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chyna's avatar

If Trump pardons Manafort, does that mean his fines will be waived also?

Asked by chyna (51701points) March 8th, 2019 from iPhone

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I am not a lawyer, so this answer may be complete bullshit. But I doubt it.

My recollection is that you are not pardoning/excusing THE CRIME, but rather that you are letting THE PERSON off the hook in an extraordinary way. It seems to me that the same issue came up when Scooter Libby was pardoned by Trump – the penalties and the conviction remained in place, but the guy himself was pardoned.

zenvelo's avatar

It depends. “Pardons” range from “No conviction” to no penalty, with no prosecution (such as Ford pardoning Nixon) or commutation of sentence, (no jail, out of jail early, no fine, reduced fine).

@elbanditoroso Scooter Libby was pardoned by G.W. Bush, not Trump

zenvelo's avatar

@elbanditoroso Bush commuted Libby’s sentence, I confused that with the full pardon Trump signed.

jca2's avatar

I know you’re not referring to IRS penalties, but I did just google and found that even with the pardon, he will owe millions in civil penalties and fees to the IRS.

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