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10 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

It depends on the commercial I’d imagine but there’s definitely the potential for them to be NSFW.

Jak's avatar

What? Why was this one modded? I don’t know much about condom commercials, or any other, really. I don’t watch tv anymore. But I know of a gross commercial about a vibrator for women that freaks me out to this day even in rememberance; Two twenty somethings (female) are talking in a public place about a small vibrator, one telling the other how great and small it is. I believe the word “discrete” is mentioned. The other seems sold. An older lady in the next booth turns around, butts in and says the she has one. Eeeeeewwww.
Why do we need a “discrete” vibrator? Are we bringing ourselves to orgasm in public? And how discrete can we be at the moment of climax? Can we not wait ‘til ewe get home? Do we need to know that this lady has one? Just Eww.
If I remember correctly, it was made by a condom company. Prolly could be considered NSFW.

ragingloli's avatar

Do you think this is NSFW?

Mariah's avatar

It could be. I’m not aware of the question we’re talking about here. For me it would depend on the contents of the commercial.

Oh, just as a disclaimer to this post, don’t take this as a “mod says” post as I don’t do any “subjective” moderation, I only ever remove obvious spam (I’m not a “real” mod which I can explain further if there’s any confusion).

chyna's avatar

^Fake mod.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

To me they shouldn’t be on TV and radio.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Why is this in Meta? Are we supposed to use condoms when we Fluther?

Mariah's avatar

He’s asking why some question got modded.

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