What are your best memories from your last year of high school?
Asked by
RayaHope (
August 17th, 2022
I start my senior year of high school next week and I’m looking forward to it. But I am a little nervous thinking of all the stuff after that. If I can stay focused on the now, I should be okay.
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36 Answers
The friendship bonds are my best memories.
I was also in a dilemma of what college and career I would proceed with. My senior year allowed me to decide. I am still in that career and quite happy where that path led me.
I went to a Vocational/Technical High School (for architectural drafting) so my senior year was spent at an internship every other week.
One week, we’d be at school for the standard GenEd courses (of which I remember nothing) and then the other week, I was working full time at an architecture firm in Boston.
It was a crazy year commuting into the city half the time. I applied and got into an architecture college by Christmas, but then changed my mind later that April and late-applied to art & design college — which let me in on probation. I had to pass a summer course there before they’d let me in for the Fall.
Super stressful. All done on my own (as usual) since my folks were off doing their thing.
—@cookieman How interesting. My alternate path was architecture. I chose Engineering and Technology. I however kept my love of architecture by taking classes at BAC even while attending Northeastern for my MS in Computer Science.
Congrats to you!—
We had English homework, which I of course did not do, and then the teacher started picking people to read their homework to the class.
So I quickly shat out something within a few minutes.
Just as I was done, I got picked.
Got the equivelant of an A on it.
That was when I peaked.
@Forever_Free: BAC was the college I originally got into but ended up going to MassArt, across the street from Northeastern.
@RayaHope: “But I am a little nervous thinking of all the stuff after that. If I can stay focused on the now, I should be okay.”
My advice to you is don’t think too much about what happens after high school. Focus on the now and try to enjoy that final year. Have a ballpark idea what you’d like to study in college but try not to narrow it down too much, too early. Work hard, be productive, have fun and it will all work out eventually.
The most significant part of senior year was that it would be the last time I saw a lot of people on a daily basis before leaving home for college. I actively broke out of my previous social circle to expand the diversity of friends I had.
About half of my high school was on a college track, and of that I was in the equivalent of modern AP classes (I even took a class at the local JC). So much of senior year was thus focus on where we would be going to college.
The social highlights were a big part of my year, especially the senior ski trip.
@cookieman MassArt is a great school for that. I was accepted to University of Chicago but chose RPI for my BSEE
@Forever_Free: Nice!! I’m not familiar with RPI. What is that?
Depending on the years, we may have been swimming around Huntington Ave around the same time.
I first joined Fluther during my senior year of high school (shows how long I’ve been here since that was 2009).
Senior year was probably my most fun year since 8th grade. The first part of it was filled with college applications and was a bit stressful, but by December they were all in, and I felt accomplished; it was time to let loose (I think many of us felt that way). I started going to more parties, for one. Then by March we were all hearing back from colleges. I remember the moment in April when I went to the school library to check my Stanford application status and found out I’d been accepted—I called my mom to tell her the news.
That month began a rapid succession of fun end-of-the-year events: the Fashion Show, Prom, the Senior Picnic, the sleepover on the football field, and eventually graduation. When I think back to that time I feel really bad for the Class of 2020 that had all that abruptly canceled. :(
It was a good time. I didn’t do everything perfectly (I was still in the closet, for one), but I don’t regret anything. Take advantage of it and enjoy yourself. You only get one shot at it.
@cookieman Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy NY
I do suspect we may have been roaming the same streets and bars in Boston at the same time. Oh wait, my office is still in Boston but I have not been to it since March 13, 2021
It was a blur, and a priceless lesson on the perils of the spotlight.
After the final exams, when our Maths teacher announced the results by giving everyone fruit in accordance with their score, I got a banana.
And we’re certain you provided the appropriate obscene demonstration with the fruit in defiance of conformity.
That’s 50 years ago, and I don’t remember all the mischief we got into.
- Our school had a large outdoor courtyard, surrounded by the four wings of the high school building. I remember that several of us got into trouble (principal’s office) for throwing frisbees from one grassy patch to another.
- I was part of the liberal, anti-establishment group (even back then). We didn’t do stuff like attend prom. We did organize a counter-prom, which we called MORP, at a local restaurant. Nobody had to dress up.
My graduation class had 1150 people (the school population was about 3300) and nobody knew everyone.
And a lot of us, who had just turned 18, were very worried about being drafted and sent to fight in Viet Nam, so there was somewhat of a damper at graduation.
Correction: I wanted a banana, since I prefer them. But I got an apple instead. The banana was one grade down.
@ragingloli I was gonna HUG you for getting an “A” but soon realized that was inappropriate for you so I’ll punch you in the arm. please don’t punch back.
I shall lick your eyeball instead, then.
All, you guys have great stories. I hope I one day will know what all those college acronyms stand for.
That was one of the best year’s of my life.
My besty and I got our own brand new duplex close to our parents. We both worked part time at the chinese restaurant a block away. Since we were the first girls to move out, everyone wanted to come hang out and watch MTV at our house.
We had a camcorder, VCR, answering machine, which were cool in the late 80’s/early 90’s so it was always a good time at our place.
As far as school, we were diligent all three years in high school but senior year we had all the required classes done. So we ran the yearbook and newspaper in Journalism class, which was a two hour a day course, where we did layouts, interviews and all kinds of fun thing’s. We did great on our ACT’s, but it was a bit stressful.
After Journalism, I was an office worker, so we’d go get them salads from Wendy’s or Subway or whatever they wanted so we could go off campus in my besty’s little red convertible. Sometimes we’d combine Journalism and the office worker time, so for three hours we’d be chilling on campus or off campus, which was hella fun.
Then of course Senior Skip Day at the lake, graduation and prom. Lots of boys and drama.
I wish you all the best and an amazing year. Enjoy it!!
The last day. I hated high school. I hated the cliques and people always asking me why I was so quiet. High school is not fun for introverts.
I hated school. I couldn’t wait to get out! But as soon as I entered my senior year, my counselor told me I needed 12 credits to graduate and I needed to pass EVERY class!
Normally, a senior would have a maximum of 10 classes during the year with every semester comprising of 1 free period. But I couldn’t do that and graduate without attending a summer school for my missing credits. So I decided to get it done. And I did. I passed all 12 classes!
At graduation, I was so proud of myself for actually graduating with my class.
(There was another classmate who was probably in the same fix as I was, but he failed to get enough credits. He found out on graduation day that he wasn’t going to get his diploma! He couldn’t take summer school because he was signed up to go into the Navy the next month! I have always thought about that and wondered how it all came together for him.)
@KNOWITALL Thank you and yes things are a little clearer now :)
The day of my last class before graduation. I really wanted to be out of that place.
It’s pretty impossible to “focus on the now” in senior year because everyone you meet will ask you what your plans are for college! I would advise that you do enjoy what you can and while looking for a college, recognize that there will not be one magic choice that you must get in to, but many possibilities which will all present different opportunities and challenges.
To answer the question, Senior year I had a long distance relationship with a guy who possibly was the love of my life, some good friends and enjoyable club activities. I had a good time at prom with the above mentioned boyfriend and did not take math or physics and enjoyed the English and other humanities courses I preferred. Overall, it was a very good year with all the occasional angst that goes with adolescence.
After a series of misschedulings, I found myself with no classes after lunch.
This allowed me to walk to my local college, and take a course there.
College just had so much less bullshit.
I’ll let you know in June, 2023 when I graduate! ;p
I remember wishing that there was an online socially interactive site, where I could have elderly jellies telling me to DO MY OWN HOMEWORK! ;)
Doing things with the friends I had. And the options. And the life-changing choices I made, some of which I now regret.
My recommendation would be to think of anyone you’d like to stay in touch with later in life, and see if you can start an intention to keep that up now. We get used to how easy it is to make friends when we have a school context bringing us together, and that’s not so much a thing after one leaves school and college.
@Zaku I would have never thought of that, thank you :)
I didn’t like school very much.
My senior year I only went half a year, and what was great was that for first period I helped a math teacher and he didn’t care if I was 10–20 minutes late, so I was able to sleep in an extra 40 minutes and drive to school in ten minutes rather than 35 during rush hour.
I took AP Anatomy and Physiology which I found interesting.
It’s too bad I was so negative, because my school had a lot of interesting electives and AP courses and if I had asked to just come in later, maybe I would have been able to enjoy it more and take advantage of the offerings. Instead, I started college early.
I didn’t do many social things with high school friends because so many of my friends drank and I didn’t. I had the same boyfriend my junior and senior year and we went out dancing all the time, I loved it, and I worked part time, which I enjoyed too.
Last month of high school I met this 6’5” beautiful woman. I never got her name. Never seen her again.
Meh…how bout my worst memory? Well, not that bad really, it brings back a fond memory of my dad. I got busted in school looking at a Playboy mag I had stolen from him when my “friend” Mouth of the South, uh, I mean Janette ratted me out to the teach. When my dad, a retired Army guy got wind of this, he went full Drill Sergeant mode on me (he had been one before going to OCS early in his career) he gave me two options..go to the base barber and get “high and tight” military haircut or lose my car keys and phone privileges for two weeks. After showing up with my head sheered and passing his inspection he said good enough and restored my car and phone privileges. After a major ass chewing for “inappropriate activity” at school. Thank you Janette.
Well, she could be a rat from time to time.
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