Social Question

jca2's avatar

Are you doing anything for Memorial Day weekend, or is it blah?

Asked by jca2 (17090points) May 24th, 2020

Any special plans for Memorial Day weekend?

I’ve been working from home since mid-March, and our area is still on lockdown (New York State Pause, it’s called), so it’s pretty boring. We may take a walk with friends. Other friends invited us over but my daughter is not interested in going. Other than that, I went to Costco for a wild Friday night.

How about you?

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31 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Tomorrow, I’m thinking of taking a 2-hour road trip up to Dalton, Georgia, which is a highly trafficked railroad (freight) corridor, and watching trains pass by for a couple hours.

Today: Costco, refill gas tank, and read a book

canidmajor's avatar

Wow, pretty exciting plans here. Taking the weedeater to the back yard! Defrosting the basement freezer! Mowing the front yard with my little pushy-spinny!

Might see some neighbors go by, I’ll chat with them, and pat their dogs.

To be fair, I don’t usually brave the holiday crowds, even in non-plague times.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Planting flowers this afternoon and a bonfire tonight.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We actually are at the beach (not my choice). It’s as packed as I have ever seen it and hard to stay completely away from people. I have been getting up early to fish at sunup and again in the evening for sundown when most people are off the sand. I try to stay away from prime time outside. It’s nuts, like standing room only. I’m done fishing by about 9:00 am and people are already setting up and drinking. By noon people are already sloshed and nobody respects your space. We have been cooking all our meals and not eating out. Daytime by the pool has been safe.

chyna's avatar

^East coast or west coast?

jca2's avatar

When I was younger, before having a child, we’d take a two or three night trip to Newport Rhode Island or somewhere like PA or northern CT. Now, a 3 day weekend might have consisted of an afternoon at a friend’s pool and maybe a cookout on another day. Now, there’s none of that.

Demosthenes's avatar

Today is my best friend’s birthday, so tomorrow I am going to go over to his apartment and have a drink with him and his girlfriend. I have not seen him in person since February. So that’s something. Today I’m probably just going to read and watch movies. Not much else going on.

kruger_d's avatar

May go to Voyageurs National Park. Would hike, but am post-surgical so will just sit and look at the lake, bring a good book.

janbb's avatar

Weather is blah and with shelter in place not much going on. But like @canidmajor , this is generally a holiday weekend that I stay close to home because this is the opening weekend of the beach and tourist season round here. May do take out on the deck with one couple tonight and planning something similar for tomorrow night.

For a number of years, I would have friends over for a BBQ this weekend but I am not really sorry to not be doing that this year.

jca2's avatar

Our friends across the lake are cooking mac and cheese and invited us for dinner on the deck tonight. I’ll probably pick up some Carvel or something. Then the daughters can take a walk. That’s our Sunday.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Blah. Life is totally blah without my grandkids.

Yellowdog's avatar

COVID isn’t the problem here. Nor are the closings.

Its the dog breath we have for air.

I’m gonna go turn on Hell’s Kitchen, to check out the weather.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m NOT ready to become a social butterfly once again!!! I was invited to a cookout with friends, but there was going to be a minimum of 20 people & I didn’t feel comfortable going so I passed on the invitation. I wish that things were different…but they’re NOT!!!

anniereborn's avatar

I never do anything “fun” for memorial day. So it’s same as usual

stanleybmanly's avatar

Fire up the grill for steaks tomorrow. Perfect weather so burgers today. I’m folding laundry now, while the wife is out on her daily hike. I’m being pressured to bake some more brownies (gotten really good at it)

YARNLADY's avatar

We usually fly a flag on our garage bracket, but someone stole it and we haven’t replaced it yet. .

zenvelo's avatar

I will go on a hike tomorrow. Today is my birthday, so last night I was at my girlfriend’s for a birthday dinner, and today my kids are getting a meal to go from a restaurant for birthday dinner.

Other than that, I miss that there is no Indy 500 on my birthday and no Giants game.

SEKA's avatar

^ Happy Birthday. I thought they were having the races this weekend on TV without the crowd. I don’t watch the races, so I might have misheard.

My husband will be cooking burgers on the grill tomorrow and our daughter will be preparing the rest of our lunch. I get a day off for a change :) :)

Jons_Blond's avatar

I had a little beach to myself this afternoon at the lake near our home. It was a bit warm and muggy so the lake water felt refreshing. I went home before sunset to grab my husband and put a bathing suit on. We returned to watch the sunset and I took a dip in the lake. It was a relaxing day.

I’m scheduled to work Monday afternoon/evening.

seawulf575's avatar

Putting up an above ground pool. Started yesterday and am about ready for therapy today when I have to finish.

janbb's avatar

One of my son’s best friends from school dropped by unexpectedly yesterday with his family. They recently moved back here from the West Coast so it was a real treat to see them. We sat outside on the deck.

Another couple came by later and we had take out Greek food. And I talked to a Jelly on the phone for an hour. So it turned out to be a very social day after all.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Didn’t you see us on the news?

Just kidding, I wasn’t at that party or any party. We decorated graves, ate good food, painted the living room and did yard work. We’ve had some pretty big scares lately post re-opening, so we decided not to participate in any get-together’s this year.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL I did see that story and thought instantly about you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, but thanks for thinking of me. I admit I think of you when San Fran is on the news, too. :D

Many people are really upset here about it because we’ve had a few instances in the last week or two regarding re-opening safely. The problem is many are acting as if herd immunity needs to happen, and others are acting as if the first batch of people are Typhoid Mary’s, intentionally spreading it. Sigh, I’m just staying home as long as possible.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s the smart thing to do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I’m still too leery of even going to the hairdressers.

Look at this exposure in the city I worked in pre-Covid. Same shopping center as our office. This is where I buy my product between stylist appointments.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That is almost too obtuse to be believed. There is going to be an awful lot of rage and resentment of those refusing to take this thing seriously.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Yessir. Should be interesting in a pro-gun state.

Dutchess_III's avatar

One very cool thing happened to me on Memorial Day. One of my cousins in the Pacific Northwest was visiting family graves and putting flowers on them. She was posting on Facebook. Then I saw the grave on one of our aunts and realized she was at the cemetery my Mom’s ashes had been laid to rest. I messaged her, with my Mom’s name, and 10 minutes later I was looking at a picture of where she was interred. I haven’s seen it since we buried her in 2007.

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