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Stats homework question?

Asked by sithstan (4points) August 5th, 2019

I need help. I am so so lost and need the answers and step by step if possible. I have tried everything but I think I’m just.. having a huge brainfart.
I need the answers and the step by step please

A quiz consists of 8 multiple choice questions, each with 5 possible answers.

c. If random guesses are made for all 8 questions, find the probability that a
student will answer exactly 5 correctly.

A. 0.999 B. 0.009 C. 0.990

D. There is not enough information to answer this question.
d. If random guesses are made for all 8 questions, find the probability that a
student will answer less than 4 correctly.

A. 0.944 B. 0.375 C. 0.046 D. There is is not enough information to answer this question

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