General Question

dopeguru's avatar

Is there an objective truth of looking at life/things and if so, what is it?

Asked by dopeguru (1928points) December 22nd, 2014

I’m having a crisis. I was left by someone who said I was too young, too boring and unintellectual (because I wouldn’t be concerned about explaining in a scientific and throughout way what things meant in my opinion). He said I was a disappointment. He wasn’t this scientist, rational curious talkative being when he was with me(he wouldn’t ever comment on anything or elaborate on things, he was way more guilty of things he judged me for) so it seems like he just observed and judged me then mislead and left me. I don’t know what this man expected but I am an atheist who is very passionate. I care about moments. I am curious about life and humans. I make art, etc. I don’t know how to get rid of this haunting thought of not living “truth”, which right now seems like he has a great understanding of. He isn’t a good man, he runs away easily and he judges harshly. But somehow I feel less of a person than he is because he understands “truth” of living. He claims to be rational, fascinated by the natural contents of the universe and wanting to study it closer.

I want to know Truth. I don’t want to be the religious of the atheists, if that makes any sense. The feeling of being stupid, not understanding life and being rational gives me discomfort at all times. I feel like I am not fitting in the Truth spectrum.

Please help?

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9 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

There is no such thing as objective truth. Never has been, never will be.

Everyone’s life experience is molded by their experiences and their past and their friends – and therefore anything that occurs – even the color of the sky and the wetness of water – is based on one’s own experience and molded by those perspectives.

So on the one hand, there is not a rock in the middle of the room that says “I am truth” – because truth is different for all of us.

But that is not a bad thing – not a disadvantage. You know yourself and your history. You are the custodian of our own values, and history, and needs, and desires. And this doesn’t necessarily have anything at all to do with god or religion or theism or anything like that. It has to do with your thought, your values, and your truth.

THis is not to say that you should stop seeking – not at all. I am saying that Truth is internal not external, it is accepted and learned, not handed to you. You need to seek it for yourself, but you need to process it and internalize it, not just accept what someone else says.

Even me.

dopeguru's avatar

@elbanditoroso But doesn’t science unravel truth?

canidmajor's avatar

Science unravels facts. Truth is a mutable concept. The “Truth” that you know in your twenties may vary dramatically from the “Truth” you discover in your thirties.
The person you refer to sounds pompous and ignorant if he does not understand the difference between the development of one’s personal truth and awareness of facts.

Coloma's avatar

An ultimate “truth” is that everything is transient, of a temporary nature, even if we live to be 100 it is still a very temporary condition in the grand scheme of the universe which is billions of years old. “Living” in truth simply means being true to yourself, your own idea of truth. If your dream is to be an artist forcing yourself to be an accountant would be not living your truth. Everyones truth is subjective and changeable as well but ultimate truth simply means that when we live in congruence with our true self we suffer much less.

Do not let this guy cause you to devalue yourself. If you renounce who you really are for him or any relationship you give away your power and truth.
He sounds like a fraud that fancies himself some sort of self appointed guru. Gag!

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m sure that there is “objective truth” around us. I’m absolutely convinced of that. Yet I am hard pressed to be able to observe it, in the first place, because as humans our ability to observe is limited to a small section of the electromagnetic spectrum (visible light), whatever we can hear through the various media we occupy (air, usually, but also water) and whatever we can feel directly, plus whatever we can build instruments to detect (such as radio and X-ray receivers, etc.) and then observe at second-hand. (And there’s error inherent in our instruments and in our eyes and ears, as well as in our minds, too.) Even if I were in some way capable of making a perfect observation, how can I then make a perfect communication of the fact?

After the problem of observing is the second problem of “describing”. Language is a poor substitute for thought, and thought is flawed from the start. Our minds are imperfect from the start because of cultural, linguistic and behavioral biases, as well as faulty memory.

So aside from the epistemological problem of “does truth exist?” lie the problems that we have as humans: Could we observe it if it did exist, and then could we comprehend it, record it and describe it in a way that others can have the same experience? Probably not.

It’s like the old puzzle of “how can I describe the color blue to a profoundly blind person?” We know that “the truth of blue” exists – or maybe for the sake of argument we could just agree on that as a truth – but how can that truth be conveyed to someone who doesn’t share the same senses that we do. For that matter, how can we even share the same “truth of blue” even to someone who can see as well as we can (let’s imagine that both of us have perfect vision); how can we know the effect of “blue” on another person?

So even if objective truth is an objectively real thing, the problems remain: to be able to sense it in some way that can be objectively communicated to another. The best we can do in all cases is make closer and closer approximations. That’s what science is, by the way, just a series of better and better observations and records, followed by predictions based on our (flawed, but improving) understanding of the observations and records.

ragingloli's avatar

Science. The most objective way of looking at things ever devised by humans.

zenvelo's avatar

The objective truth is that man who left you is a dick. He treated you poorly, made shit up, and held you to a standard he didn’t meet. He has no special insight into “truth”; he used that to put you down.

Your feelings are real. Don’t let anyone bullshit you into thinking otherwise or try to invalidate you.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@dopeguru This guy doesn’t understand shit. In your first few sentences I see five personal attacks he sent your way. A person that understands truth doesn’t resort to personal attacks. He’s fucking with your head because he can’t handle the truth.

LostInParadise's avatar

In Plato’s essay The Apology, Socrates answers your question so well. He asks why people consider him so wise and concludes that it is because he is willing to admit that there are things that he does not know. That puts you far ahead of this jerk who you are hung up on. Stay passionate and curious and be open to change. That is the truth.

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