Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Do you love the color of your car? Do you hate it?

Asked by Jeruba (56172points) October 7th, 2016

Did you consider color when you purchased your car?

Do you like it? Does it bug you?

Do you wish it were a different color? Have you ever suffered paint envy?

Do you care one way or the other?

If you don’t have a car, or if your car doesn’t have a color, and you just have to tell us about that, it’s ok. This is in Social.

Tags as I wrote them: cars, automobiles, colors, paint, motor vehicles.

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28 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It’s black. It looks good even though it’s getting older. I don’t have colour envy or regret choosing black for this car. It suits the style of the vehicle.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s a jeep. An early wrangler. It’s a work vehicle. It’s so beat up I’m not sure what color it is and could care less.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I did not think twice about what color my car was when I bought it last year. I bought it used, and I knew only that I wanted either a Toyota or a Honda. I found one of each on a lot, and the Honda seemed like the better car. I was right. I have spent no money on repairs and only a little on maintenance. It is an excellent car, and I’m very pleased.

It’s a medium gray.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I ordered my truck so I got to choose the color and I picked grey, I love grey because it just doesn’t stand out.

JLeslie's avatar

The car I drive the most is a dark grey car. Not very dark, but the dark side of medium. I like how it looks, but it’s probably less safe on the road than some other colors. Harder to see in rain and fog. I don’t know if there are statistics on car accidents and car colors. I like my car to be moderate and not call attention. We have other cars that are more sporty, and no matter what color, the car is noticed. The majority of the time I prefer not to be noticed.

I also sometimes drive my husband’s black truck. The black looks good. I like it. Harder to keep clean.

I actually am kind of picky about interior colors. I dislike a lot of the beiges. I often get grey interior, and I’ve had black, but black is hot for where I live now. I don’t like when the exterior and interior colors seem to make no sense together.

I care about being able to sell it when I want to, so that factors into color choice a little bit. I do care about the color when buying a new car. Not as much on a used car. Even less of a factor for a leased car.

I don’t want to hate the color either way. I’d say I’m more picky than not though.

canidmajor's avatar

I drive a very popular brand, so I was able to get my color of choice, so I like it. “Love” is such a strong word. I don’t love easily, but when I do, I love hard. Color is ephemeral and fickle, I hesitate to become too attached. I adapt, because I must, but I resist gazing into it’s cerulean depths for fear that my heart will be soon broken.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have always bought used so you don’t always get to pick the color. This time around I was able to wait until the exact make, model and color popped up for sale.

jca's avatar

I have a very light silver Honda CRV. What I don’t like about it is it’s a very popular color, so in the lot, when you’re looking for your car, it looks like many other SUV’s. I think it would be an easy color to match, though, if it ever needed body work.

The year I bought my car, last year, they had a teal color which I liked, too, but the salesman said he hated that color and so it influenced me in a way that I somewhat regretted but then I think about my car and the advantage I mentioned above. Also, with my color, I think the car is easy to spot on a dark day whereas the teal might blend in more with the road.

I used to have a medium blue color Civic. I liked that color a lot. If the CRV came in that shade, I would have been happy. CRV used to come in a really nice light blue, but they discontinued that color.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s a car. (truck, actually) and it gets me from place to place. When I needed a new truck, that’s the color they had in the model I wanted.

Color was about the last thing in the world on my list.

I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. It just sort of is.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

My car looks exactly like this:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/index_635_390/toyota-prius-390.jpg . I love that car; I want to move into and live in it! Cuteness on steroids!!!

Seek's avatar

Color is so far down my priority list when it comes to cars that it barely registers.

My station wagon is gold. It’s the second gold car I’ve owned. I bought it because it was in good shape and the price was right. I’d also looked at cars that were silver, white, red, and black.

If I were buying a car brand new and had my pick of colors, I’d probably choose some flavor of green, just because green is favorite color.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

The color of one of my cars is the subject of a curious love/hate relationship.

This rare to begin with, and now nearly impossible to find Integra was available in other colors, but Aztec Green Pearl (BG29P) was exclusive to the model.

Championship White would have been my first choice (Very Honda, much Japanese) but due to rarity and good condition I had to make color a secondary consideration.

Those in the know can Identify this unicorn from a distance. I’m plagued by buy offers. I’ve even been followed home.

My ex called it “Mimi”, after the eye shadow color of the Drew Carey Show character.

No, I’m not crazy about the color, but the performance and the fact that my car is increasing in value makes it worth it.

zenvelo's avatar

I love my red, really red, Honda CRV.

And, when it became the kids vehicle and I needed another car, I looked for a car that was blue, I really wanted no other color.

I am happy with both.

For a long time when the kids were little, my ex and I had a white Dodge minivan. I hated that car. It seemed like they were everywhere, at the elementary school it was hard to find the car because there would be a dozen in the parking lot.

And in the 90s, I had a white Acura we had bought from my father in law. The car was okay, but the color was boring.

As I get older, I want a car to have a real color, not white or black, and a primary color, not some silver gray metallic tint.

Coloma's avatar

My car is Silver, one of my favorite colors. Actually it is called “Champagne” a slightly rosey silver color.
It doesn’t show dirt and dust much and, did you know that Silver cars are the most visible and least likely to be involved in an accident, according to the infamous “they”, whoever “they” are.
My car even has a name ” Silver” ” Hi Ho Silver awaaay!” lol

Coloma's avatar

“Paint Envy.” haha Love it.
Here is a color I am most fond of, have seen a few vehicles with this color and it really appeals to me. I also like Black and metallic Gray/Pewter vehicles and White is my least favorite color of all. My classic dream car would be a little Nash Metropolitan painted two tone cream and Cantaloupe or two tone Turquoise and white.

@Espiritus_Corvus This Bentley’s for you!

ragingloli's avatar

Mine is red, with white stripes, and it has blue seats with a black square pattern.
I can also stand up, walk around, and it has a toilet.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My Ford has Ruby Red Metallic, like this .In the 1950’s and 60’s in was called “Candy Apple Red”

Love it!

Coloma's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That’s a beautiful color as well. I like the metallic look in paint.
I have a friend with an amazing, fully restored, 1953 Studebaker Roadster show car that is Candy Apple red. Man, that car is beautiful! A real head turner and it has won a lot of awards.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

“Candy Apple” is a process, not a color.

tinyfaery's avatar

I love my blue and white Mini Cooper. I call it Smurfette.

I do consider the color of a car. It’s one of the most important things. I don’t want to look at my car every day and think, ew.

Coloma's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Okay, I didn’t know that, but, the end result color is still Candy Apple red. Glossy with a sheen like a cinnamon apple.

ragingloli's avatar

I thought it was an apple covered in chocolate.

cookieman's avatar

I never consider color in buying/leasing a car. I do my research in advance. Know exactly what I want and what I’m willing to pay. As far as color though, I just choose from whatever’s in the lot.

As such, I’ve had blue cars, a red car, a silver car, and I currently have a black car. My favorite was a purple Honda Civic. Dealer couldn’t sell it to save his life, so I got a great deal on it.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t own a car so it is the perfect colour – a beautiful transparency. Imagine how nice our streets would look if all cars were this colour?

SecondHandStoke's avatar


I’ll bet my inheritance it’s an automatic.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


I know people that would pay big money for that purple Civic.

cookieman's avatar

@SecondHandStoke: Sadly, I traded it in in 2004 with over 200,000 miles on it — and still got $5,000 for it. Gotta love Honda resale values.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It’s cimarron red (if memory is right), and yes, I do love the color. I use my headlights all the time. I feel like if I’m in a red SUV with my lights on people should see me coming….................none of that I didn’t see her business…..............

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