a one year term of office.
Um. Secretary? At a fertilizer plant?
Why would people want to elect someone who couldn’t make it through her first term without quitting?
Dog catcher comes to mind.
Any chance we can get her to keep an eye on Russia from Alaska? Surely there has to be a post available, say in Sitka?
It’s just entirely too easy to ridicule the woman. It really irritates me that the mere mention of her starts me foaming at the mouth. It upsets me that she has that kind of power. How is it that I end up devoting so many hours to thinking about an idiot? A couple of months back, my daughter interrupted one of my tirades with the question “Do you think she chose to be an idiot? Isn’t she obviously cognitively challenged, and if so aren’t you despicable for poking at her?” I’ve been bouncing that question around in my head ever since, and have concluded that the kid has a point. My frustration isn’t really that Sarah is an idiot. It’s the fact that a woman who cannot open her mouth without uttering some euphemism for “I am an idiot” was nominated for the second highest office in the land.
US Secretary of Latrines.
Missishitty Secretary of Steak.
@Darth_Algar Growing up I watched Mayor Marion Barry get re-elected. All sorts of things happen in politics.
She must be in the running for Office MILF 2014
President of the United States of America.
Yeah, and let me carry this snowball through hell. If they are that stupid they deserve her.
Primary school Student Council speech writer?
Whatever position has the highest mortality rate.
a leading question to get the desired answers. why so scared of this woman?
I see no evidence of anyone, anywhere, ever being scared of Sarah Palin, @BeenThereSaidThat. John McCain aside.
The question was posted under humor. Why so protective of this idiot woman?
I hope she does. I want to see more Tina Fey!
@ibstubro I was plenty scared. The thought of a certifiable idiot whistling “If I only had a brain” while traipsing through the White House with the nuclear codes is unnerving.
Only John McCain between her and total power, @stanleybmanly. Chills the blood.
The campaign of 2008 has made any reasonable evaluation of Palin impossible. Democrats go ballistic with irrational hate whenever her name comes up. We’ve had some pretty bad VPs in our time (crazy uncle Joe comes to mind) but none invoke the kind of venom we see with Palin. Depending on the office, I would vote for her just to see the democrats self destruct trying to beat her. Honestly election to the House or Senate is quite possible and would certainly be entertaining.
@Jaxk Your country has survived, in a manner of speaking, despite some pretty awful presidents too. If Palin were to be elected, I’m quite confident the back stage puppet masters would make sure she behaved for the most part.
@Jaxk I think you are correct in your assessment of our ability to survive if she is elected to either one. We have survived Barbara Bachman and Ted Cruz, neither of whom have managed to destroy our way of life (Not that Ol’ Teddy didn’t try) but I think you have run upon one of the hurdles we need to overcome as a nation; we cannot even agree on basic definitions of something.
Where you see venom, a more progressive mind see sarcastic derision derived from mild disdain.
Clinton was right in saying, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. We cannot even agree on something as simple as that.
@rojo – There may be some disagreement in the definition. I see nothing mild in the responses to Sarah Palin. I can not read what is in the hearts of liberals, only what they say or put in writing. Mild disdain may be in their heart but venom is spewing from their lips.
@rojo – Just thought I would add this thought. If you think there may be a misunderstanding of how Liberals feel about Palin, there may also be a misunderstanding of what Palin says generally. Misunderstanding abound and once they caught on can be hard to dispel.
I was at my bank today; there was a short line.
There was just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars.
It was obvious she was very irritated…
She asked the teller, “Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen.
Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?”
The teller shrugged his shoulders and said,
The Asian lady says, “Fluc you white people too”
If she was elected, she could have keg parties and fight in the White House!
Took me a sec @Jaxk, but HA HA HA HA! Stealing!
How about official Alaska Tour Guide of places to view Russia?
Funny, I basically align my self as a conservative, and I asked this question. I think Sarah Palin has been an embarrassment since the week she broke onto the national stage. At the time I thought her nomination brilliant on McCain’s part because she was everything he wasn’t. Of course, at that time I thought she had surely been properly vetted.
I would never vote for the woman, and I have no respect for her as a political figure.
@ibstubro Everything McCain wasn’t in what way? That he wasn’t conservative enough?
Young, pretty, unknown, female, great physical condition, very conservative. When he announced her, I she had been properly vetting and I thought it brilliant. If she’d been eloquent and bright, she would have allayed all the fears about McCain’s age and health. Alas, McCain also had the eloquence and surefootedness of the pair.
I was in Alaska recently, and they love her up there.
I can’t see her running for Congress. She will want an executive position.
@ibstubro I never worried about McCain’s age or physical condition, so I hadn’t even thought of those.
I actually like Palin when she is not being political. My impression of her was she hadn’t cared about international affaris ever and was woefully under-informed on that topic. Just gettingnup to speed in a few months would never have been enough for me on that topic, a presidential polititian has to show me interest in international affairs. With her I saw no genuine interest in it. Domestically I disagreed with her so much that was a lost cause. Although, before she ran for VP she was concerned Washington was not paying attention to global warming enough, that would have been interesting if she had kept up that talk while running.
Since I am a democrat I liked that McCain went up against the Republicans sometimes, and if he had stayed with his theme from years past and picked a moderate running mate I think he would have done better. He did at least stand up against people calling Obama a Muslim and not American, but on many things he had moved more right than previously. Mitt Romney too; he moved too far to the right for the party when he was running on the national level. He wasn’t like that before. Both Romney and McCain I was seriously willing to listen to as a possibility, and then it became impossible to vote for either one. The whole time the second Bush was President I felt it should have been McCain. The whole time Obama has been President I feel it should have been Hillary.
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National idiot. @Jaxk is wrong about irrational hatred from the left regarding Palin. There is NO hatred, and the comments regarding her rather prominent faults are as rational as geometry.
It is a mistake to confuse ridicule for hatred. All of the criticisms against the woman boil down to the concise statement of @Ron C above. It is perhaps mean to label the woman an idiot merely because her public persona is built SOLELY on an uninterrupted and limitless string of idiotic remarks, but the assessment is both fair and reasonable And I’d like to point out there is a great deal less effort involved with defending the statement “Palin is an idiot” than you will ever muster for “Obama is a weak President”.
She would make an excellent Tina Fey impersonator. Might as well use your natural talents :)
Vice President in charge of Paperclips.
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