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Kardamom's avatar

Did anybody make or try any new desserts over the holidays?

Asked by Kardamom (33512points) December 27th, 2017

My mom made a delicious, homemade sweet potato pie that we took to our big family gathering. One of my friends had a bunch of big sweet potatoes left over from Thanksgiving that she didn’t use, because some of her guests bailed on her at the last minute. So we put them to good use.

I had never tried sweet potato pie before, although we make pumpkin pie every year. The sweet potato pie was considerably less sweet and more airy in texture than pumpkin pie. I loved it. I thought the flavor was reminiscent of flan or crème brûlée, much more subtle than pumpkin pie.

I had had plans to make a bunch of different things on my own, and to do some baking with my friend, who had provided the sweet potatoes, but illness, several changes of plans, and being out of town put those plans on hold. Now I’m going to try to make a few of those “on hold” items in January.

Did you make, or eat, any new (to you) desserts over the holidays? Links to recipes welcome.

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