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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are the qualities of a small (g) god ?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25074points) July 29th, 2018

The bible talks about (G) God being jealous of false or (g) gods. So that means that (g) gods are recognized in the Christian bible… my belief that I am an immortal time traveler could mean that I am at least a small g (g)od. Or that recently I discovered TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy) that might describe my time travel from repeated untreated head injurys in grade school and being tazered in the forehead in university. Do you think is it ok for me to declare that I am a false god? For giggles and to explain myself to Christians and others . Should It be ok if im not hurting anyone? Humor and serious answers welcome. Please don’t hurt me.

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12 Answers

josie's avatar

All Gods are false. So to declare that you are a false God is redundant.
You are entitled to make that declaration.
Those who challenge your position will want a logical proof, since the onus of proof is on the the one who makes the positive assertion.
All you have to do is make the logical argument that you are a false God.

In this case, you would probably get by with merely saying that you are a false God. No reason for anybody to disbelieve it. They would probably say “Hey, that figures”

Inspired_2write's avatar

You are thus making your life harder to be accented as you could or would be ridiculed and all for a whim?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Inspired_2write Just testing another tool in the tool kit. I have done everything else. I have gone left now its time to try right. Just testing a hypothesis. Not doing it permanently unless it works.

kritiper's avatar

You’re thinking too much into it. Try a simpler approach.

gorillapaws's avatar

Small “g” god is the generic concept of a god. It could apply to any system of belief in a diety. “G” God is referring to some particular specific instance of a “g” god.

MooCows's avatar

My GOD is BIG-period.

ragingloli's avatar

All you need is worshippers.
That is the only qualification to be a god.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The Christian Bible refers to other gods tongue in cheek. Various clans of people, at the time of the Bible’s writing, believed in multiple god’s, but that doesn’t mean any actually existed.
With, “Thou shalt have no god’s before me”, it means to not fill your time worrying about what the sun god is doing, or what the god of war wants.
That doesn’t mean any exist.
God’s have been used by people of power to control the behavior of people.
Some rulers have used their gods to organize their people, and keep peace. Far more rulers used those gods to convince people to fulfill their greed, give in to their will, and give excuse to their bizarre behaviors.

Being a god is not so hot. Being the chosen of a god is where the prophets, oops, profits are.

If you want to call yourself a god, I doubt you would convince anybody.
But, if you do want to, you should be the god of food, and demand people keep you placated with their offerings of how well they prepare your gift of food to the world.
I’ll be the sugar god, and you and I can go through this stormy relationship where sometimes we are great friends, and sometimes I am the enemy, making food deceptively attractive, but fattening.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If course the Bible recognizes that there were a plethora of gods that were worshiped by the druids and others.. Everybody worshipped all kinds of Gods until Abraham came along. And God then says, “YOU CAN ONLY WORSHIP ME!!!”

LostInParadise's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 , What god-like things do you do? When you time travel, do you change the course of history, or do you just keep reliving the past, like the movie Groundhog Day? A false god is not a god.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise I can tweek minor events. Those that are important to me. When I buy lotto tickets with a quick pick the numbers are the same. I can’t bring the lotto numbers into the past. I attempted to do that and the ticket disappeared. I think I might be in a zoo like in the Truman show. I see my doctor on the first week of August. To check if I have TLE. Temporal lobe epilepsy..

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Thanks @all for not personally attacking me. Thanks for playing along. I have faith that dr.s will get to the bottom of the illness or gift.

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