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jca2's avatar

What are your least favorite traditional Thanksgiving foods?

Asked by jca2 (17080points) November 17th, 2021

According to a poll, cranberry sauce is number one least favorite and turkey is number two. On TV, they’re saying the turkey is the least exciting thing on the plate which is funny and ironic.

I am not a fan of sweet potato casserole (too sweet) but I like regular sweet potatoes baked. I also am not a fan of green bean casserole, but I like regular, boiled green beans (string beans).

What are your least favorite traditional Thanksgiving foods?

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45 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Green bean casserole is not a traitional food in my family, because it is awful. And I cannot abide ruining good sweet potatoes with marshmallows.

I could eat turkey and cranberry four nights a week and not get tired of it.

jca2's avatar

@zenvelo: Same with my family. We had baked sweet potatoes, served just like regular baked potatoes and we had boiled string beans.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Cranberry anything. Not a big fan of cranberries. Juice is OK, but solid cranberry, forget it.

canidmajor's avatar

Sweet potatoes and yams make me gag.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Never met a holiday meal I didn’t like.

cookieman's avatar

Not a fan of cranberry sauce (homemade or canned), but I love turkey and the rest of it.

That said, I only eat turkey at Thanksgiving.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Pecan pie would probably be my least favorite. Prefer chocolate or lemon. Or even each cobbler.

janbb's avatar

Sweet potato casserole which thankfully we never had. We never had the green bean and onion frizzles things either.

I’m going to Thanksgiving at my kosher nephew’s this year so I’ll miss one of my favorite things – the mashed potatoes which I can load up with gravy. There should be stuffing to cover with gravy at least anyway.

janbb's avatar

Ooh, ooh, ooh – got another. I do not like pumpkin pie, I do not like it SamIAm!

Demosthenes's avatar

Never cared for yams or green bean casserole (and we never had either, growing up, though I have tried them by other means). I love stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Turkey is okay—I prefer ham.

kritiper's avatar

Celery. Why waste perfectly good space on the table with celery???
Celery is like raisins: It’s just filler.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Desserts, not a pie fan. As long as I have a little turkey or ham, mashed with gravy, and stuffing, I’m good.

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb You have obviously never had my pumpkin pie, or you would revel in its properly spiced cuistardy goodness in a properly baked pie shell crust.

As to people like @filmfann that don’t like yams, good, I’ll save them for myself.

chyna's avatar

Yams should be banned!
@kritiper I have to admit, I put out celery sticks filled with peanut butter. It’s something my mom did, so I’m keeping up the tradition. Any little ones at the table usually just suck the peanut butter off and leave the celery.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo You can certainly try to convert me sometime.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

White meat turkey. I prefer dark meat turkey.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cranberry stuff.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll fight ya for the yams @Zenvelo!

Forever_Free's avatar

green beans casserole. BLECK!!!!

SnipSnip's avatar

Turkey, sweet potatoes, giblet gravy, cranberries, sweet potato or pumpkin pie, pecan pie….yuk.

I like green beans, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls. There is usually at least one good dessert…...chocolate cake or banana pudding.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love green bean casserole unless it’s runny.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I had a relative that brought Moscato that was pink and bubbly. No NO NO !

gorillapaws's avatar

Any dish with marshmallows…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Even in hot chocolate on a snowy day @gorillapaws?

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III I guess if hot chocolate was served on Thanksgiving and someone put marshmallows in it, I wouldn’t complain, but I’ve seen them put in many dishes where they don’t belong (e.g. on sweet potatoes).

Kardamom's avatar

I think I wandered into the wrong question. Although I am a vegetarian, I have fond memories of eating turkey on Thanksgiving.

I love all of the traditional foods, and have had many Thanksgiving meals with vegetarian versions of most of the dishes. It’s pretty easy to make most of the side dishes without meat, without chicken broth, or without marshmallows, and without pan drippings. I also have had “healthier” versions of most of the traditional stuff. Like homemade green bean casserole with fresh mushrooms, and no canned cream of mushroom soup.

I love it all, especially cranberry sauce (both canned and fresh) and pumpkin pie.

KRD's avatar

The turkey and the pumpkin pie.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t eat sweet potatoes. Neither my husband nor I like them, so they don’t even exist for us at Thanksgiving unless we are at someone else’s house, or my parents will make a baked sweet potato for themselves if they are here. I don’t remember growing up with sweet potatoes on the table for Thanksgiving, I don’t know if my grandmother served them for that meal and I just never ate them?

I don’t like cranberry sauce with the meal, and I usually don’t like anyone else’s but I love my mom’s recipe. I eat it like dessert usually not on the plate with the dinner. I make it with black cherry jello and whole cranberry jelly and crushed pineapple. So, it’s not exactly my least favorite, because with my family I like our recipe.

I hated stuffing as a young girl. I tend to not like bread that’s soggy. I don’t want a crouton in the bottom of my French onion soup, and I don’t sop up sauce on my plate with my bread. I’ve grown to like stuffing now as long as it’s not too mushy, but on Thanksgiving some people put sausage in it, and that’s just too much meat when already eating turkey and sometimes there is ham entree too. I like vegetarian sides. I make stuffing with cashews in it.

I don’t eat pumpkin pie either.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie “I don’t want a crouton in the bottom of my French onion soup”

Do you like Matzah ball soup? That’s one of my favorites!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Croutons in your French onion soup? You eating the wrong kind of soup!

JLeslie's avatar

@gorillapaws I love it! I guess that would seem illogical to some people. Matzah balls aren’t mushy to me.

Funny you mention Matzah Ball soup, because Thanksgiving food was never something I looked forward to, I’m just neutral on it. By contrast Passover was my favorite holiday for food, and my grandmother’s matzah ball soup was part of the reason why, although I like almost everything she served for Passover. Plus, Passover was a family being together holiday just like Thanksgiving and I loved it as a child. We stopped getting together with family for Thanksgiving when I was around 12 years old. Horrible ice storms two years in a row that turned a 4.5 hour drive into 6 and then 8 hours, and the 8 hour a car had skid and everyone in the car was decapitated. That was it for my mom. Never again.

KRD's avatar

Sorry I saw that it said least favorite not favorite. My least favorite Thanksgiving food is green beans.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Least favorite? None that my mother made. Several holidays were spent taking copious notes on how she made her stuffing and mashed potatoes. It was all basic, and perhaps that is why we all adored it.

I’ve been to other friends’ homes for the holidays. Green bean casserole and mashed sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows are given a pass.

A friend’s mother made the most divine oyster dressing, and I would do just about anything to have her recipe.

THE WORST ever served was Aunt Louise’s aspic. It was some sort of tomatoey jell filled with chopped vegetables. It was dire.

chyna's avatar

^I think i just threw up a little in my mouth over thinking about Aunt Louise’s dish. Sounds horrid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Reminder: don’t invite Aunt Louise to ANY dinner.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Aunt Louise died ~5 years ago. I asked her son to bury the recipe with her. I am not making this up.

zenvelo's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Was Aunt Louise decapitated driving to @JLeslie‘s house in a snowstorm?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@zenvelo It’s possible. She shouldn’t have been allowed to drive at the age of 101.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Did anyone in the family like it?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie Aspic? Gracious, no. Maybe Aunt Louise.

ragingloli's avatar

I am sure my parents would have loved it

chyna's avatar

^Now THAT is scary looking!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gag, Raggy!

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