General Question

longgone's avatar

Did the police really open the gates for the Trump crowd at the Capitol?

Asked by longgone (19854points) January 9th, 2021

I’ve seen this video. To me, it looks like the violent mob forced their way through. There seem to have been allies inside already, as well as bystanders. Are there other, clearer versions of the video? Or any other evidence for this claim?

I’m not saying it’s impossible, just confused by what I’m seeing. Thanks.

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32 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Yes. You can see it clearly in slow motion near the 1 minute mark.
Also, in the video where the woman is shot, you see the Capitol Guard blocking a door, then just walking away, allowing the mob access.

mazingerz88's avatar

I saw a video of a security person opening the door as the rioters exit the building. The newscast was asking why did he not try arresting anybody.

Well, yes but…really?

I wouldn’t judge quickly the exact motivation and reason why whoever opened a door did what they did. It could be outright fear for one’s
life or showing solidarity with the mob.

They need to be scrutinized and investigated.

janbb's avatar

Yes, it certainly looks like they opened the gates. Not all did. I imagine that some were in sympathy with the white supremacists, some were fearful and there were others who were doing their best but were woefully under supported. Certainly white supremacists have to removed from security forces but this failure was largely from the top echelons of government. And we know to whom that points.

longgone's avatar

Ugh. Thanks, I see the officer’s hand now. I had been looking elsewhere.

hello321's avatar

Yes. The police did just wave them in, take selfies, and were generally quite cordial. Of course there were exceptions. But it’s important to point out that the police act quite differently to protesters who are not fascists. This is because they sympathize with them and share their ideology.

We needn’t try to look for an explanation that involves orders from above, etc. We see this over and over again. And any of us who have been involved in political action know exactly how this goes down. The right are protected and everyone else is brutalized. In the US, this is the function of the police. They are not an institution that can be reformed.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

In a November warm-up attack, an Oregon state representative opened the door to allow armed right-wingers into the state House.

Video shows state lawmaker let in protesters to Oregon Capitol:

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann I believe the police move out of the way right before the woman is shot because the officers in the next hallway are finally in position. I don’t believe those officers were helping the mob.

Edit: I saw a video this morning where the cops are right against the doors with the mob in front of them. Right before the cops move out of the way one of them looks behind themselves checking the hallway. There are officers in what looks like every doorway down the hall weapons drawn. I think if the mob had broken through those doors at the moment the officers would have shot up multiple people to stop them. Instead it was that one woman and the mob seems to stop trying to break in those doors.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie some of the police were getting selfies the rioters, SMDH !

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I am only talking about that specific situation of the woman being shot. See my edit above.

JLeslie's avatar

Trying to find an unedited version of those minutes to show you all and it’s flipping impossible! I saw it on TV.

JLeslie's avatar

Impossible to find the video I saw. I usually watch MSNBC or CNN so that’s likely where I saw it. This is the closest I come, but the videographer cuts away when the police start coming up the stairs. You’ll see police in front of the doors to the hallway, basically their bodies keeping the crowd from moving through to the doors. Someone is telling the crowd to calm down. Police with weapons drawn come up the stairs and this particular cameraman turns his camera to those police. It’s then that the police who had barricaded the door, one had touched his chest possibly talking on radio and he looks behind (not on this camera) and then all the police barricading the door start to move aside. It seemed to me they were told other officers are in position.

Here’s the video

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

There’s another video here. I can’t tell why the cops left the doors unguarded.. The crowd tells them to get out of the way, so they don’t get hurt. Tactical cops with helmets and rifles arrive as they leave, so maybe that was their relief. . It’s too confusing and loud to decipher.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Disgusting. Fucking Nazis.

JLeslie's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Did you see the people wearing t-shirts that day Camp Auschwitz and others saying 6MWE? A very close relative of mine wants Ivanka Trump arrested before anyone for encouraging these Nazis.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Even more disgusting..keep your powder dry..Might have to show them they aren’t the only ones with guns.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@JLeslie I want them all arrested. My dad and uncle fought a war to rid the world of these maggots. And they’re in MY country? No. Just No.

SEKA's avatar

One officer took a selfie with several of the rioters

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Lock him up too. He crossed the line..Officer my ass.

Strauss's avatar

@hello321 police act quite differently to protesters who are not fascists.

I think it would be more accurate to say they respond differently to protesters who are not white.

hello321's avatar

That too, of course. But they crushed the heads of plenty of pale people who had the audacity to demand police accountability.

Strauss's avatar

What we saw over the summer with the BLM protesters was peaceful First Amendment protesters, followed by opportunistic looting.

What we saw at the Capital last week was an angry mob, fueled by months or years of propaganda and fired into a seditious frenzy by none other than the President himself.

JLeslie's avatar

@Strauss Right, and when Trump wanted to go in and help with the looting, vandalism, and fire at the federal building in Portland, a lot of Democrats turned that into Trump wanting to take over the city. The mayor there might have been right that the National Guard would have made things worse, but the point is the spin that was put on it.

mazingerz88's avatar

@JLeslie Trump was not interested and had no real plans in addressing white cops murdering black men the reason for the BLM. He took a side, the racists side in that issue. He is President only to his voters.

To those who are mature enough to see it for what it was, he was not sending the National Guard in Portland because he cares about those looted properties or vandalized goverment buildings, it’s because he hates those protesters and what they stand for. He has nothing to gain at all by supporting them.

No matter how much trump cultists or unbiased Americans try to give him credit for whatever good intentions he had or real favors he did for the economy he overshadowed it with his megalomania.

Trump cultists see him as saviour. But he’s also just a plain cruel asshole. Voted out. Got Capitol Hill attacked. An asshole.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’m not really even talking about Trump’s offer. I’m talking about the rioting. Fine if the mayor or governor wanted to refuse Trump’s “help” but what about denouncing the rioters? There are some Democrats who did it, but plenty didn’t. Plenty called it the voice of the oppressed, or didn’t even want to acknowledge there were riots happening.

And, thank you for calling me immature.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Nah I didn’t call you immature. Referring to trump cultists. So to these cultists plenty of Dems did not denounce the riots hence the attack on Capitol Hill was…? trump apparently said those BLM riots were bigger problems compared to the attack on Capitol Hill. Only trump cultists would believe that BS.

mazingerz88's avatar

In this excerpt from his latest speech denouncing violence ( fake efffort since he really didn’t want to do the speech and I’m pretty certain he wants his supporters to be violent in the next few days ) the orange golfer ignored the reason for the BLM protests mentioning only the things that makes his fans salivate.

“Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country. And no place in our movement. Making America great again has always been about defending the rule of law” and supporting law enforcement officials”

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 Oh, for sure rioting during BLM protests doesn’t somehow make rioting at the Capitol ok, but some Republicans are trying to point out the hypocrisy of some Democrats in their response. The QAnon people are only fed commentary by the hypocrites. We can say the Capitol is different than breaking a store window, and it definitely is in my opinion, but it still does have to do with civil disobedience, endangering others, etc.

Some Democrats seem to have amnesia or be unaware or in denial that parts of the left wing think it’s ok and necessary to destroy property, and if someone gets hurt for the greater good that’s acceptable collateral damage. Is it?

To someone who isn’t too bright, or is being coerced by people they trust, they may not understand the difference between protesting in the streets and walking through the Capitol. Not everyone who walked into the Capitol wanted to hurt someone. Not that I am defending them, I personally don’t care why they found themselves there, I’m all for arresting them.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Agreed with @JLeslie pretty much. Or to put it briefly, maybe we shouldn’t throw rocks when we live in a glass house at times. Just sayin’.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll add, people were arrested at riots in the summer. The media does not talk about this enough. Does not show their prosecution. We should. Republicans out there might be feeling BLM is allowed to riot and nothing is done. Not true! Plenty of arrests were happening. Some arrests proved to be right wing groups doing the rioting, but not everyone looting and rioting was WS people, some were just criminal opportunists.

Strauss's avatar

But there was a concerted effort, according to this article in The Guardian. The Booga Bois set out to take advantage of BLM peaceful protest as a cover for the assassination of a security guard.

JLeslie's avatar

@Strauss Who are you addressing? It seemed to me WS groups invaded many protests to wreak havoc and blame protests for violence and destruction.

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