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JLeslie's avatar

If you relax one day on the weekend, do you prefer Saturday or Sunday?

Asked by JLeslie (65890points) August 28th, 2017 from iPhone

I was just on Facebook where a friend said she slept Sunday away, and she wasn’t happy she missed the day.

When I worked full time M-F, I was exhausted by the weekend. Almost always Saturday was a day to recover and catch up on rest. I think most of the US looks at Sunday as the big rest day. I guess it partly has to do with the country being mostly Christian, although, having to get up early to go to church doesn’t sound restful to me. I know my husband is more likely to do any chores he has on Saturday, and leave his Sunday for watching a race, or watching football, etc. He also doesn’t want to be out “late” on a Sunday, so Saturday is his preferred day to see a sight, or do something away from the house.

That whole Friday night, Saturday Sabbath thing makes more sense for me, I guess a bunch of people 5,000 years ago felt the same.

What about you? Do you usually give a day away to relaxing and catching up on sleep? If so, which day.

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20 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Saturday when nothing good on TV or radio.

jca's avatar

I think Saturday is more enjoyable for me. I’m not thinking about having to go to work the next day. Saturdays when I’m snowed in are the best.

cookieman's avatar

Saturday is usually my ‘extended work day”, if I need one. Sunday is almost always the day to relax.

I think this is a holdover from when I was a kid and we had the Blue Laws where everything was closed on Sundays (except the corner store and neighborhood church).

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I actually get my weekends now so it depends on the weather, but usually Saturday.

shandrey's avatar

i so prefer a saturday however i never get around to it though since i do laundry and basically clean everything with bleach that i left unclean for the week due to going home late after a day’s work from mon-fri. even so, i do watch all omnibuses on saturdays of the shows i missed during the week, followed by horror movies with peanut brittle, popcorn and rose(as in the wine, not the flower) on the couch. this is followed by a whole lot of Facebook afterwards….....

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sleep? What’s that?

I usually do errands and take care of house stuff on Saturday, and relax Sunday. Not because of any religion, but because there’s the NY Times puzzles on Sunday to work on.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would like Sunday. My work time is pretty odd: I work from Tuesday to Sunday, with my days off being Monday and Wednesday. So if I could choose from the weekend I would like Sunday because it is connected to Monday. It’s better to relax on two days in the same row right?

JLeslie's avatar

^^Your schedule is totally different. I actually preferred not having my days off together when I was younger, because then I’m not exhausted on the “sixth” day. It’s working 5 days in a row that is a killer for me. Now, since my husband is a M-F guy, I like to have both days off with him, but it’s a trade off.

Pachy's avatar

When I was working I loved Saturday, but my favorite relaxation time was Friday evening.

Now that I’m retired, every day is Saturday.

rebbel's avatar

M-F is probably not what I thought it is, right?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Saturdays we want to go Do Things. Mainly go hang out with the grandkids. If not that, road tripping, looking for promising camp areas.

imrainmaker's avatar

If possible i will relax on both days but that rarely happens..It would be Sunday for me for relaxation..)

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll go with Sunday as well, there’s something about a lazy Sunday morning, eat a good breakfast and enjoy the Sunday paper. Allthough I get most of my news from the internet now days.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

That is no preference for me or people in my country. It’s nationally acceptable and enforcable to work 6 days with 1 day off, which is Sunday. That is why I envy Western culture, I mean, who doesn’t want 2 days off in a week.

JLeslie's avatar

I think we should go to a 4 day work week as a nation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think we should go to a 2 day work week.

dxs's avatar

No rest-type days for me; I always want to do something. I prefer Saturdays just because more places are open.

@Unofficial_Member Where are you?

johnpowell's avatar

@dxs :: I have a buddy in the northern part of Cyprus (Turkey controlled part) and he works 12 hour days Monday through Saturday. It is totally normal there. And he actually works for his cousins ice cream and milk distribution place. But he at least gets a few months a year of paid vacation.

But still it is fucking brutal. And no overtime…

dxs's avatar

@johnpowell It’s becoming normal in the US, too. Most people I know who work work well over 40 hours.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

@dxs I live in Southeast Asia. Can’t say the exact country due to certain reasons.

I also need to add that, unlike Western culture, employers here pay their employees here in monthly term (no such thing as hourly/daily wages. This is also enforced by the tax system that will only count in monthly/yearly terms), which is why adding one more weekend will less likely be accepted, not to mention that we’re also overpopulated so employers will always have the saying for that matter.

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