Social Question

th3dream3r's avatar

Have you ever thought you were not good enough for someone?

Asked by th3dream3r (88points) March 17th, 2016

I often come across females that are so beautiful. Sometimes I wonder what type of lucky guy is dating her. I want to approach them but I am often intimidated. People say someone that good wants something just as good. Which is a bad way to think. After all not all females are like that. I know many that come of as superficial but they are really not. They are cool and down to earth. These ones I went to school with or are close friends with. I often feel this way due to my financial status. I have a decent job that pays $400 a week. Still living with my parents at the moment and have no car.
I am not saying this is what all females look for in a guy. However at age 26 having my own place to bring a girl to would be nice. Don’t want to take her to my parents house, it feels wrong. Having a car would be great to go out with. These are things I am working on acquiring soon. I know a lot of females who say confidence goes a long. I guess that is something I am lacking. I often come off as shy & quiet. I am just a really chill and laid back guy. Also I guess I should not look at just the outside. I know many females who are beautiful, but that is all they have to offer. Which is their looks. I guess I should not look at just looks. But get to know females a bit better. At the end of the day, I am saying we all may have someone who we felt was too good for us or out of our league.

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12 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar


Thinking so little of yourself is a recipe for disaster. You never know if a woman is going to react negatively until you ask the question. By being afraid to ask, you take yourself out of the competition from the beginning.

Are you familiar with the baseball metaphor: you’ll never get a hit if you don’t go up to the plate and take a swing.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Well, I never imagined my wife would have anything to do with me after our first date but she did.
My first serious girlfriend was like that too but more on an intellectual level. No harm in just asking.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m sorry, but really it sounds so clinical and impersonal that you keep saying “females” instead of “women”. Are we sheep or aardvarks? We are, believe it or not, people and like being treated as such.

And yes, of course I have felt that way from time to time, I imagine most people do.

Jak's avatar

Not for years now.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@canidmajor From a guy’s perspective the two words are interchangeable and neither imply any derogatory meaning but some people want to find fault where there is none.

canidmajor's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me: Actually from some guys’ perspectives that may be so, and you may not intend any offense, but frankly, this is a question from a guy who wants to know about connecting with women. Some women are annoyed by that.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@canidmajor…..and they frankly are ones that all guys should stay away from. #enjoyyourcats

johnpowell's avatar

I have dated a few levels above myself a many times. I’m not a pretty man. Legitimate comparisons to E-T have been made. But I am hilarious and a vigorous advocate of oral sex.

I’m not even sure what I am typing now. Now I am just horny. BRB…

ZEPHYRA's avatar

All too often.

disquisitive's avatar

No. Not ever.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, dear, @ARE_you_kidding_me, my first post was meant as a gently rendered bit of advice to a young man whose history here seems to indicate that really would like to establish a quality relationship. I’m not sure why you respond in such a hostile manner. Why should he avoid women that like to be treated with a certain amount of respect, simply because they’re not to your taste?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@canidmajor if a woman is annoyed by that then she is too uptight and not generally laid back enough to be dating material. It’s a que that is repulsive to males when we hear women get “offended” over almost nothing. It says “I’ll nag you to death and try to make you feel guilty for being male.” It tells us we are dealing with an emotionally damaged, high maintenance person with a senseof entitlement. This kind of woman will wreck the self esteem of a vulnerable and impressionable young man. Much, much better for them to find a female with confidence, insight and respect. That’s not someone who will get confrontational by being called a female. If someone is being demeaning to women then sure, it’s warranted. Simply calling women female is not. I don’t think being called male is demeaning in any way.

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