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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about Queen Rania’s recent interview about Israel and Palestine?

Asked by JLeslie (65875points) May 4th, 2024 from iPhone

Here’s the interview:

Some things that stood out to me:

She seemed to say she believes Israel is willing to make a peace treaty and stick to it by acknowledging other treaties.

She criticizes Israel for how they are conducting this current war.

She talks about putting yourself in the other people’s place.

She points out the harassment Palestinians endure.

She thinks two-state is the way forward.

River to the Sea means taking over the entirety of the lands.

She acknowledges what happened on Oct. 7th was horrible.

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9 Answers

jca2's avatar

She was also interviewed on Face the Nation by Margaret Brennan (CBS) this morning.

seawulf575's avatar

She’s from a land that has not been greatly in favor of Israel for a long time. I have to wonder how Jordan would feel if Israel did a surprise attack on them, killed a bunch of civilians and then took a whole bunch more hostage. Would she be talking about how Jordan should be putting themselves in Israel’s place? After all, Israel has been harassed and attacked by various Muslim countries and factions since 1948. Is that enduring harassment? Would she be quick to talk about a peace treaty with Israel at that point, even though the hostages were not returned? If they decided to fight back and Israel was hiding behind civilians, would that stop them?

We’ve already seen how Israelis have been treated. Even now pro-Palestinians are calling for “from the River to the Sea”. The reason for this is not a call for peace. It is a call for the elimination of Israel. It comes right out of the Hamas Charter. When someone talks about “Palestine” they forget to get the common definition. Most people recognize “Palestine” to be those areas controlled by the Palestine National Authority which comes down to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. When then Palestine National Authority talks about Palestine, they are talking about both those areas and everything in between, especially Israel. And I believe when people such as this Queen talk about Palestine, they, too, are referring to the same area as the PNA.

Of course this was an MSNBC interview so it is going to be biased and we all know that. But what would the answers be if asked how she felt about how the PNA was taking care of their people before the attack on Israel? What would her answer have been if confronted by the claim of the PNA that they deserve all the land “from the River to the Sea”?

filmfann's avatar

She has been doing interviews all week. I find her measured, informed, and intelligent.

Kropotkin's avatar

@seawulf575 She used “the river to the see” from the irredentist Zionist perspective, not the the Palestinian one. It’s not unexpected that you’d watch a video and not understand some words in it.

Your comparison would work if Palestinians were a hostile state. However, Palestinians are a dispossessed, stateless, displaced, ritually brutalised and humiliated people, who were forcibly displaced by nationalistic colonisers. Israel is the state created by racist Jewish supremacists, which was based on ethnic cleansing, mass murder and expulsion. The descendants of these brutal colonisers are now cynically manipulating their historical status as an oppressed people by appealing to ignorant right-wingers like you.

It is no surprise at all that you would side with racist oppressors, and denounce some pretty milquetoast and measured commentary by an Arabic woman showing some sympathy for the Palestinian people.

I’ll refrain from saying what I really think of you, as it’ll just get moderated. If you like, I can PM it.

seawulf575's avatar

@Kropotkin “Your comparison would work if Palestinians were a hostile state. ” Ummm…how did the current battle start? If I remember right it was those self-same Palestinians that attacked Israel. They killed civilians. They took hostages. They are the same people that basically shit on anyone that isn’t Muslim and some that are. The Hamas charter even spells out how they justify their efforts to get rid of Israel. It isn’t the “colonizers”, it’s Allah telling them to.

Kropotkin's avatar

@seawulf575 Why are you babbling about Hamas? Zionists mass murdered and ethnically cleansed Arabs decades ago. The Israeli state has been brutalising and humiliating Palestinians decades before Zionist strategists decided it would be expedient to support Hamas and make them the dominant political group in Gaza.

Do you think history began on October 7th?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 She talked about river to sea when talking about Israelis, or maybe it was Netanyahu specifically I don’t remember, and she says a two-state is the way forward, not one state like a I keep hearing from white, uber progressive, Westerners. Westerners who are trying to redefine what river to sea means, ignoring how most people who actually live in that part of the world define it whether they are Israeli or Palestinian.

She condemned Oct 7th, she didn’t call it a lie like some people. She did not defend Hamas. She condemned anti-semitism. She showed understanding for the trauma both Jews and Palestinians have been through.

I was annoyed with her at the beginning of the war, but this interview she seemed rather balanced to me. I don’t wholly agree with her, but I think she was a good ambassador to try to help find understanding and a solution.

seawulf575's avatar

@Kropotkin Hmmm…Why would I babble about Hamas? I know it bothers you to consider that Muslims, or Palestinians if you prefer, could have anything to do with the problems not only with the conditions in the Gaza Strip prior to Oct 7, but with the festivities of that date. But despite your ability to hide facts from yourself, they are facts.

JLeslie's avatar

Israel is dropping leaflets today for Palestinians to move out of Rafah. Hamas won’t agree to step down, so Israel is getting ready to go in.

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