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chyna's avatar

What do YOU think is a calming color?

Asked by chyna (51706points) June 3rd, 2024 from iPhone

I mean a calming color to you, not what some designers tell you what a calming color should be.
For instance, if you were painting your favorite room in the house, what color palette would you choose?

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32 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

Light blue or blue/gray.

JLeslie's avatar

I like white walls or just off of white. Can be taupe or a little more towards beige, but not yellow undertones.

Dark walls can be very impressive when done well, but I don’t think I would be able to do it well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Robin egg blue. (American Robin)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Like @tinyfaery, blue or blue gray. I prefer walls to be off white, but I like furnishings to be colorful. I like artwork also to be colorful.

kruger_d's avatar

jade green

mazingerz88's avatar

Very light blue

janbb's avatar

I’m with the pale or blue grey crowd but mainly in smaller rooms. My main rooms are mostly cream with white trim. I do have a lot of blue things though.

gondwanalon's avatar

Olive drab.

flutherother's avatar

Greens and blues are the most calming colours for me but I wouldn’t necessarily choose them for my favourite room. I saw a bedroom recently whose walls were painted a bright orange and that worked very successfully to make a bright and cheery room.

gorillapaws's avatar

Light blues, lavenders, greens, in the pastel zone on the color wheel.

tedibear's avatar

Very pale purple. Lilac, but a tiny bit lighter.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My preference is light blue or possibly sky blue. I have light blue in my den. When I updated my bedroom, I chose a light green & I really like it. If I decide I prefer to see the blue, I can just walk down to my den. Now that you’ve asked & I’ve thought about it more carefully, I think I prefer the green most!!!

jonsblond's avatar

Add me to the blue crowd. I’ll take any shade.

@gondwanalon Say that with more passion. ;)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Plaid would be nice if it were possible.

chyna's avatar

I like the blues also, but I’m actually thinking of a light turquoise for the room I’m getting ready to paint.

janbb's avatar

@chyna Which room is it?

chyna's avatar

It’s my crafting room.

cookieman's avatar

Buttercream Yellow

JLeslie's avatar

I would have first thought a crafting room in a fun color, but I like that you want a calming color.

Kardamom's avatar

Sage green

LostInParadise's avatar

Baby blanket blue

Forever_Free's avatar

I side on Blue tones. I just painted my house exterior and ironically I painted it Whipple Blue. My neighbor said it matched the color of my eyes.
The Master Bedroom is also blue.

canidmajor's avatar

Seafoam green would be my go-to, if I got around to painting.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m a blue person but I have that green in one bathroom and I like it very much.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Very light blue.

gorillapaws's avatar

While listening to Blue in Green.

SnipSnip's avatar

Green is the calming color. It is a color we need to see more than most of us do. This is the reason you see a lot of green in schools and other public building and waiting rooms. A principal told me this when I was in high school. I have never verified it which, even to me, seems a bit unusual. I guess I never really thought about it in my adult years.

syz's avatar

My bedroom is a lovely sage green.

JLeslie's avatar

For some reason I have a coral shade in mind for a craft room.

How did the turquoise turn out? That’s a great color too. I like the hue of most turquoise (I’m very picky about hue).

chyna's avatar

I’m in the process of getting the room ready to paint this week. Lots of craft supplies to move out.
I’ll let you all know if I love it or hate it when I’m done.

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