Just imagine your 2019 self trying to make sense of ____________.
Asked by
raum (
March 4th, 2022
from iPhone
Someone posted a meme of a tweet that said: Wordle is the sourdough starter of Omicron.
Where someone had commented: Just imagine your 2019 self trying to make sense of this tweet.
Which got me thinking that this pretty much applies to most everything these days.
How would you complete this sentence?
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15 Answers
…an angry red bear, stepping onto a yellow-blue block of LEGO.
…the headline “Police discovers hotel filled with tourists.”
The Pandemic.
The violence ( Convoy etc).
The Ukraine chaos with Russia. ( will this ecalcte into world war III ?
The environment.
Drug abuse.
Child porn.
Youth inticed into the Sex trade.
All of these and more are pointing to an early end for the World that we once took granted of.
Peace to all, be safe.
…the world with no chocolate.
Millions of people refusing vaccination against a deadly disease.
People paying $40k over msrp for a Porsche and people freaking out that a supermarket is out of cream cheese temporarily.
Going into a bank with a face mask on being ok.
@janbb Yes! That is a really good answer. In southeast Florida we weren’t allowed to have sunglasses on 3 years ago.
Kids not being allowed to go to school.
25% of the “mom and pop” restaurants closed forever.
Home Covid tests. Do I pee on it?
Only if Fox News told him to.
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