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imrainmaker's avatar

What are the things you have picked up from your parents?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) May 7th, 2016

Other than looks and genetics there are some peculiar things we pick up from our parents. Which is that thing / habit of yours like your father / mother that people around you easily associate with?

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I grew up with my mom, I learned not to wake up till 10am. Even on school days. My grandpa taught me to stay awake till after the weather news at 10pm. With my mom I learned to watch educational tv programs, and to read text books for fun. My dad taught me to love Star Trek and Star Wars, and TV in general.

Pachy's avatar

Far too many things to list, but these come instantly to mind:

From my mother, a passion for old movies and Frank Sinatra, and numerous first aid home remedies like antibiotic ointment and a band-aid for overnight healing of paper cuts,

From my dad, a weakness for impulse buying and a love of gadgets—a fun but expensive combination.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I hate the fact that I picked up the habit of interrupting people from my dad. When someone tells dad a story, he will interupt them with a prediction of what happens next. It also happens to me. I don’t mind that but I think there are people who don’t like being interrupted. Still, I live with him for so long and somehow it became my habit too. Luckily I don’t do that as frequently as dad though.

Seek's avatar

Persistent melancholy and a short temper.

dxs's avatar

Probably more than I realize. I’m just as stingy thrify/frugal as my mom, and her whole line of ancestors.

Cruiser's avatar

Common sense and very acute BS radar.

JLeslie's avatar

My mom’s knowledge and vigilance about things that can hurt you. Lightening, unlocked doors, grapefruit juice with some meds, walking barefoot, a baby crib near Venetian blinds, gossip…I could write a book.

My dad’s worry about making a bad decision. Which totally sucks for me.

My parent’s sense of humor. Which is really great.

More or less how I handle money.

My mom’s love of swimming.

My mom’s love of relaxing in front of the TV.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Love to COOK from my mother.

Mariah's avatar

Nitpickiness from my dad.

imrainmaker's avatar

Wish You All Happy Mother’s day!!

ucme's avatar

Daddy bequeathed me the estate & the ability to fish using my bare hands & a hammer
Mummy taught me the value of a well timed upper cut to the jaw & the knowledge to use it wisely

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Accent, knowing how to handle money and people. Appreciation for different cultures and people from different walks of life. A strong respect and connection with nature. The ability to be self sufficient and independent. Both a conservative and liberal perspective on things. Mom was a raging liberal and Dad was a conservative republican. They were very good parents.

Soubresaut's avatar

Among other things, my mom’s particular optimism, my dad’s particular cynicism, and each trait’s particular tendency to battle the other.

Strauss's avatar

I owe my love for music to both parents. My dad would have loved to have been in Vaudeville, and could harmonize the loveliest tenor to any song my mom could sing. There was always music, and friends and relatives would literally come from miles around on a Saturday night, or for a birthday or anniversary. Beer flowed like water! Great times!

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