General Question

xichyu's avatar

Is the speed of the ship related to the number of terms in the Taylor series expansion of a function?

Asked by xichyu (222points) August 17th, 2016

When we calculate the viscous hydrodynamics of a ship. A
Taylor series expansion of a function of several variables
about a chosen initial equilibrium condition is used to
express the forces and moments.

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1 Answer

cazzie's avatar

I sat here with an answer and realised I totally misread your question! The direct answer to your question is Yes, but the conditions in which a ship sails is so varied that to try to give a ship a specific Taylor would be somewhat pointless. Load and buoyancy and sea conditions have too much an effect for this to have any point. Nice idea though. I can see you were trying to give a certain ‘mpg’ rating but it isn’t relevant enough.

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