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parasocial888's avatar

Can external body heat create a "fever"?

Asked by parasocial888 (11points) November 17th, 2021

So I’ve felt pretty sick the past few days but I wasn’t actually running a temp until today. That being said, I was wearing upwards of three layers + blankets because I had that weird cold hot sensation you can often get with colds. For reference, I’m running a fever of 102.6. Is it possible Im not actually running a temp and my actual body temperature just naturally heightened past what it was supposed to?

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8 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Being hot from external heat can cause a very small rise in body temperature, but not a fever.

You can get heat stroke from extreme external heat and dehydration, which would cause a rise in body temperature, but also other symptoms, but 102.6 with chills sounds like you are sick.

Get a covid test if it persists a few hours. Also, flu has started circulating. What state are you in? The southwest is already getting into the “red” zone with flu. Every state has some covid and flu circulating.

Adults 99% of the time do not have a fever with a cold, only young children. You have something more “serious” most likely. Please protect others.

seawulf575's avatar

Go get tested for Covid. I had very similar symptoms when I had it…weird hot/cold spells, sometimes at the same time, no actual temperature…I got tested and was positive. The only difference is that I never ran a fever.

JLeslie's avatar

How are you feeling? Was it flu or covid?

KRD's avatar

No. You can only get a fever from internal body heat not external.

JLeslie's avatar

Here’s a link for all of you who say no.

Not that I think it’s heat stroke. I think the OP is sick.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@JLeslie are you suggesting that wearing 3 jumpers could cause heat stroke? Or that those of us who did say no are stupid enough to confuse 3 jumpers with a medical emergency?

JLeslie's avatar

No, I’m not suggesting either. I’m suggesting there are circumstances where people overheat and their temperature goes up. A flat no is inaccurate.

More than once people in FL (I live in FL) had a slight rise in temperature when out in intense heat and sun and had to wait for a second reading during covid scans where I live. It’s not 102 though. Humans self regulate temp, but it’s not a perfectly working system under all conditions.

Plus, quite obviously the OP is sick. I think we all agreed on that.

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