General Question

flo's avatar

What is the definition of open mindedness?

Asked by flo (13313points) June 8th, 2016

I don’t mean the definition from the dictionary though.

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18 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Being open to the possibility of a new or different idea or solution or method.

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”

flo's avatar

@Jak I suggest you post the quotation and/or the url. I’m not clicking on it.

flo's avatar

@zenvelo That’s almost the definition on paper, in theory.
For example, Abortion never or Abortion only till the 1st trimester or Abortion till 2nd trimester? Where does open mindedness or or close mindedness come into this?

Coloma's avatar

It means there are many diifferent ways to think, live, be and many different points of view as well as many truths. No one size fits all, right/wrong dichotomies.

flo's avatar

@Coloma If you would answer my question to @zenvelo please?

zenvelo's avatar

@flo Being open minded is involved in the process of evaluating a situation without a predetermined conclusion. It is also a willingness to evaluate new evidence and change one’s mind if the new evidence shows the previous determination was in error.

So, if I said “any abortion any time” but was unwilling to listen to any evidence on viability beyond six months gestation, that would be close minded.

If I said ” no abortion after six weeks because a seven week fetus is viable” that would be close minded despite evidence that a fetus at seven weeks gestation is not viable.

If you present me with evidence tha a 25 week fetus is truly viable, then being open minded is being open to that being the limit.

Being open minded does not mean a constant discussion or decision on an issue. It is willingness to re-evaluate when evidence is presented that the prior decision was not complete nor was in error.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Open mindedness may describe the ability to define those words any way we desire beyond what close minded people insist they mean. And maybe not.

YARNLADY's avatar

To me, being openminded is being able to see many different points of view on a subject, and choosing the one the best fits.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

If you won’t accept the dictionary’s definition, what do you want? That is the correct definition, elaborated upon rather well by @zenvelo.

OK. How about this: Green. No, Blue. Light blue. Sky Blue is open mindedness.

Jak's avatar

So your unwillingness to look at the answer I provided you before you edited your question shows a lack of openmindedness. But since it is nothing more than a dictionary definition I would surmise that you had already clicked on the link.

flo's avatar

@zenvelo and whoever else agrees with @zenvelo
“capable of living or of developing into a living thing.”
—”capable of working successfully; feasible.”

”(of a plant, animal, or cell) capable of surviving or living successfully, especially under particular environmental conditions.”
So, if it’s not interferred with, it will survive and develop. No need to bring up the word viable into it.
I will respond to the rest

flo's avatar

So, if someone rapes your child, the rapist wants the judge or the jury to be open minded enough to give him/her the minimum of penalty? And you want the judge or the jury to be open minded enough to see the gravity of the crime, and give the rapist the maximum?

zenvelo's avatar

@flo Well, to be blunt, yes.

To be a bit more expressive of what “open minded” means in terms of a criminal trial, it is to not be pre-determined as to guilt or innocence, but to listen to the testimony and check the evidence and see if the prosecution has proven its case. And judges are generally expected to be open minded enough to mete punishment commensurate with the crime.

As to your criticizing me more for use of the word viable, when speaking of abortion, viability is a commonly used expression to discuss whether a fetus can grow into a child outside of the womb.

flo's avatar

@zenvelo I don’t know if that’s saying anything. Again you’re just going by the dictionary definition. “And judges are generally expected to be open minded enough to mete punishment commensurate with the crime.”
If the judge gives too little time, according to the rapist he is open minded? or closed minded? enough an excellent judge. According to the victim, family and friends “Potential jurors in California are refusing to serve for Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky due to the six-month sentence he handed down to a convicted rapist” he’s too….what?
I stand corrected re. the word Viable in that it’s about outside the womb But I’ll deal with that later.
Is a person more open minded if they’re closer to never abortion, or to anytime abortion?

zenvelo's avatar

@flo Quit saying I am going by the dictionary definition. I wrote all that on my own. You asked for how it is defined, and I answered your question. How do YOU define it?

And why are you bringing up other subject to debate that have nothing to do with being open minded? Being open minded has to do with being open to facts as presented before making a decision. You are close minded because you have already decided what you want to hear.

flo's avatar

@zenvelo I understand. And I don’t mean that I’ve changed my mind, that you’re correct.

flo's avatar

@zenvelo Ignore my last post it wasn’t necessary.

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