General Question

seawulf575's avatar

Have you heard the Trump Documents case has been dismissed?

Asked by seawulf575 (17225points) July 15th, 2024

I just heard about this

The ruling was very much like the Amicus Brief filed by Edwin Meese and 2 law professors to the SCOTUS on 12/20/23.

If this case was dismissed because Jack Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional, could that impact other cases he is working on?

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52 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

When a person owns the highest court in his land, ANYTHING is possible…

jonsblond's avatar

It was dismissed by a judge Trump appointed. (Insert eye roll emoji here)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Talk about a two tiered justice system.
Well I guess the Don Father is indeed above the law.
Guess now he can sell the ones he didn’t surrender to his buddy Putin and totally get away with it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

A lot of important things have come out of that court 6–3.
ALL either shielding Trump, or giving him the power of a king.
Or, destroying decades of civil rights movements for women.

This is a disgusting time, we live in.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Which 6–3 ruling? The issue of Jack Smith’s legitimacy has not been through the SCOTUS yet. But hey, don’t let little things like facts stop you.

Pandora's avatar

Yep and I’m not even a bit surprised. The Judge was always going to find in Trumps favor. She showed preference from the beginning. Supreme court already appointed him king and she needed that to walk away from this. I think this was all planned months ago. Just like I’m beginning to believe the shooting was planned as well.

seawulf575's avatar

@Pandora I thought she was very fair throughout. She didn’t give Trump everything he wanted, she shot him down a number of times. Why she looks biased, I believe, is that she didn’t throw the law out the window to “get Trump”. So in comparison, yeah, being fair looks like it is biased in favor of Trump.

Interestingly, though, I think the timing on this was very bad for Trump. He is riding a political wave after getting shot at. This ruling coming when it did takes the focus off that and gives those on the left something else to focus on where they can go back to hating Trump.

Pandora's avatar

@seawulf575 And you don’t think that was for show? So many other judges thought she wasn’t skilled enough for the job and someone else should’ve been appointed but she held on for a long time, delaying time and again. Everyone I know isn’t a bit surprised. We all saw this coming. Laws for the rest of us and laws for the well-connected. The one in GA will disappear as well. This was all dragged out to make Poor trump look like a victim.

Zaku's avatar

The bright side, is Cannon’s no longer the judge, opening up the way to proceed rather than have her endlessly delay trial, and/or look for other ways to obstruct justice.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

She may lose her seat on the bench . . . one sided support of Trump who appointed her !

filmfann's avatar

Cannon followed Clarence Thomas’ bullshit opinion from the case saying a President can’t be prosecution.

Pandora's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Nothing will happen to her. They will make sure of it because they know they can rely on her to always play in their favor.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You understand @seawulf575 that is dismissed – - and it isn’t “Not Guilty”. ! !

It was his “paid for” Federal Judge that made the decision !

Caravanfan's avatar

Sure. The judge did exactly what she was appointed to do. Absolutely no surprise.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh NO!! TW to our friendly wulf Trump is innocent of everything it’s just the big bad left that are out to get him.
It was the left that made hime keep the documents even though being asked repeatedly for over a year to surrender them.
It was the left that made him ask Georgia to find him the votes to win.
EVERYTHING is the lefts fault Trump can do no wrong, I mean would a Bible sales man lie?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Case 22–939. The court voted 6–3, giving Trump immunity from pretty much everything.

That’s a minor one. Making a president a king. How lucky, for Trump.
You cry ALL day long, about massive, super farfetched conspiracies against Trump.

This is a easier, and real conspiracy for you to see.

Again. Clearly protecting, and simultaneously adding powers and advantages to Trump.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You obviously haven’t read the decision you are citing because it specifically did not give immunity from pretty much everything. However, this case had nothing to do with immunity. It had to do with the Unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith as the Special Prosecutor. Which tells me you didn’t read this decision either.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It was NOT unconstitutional to appoint Jack Smith. This matter was reviewed multiple times, in other courts.
Judge Aileen Cannon, a judge Trump appointed, made that “interpretation” of the US constitution. Which conveniently wiped out a valid case involving STOLEN classified documents.

YOU, are too busy celebrating ANOTHER Trump appointed judge helping him, to care about the truth.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I suggest you go read her decision. You are discussing all sort of things that no longer apply. There was, at one time, a statute that allowed the AG to appoint special counsels just as Garland did. But this got challenged in court and was found to be unconstitutional. I think that went away somewhere around the Bill Clinton era. The problem gets stickier since other AGs have gone ahead an appointed special counsels since that time. And since no one thought to object on Constitutionality, they slipped through.

Merrick Garland tried to cobble together several statutes to say he had the right to appoint Smith. Unfortunately, none of those statutes applied to what Smith was doing. Effectively, where we are at, is there are two Constitutional issues. The first is the Appointments clause. All “officers” of the federal government have to be nominated by the POTUS and approved by the Senate. A federal attorney fits into this definition. They are able to fully represent the government in cases, they are allowed to do Grand Juries, bring charges, prosecute…the works, and are allowed to do it without any oversight. Garland tried bringing Smith in to fill the position of Special Counsel. Smith was a private citizen. He was being given all the powers of a federal attorney (and more), but was not nominated or approved. He has no oversight. But in reality, because he was not nominated and approved correctly, he has no more authority to prosecute someone for the US government than you or I.

The other Constitutional issue is the Appropriations clause. The money being used by the federal government has to be approved by Congress. When Garland appointed Smith, he created a position in his organization that did not exist before…a new employee, new budgets, etc. None of this went through Congress. So all the tax payer money Smith has spent on this case is not money that was authorized to be spent.

Now, compare this with David Weiss who was assigned as special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. This appointment was NOT illegal because David Weiss was already a federal attorney that had been nominated and approved to fill his position. But with Smith, Garland publicly stated he was going to pull someone from outside his organization to “remove any semblance of bias” that might be brought against him and the Biden administration. Likewise, he wanted Smith to have autonomous power. The stated reason is that he didn’t want him having to go through a government official which could again give the appearance of impropriety. And we saw with Weiss that that specter of impropriety raised its head several times. When questioned, Weiss told people that he was not the head on the horse, that he took his marching orders from Garland. Shortly after that he tried saying he was the head on the horse and always had been. The opposing stories told at different times brings into question his autonomy.

It was possible for Smith to have been chosen for his position, but it would have required Biden nominating someone to investigate his chief political rival and then having a Senate with a Democrat majority approving the choice. Additionally, it would have to have gone through some approval for the expenses. All that would have taken time and there was no guarantee that Smith would have been approved. In their haste to “get Trump”, they opted to try pushing an illegal appointment through and hope it was not identified as such and if it was, that they could have a friendly judge that would rubber-stamp whatever they said.

Nothing in this decision from Judge Cannon has anything to do with Trump. It has to do with Jack Smith and Merrick Garland. I know that sticks in your craw and I am truly sorry for you. But if we start allowing this behavior, we are throwing out the rule of law. I’m more upset by all the other special counsels that were assigned illegally (by both parties). That should never have been allowed to happen. It shows how little our elected leaders care about the law.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Wrong again. By dismissing Smith immediately, he can appeal immediately. A appeal most believe that the 11th circuit will overturn.
Recent history though, suggests that the Trump stocked SCOTUS, would likely help Trump again by overturning that.

Saying Smith is irrelevant to Trump, is just wrong.

The bigger point in ALL of this, is that carefully placed conservative judges are now helping Trump slow his cases until past November. When we know Trump will abuse his powers to pardon himself.

These strategically placed judges will not only allow Trump to escape legal accountability and play a vital role in Project 25. Or. Destroying the way laws are made, and enforced.

The behavior of the GOP, when trying to keep Trump in play is audacious. The countless meritless and obviously malicious delays, plus actions like that of Cannon could not be more transparent as corruption.
The process of investigating Trump was a murky undertaking, as far as appearance of political bias.
Trump is exactly the type of character that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies are supposed to do.

Trump has essentially HAD to keep running for POTUS, so that many of these principles can be interpreted as political.

This is a disgusting, cluster fuck of obvious corruption and bias ALL helping Trump avoid trials.
Nobody thinks he is innocent of anything. Including his legal team and a depressing amount of other handpicked judges and constant foot dragging of the SCOTUS, it has taken moving mountains, but because of the clear corruption in the US Judicial system AND the GOP led congress Trump has slithered through so far.
Even you, can’t possibly ignore such blatant help Trump is getting. The SCOTUS has lost credibility, possibly forever. In meetings between the SCOTUS judges, some of them have actually publicly voiced concerns that continued behavior of this manner could permanently discredit the court.

Combine this with their strait refusal of ANY oversight, and well they ARE discredited.

None of this destruction of hundreds of years of honorable proceedings that used to define America, matter to Trumpers though.

Many people have sold their soul, to help Trump.

Many people like yourself.
Your contribution to help put this Christian takeover into place, may come back to haunt you.
Project 25, and BS like it, will almost certainly fail. Americans are accustomed to their freedoms. Something people like you, used to value.

The attempt on Trump’s life, is abhorrent, and I do NOT support such behavior.
I don’t have the source anymore, but I saw a survey taken by Americans months before this, in which close to 15% of those surveyed agreed that they would support violence, if it meant keeping Trump out of office. I believe 7% of those people, also claimed to be gun owners.

I know from YouTube videos of conservative “militias” doing 20 mile rucks, that violence is on the table (in varying degrees,) in many American’s minds.

The assassination attempt, was scary, and as I said deplorable at best. However. It may have been just the first shot from Trump’s opposition. Worse, a sign that people really are thinking Civil War.

NOTHING Trump does to his enemies here, will do anything but weaken us in the international community.
China’s actions suggest they are just waiting for the right opportunity to invade Taiwan.
If you aren’t up to date, China has surpassed us in Navy construction exponentially, and has basically designed their current military to compete with the US.

Not that some type of Civil War would ever be advantageous, but the world is in dire need of a stable/fully functional USA.
With Trump focused on revenge here (and he has said as much,) I cannot see him even being as ineffective as in his first term.

Trump and his Heritage buddies, are also being quite ambitious. Likely, unrealistically so.
A full take over of America, would also require the full cooperation of the US military.
In past interviews with American military officials, when pressed on if they would launch nukes based solely on Trump’s orders, they have consistently stated that the people who would be actually in charge of such things are unlikely to follow such commands from a deranged president like Trump.
The US military (proudly a voluntary force,) is unlikely to simply blindly hurt their own countrymen. A requirement for Trump’s most extreme desires.

Forcing Christianity and white privilege, on the majority of Americans is not a sustainable plan (at best.)
I know you will paint that plan differently. But the closer Trump gets to potentially being reelected, the more the varnish is coming off of their plans.

This last dying attempt at White Christians holding onto power, may actually hasten their extinction. At the very best, the current conservative agenda will give them enough rope, to hang themselves. Not much else.

Every week, there is another coincidentally helpful, and simultaneously audacious act by the government to help Trump. The gloves are off, as you know for conservatives.
This will leave a very obvious and sordid trail in history, regardless of how successful Trump in this hostile take over.

So. Remember that, as you cling to the corrupt workings of the courts, and how this can only be viewed one way.
I was worried when you guys were still in sheep’s clothing. The next few months will even more clearly show Trump, and what used to be the US government as the domestic terrorists they are.

US history shows that extremes, are met with opposite extremes.
Which is how Trump got this far.
The actions of the conservatives in recent years, will inevitably swing the pendulum back.
In all probability, there could easily be a anti-Trump version of J6.
I am hopeful that SOMEONE will eventually show character in DC, and pull us back from thos crash course without violence.

I know my family is divided at Thanksgiving. I’m willing to bet, that that is something we all have in common.
Disagreeing is one thing, but are the conservatives really so lost they are willing to hurt their own? That’s what this will lead to. I often get the feeling, many conservatives are itching to do more than train for conflict.
This circus, regardless of how you describe or spin it, is a recipe for disaster.
Trump has recently, tried to distance himself from P25.
The problem is that as much pull as he has in the party, these Heritage people are the ones ultimately using Trump as the “bad guy” figure to take the blame as they set up this attempt to takeover the country.
And please don’t forget that SOMEONE, gave Trump $500M, to keep him from losing everything. So. That SOMEONE, now owns Trump. He may not like it, but he will answer, when that entity or group calls. And he WILL do their bidding.

Trump IS a fascist. And you are really being deliberately obtuse, when you act like this is all just Trump receiving deserved justice because he’s a victim, as he obviously does poorly when he is treated like you or I.

When Trump cannot avoid his crimes, he gets charged. All
34 counts, last time.

I find it difficult to believe that somewhere inside of you, the man who served his country is not upset watching everything you put your ass on the line for be forever stained or destroyed.

seawulf575's avatar

I never said Smith was irrelevant to Trump. What I said was Trump was not part of the consideration about Smith’s Constitutionality. It wouldn’t matter if he was put in as special counsel to look at jay walking, it would still be an unconstitutional appointment.

As for Trump running to keep these investigations political, let me point out that none of them started until he announced he would run again in 2024. That was when they all started. One might say that they are political because of that.

Your rants about the judges and Trump’s guilt or innocence says many thing. The first is that the judges (and DAs and AGs) that you cheer for have all done extraordinarily corrupt things that will all come out on appeal and the cases will be tossed out. I’m quite certain of that. Why? Because the cases are garbage and the only way they work is if there is a judge that throws out the rule of law to make him guilty. What is concerning is that in a case where the judge points out in the Constitution how something illegal is being done, you say it is biased. In cases where actual rights are being trampled, you cheer. You might want to revisit what you are hoping for. What it sounds like is that you are looking for an end to our Republic or democracy as the Dems would say.

You keep talking about Trump doing things to his opponents. He has never done any such thing. Yet it has been his opponents that have tried every dirty trick in the dirt upto and including trying to kill him. Have you ever stopped to actually question your beliefs?

As for me, someone that served his country watching it go to shit, I am upset. That is why I dislike the Dems and the left so much. They are rushing to destroy this country so they can move into a globalist government. I don’t like thinking I put my life on hold to serve a country that is trying to throw that back in my face.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Again. The ONLY time Smith’s appointment was deemed unconstitutional, was when it came across the desk of a judge HE appointed.
And she NEVER proved that it was unconstitutional. She just wrote a 93 page BS report about how SHE interpreted the constitution. She being the only one that mattered in this instance.
If you don’t think that all these judges Trump appointed helping him is evidence of the highest level of corruption, I have to question your thoughts on other conspiracies, that have far less evidence, but hurt the left.

As far as Trump hurting his opponents, do you forget that he almost got his own VP lynched by his mob.

Additionally, I believe that constantly spreading outrageous lies, IS hurting others. It almost got Pelisi’s husband tortured to death by one of the idiots who actually believe Trump.
Trump ruined the lives of people who were involved in the election in GA, with slander.
Those people were just volunteers. Actual patriots…
He and Rudy ended up being sued by the manufacturers of the voting machines as well, because of his outlandish and meritless lies.

I don’t have the time, to rattle off all of the people Trump has hurt.
The list he has for revenge now, will be paramount in his first years if reelected. He won’t be able to be a shitty POTUS. He’ll be too busy relishing the destruction of the hundreds of people who he believes are his foes.
There is currently a intelligence belief that there is now an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.
Your ilk will point to this, as them fearing Trump.
But that’s not the strategy. They know that killing Trump, will destabilize the US.
They have already turned much of the world on Israel, by funding and crafting Oct7.

Our enemies know that taking the US on head to head, would not work.
In this case, they would use Trumpers, as they are the most gullible, to try and start a US Civil War.

Honestly. I’ve been expecting to hear that a Trump lover has killed Biden for years. It wouldn’t surprise anyone on the left, nor would that be as destabilizing.

Yes. I know that you are quite “certain” about all negative possibilities that could possibly arise from future investigations.
You have been indoctrinated well.

Three years into Trump’s next term, when we can’t drink our water, breath our air, because of him selling us out, I hope whatever may turn up in Trump’s revenge is worth it to you.

Biden’s detractors always say he destroyed America. How? Not some lies, or conspiracies.
What facts, other than higher gas, and grocery prices, do you have?
And keep in mind, Biden, like SO many democratic presidents, inherited the circumstances that caused these issues the GOP blames on others.
From Clinton, to Obama, ro Biden, each have taken over a dumpster fire they weren’t responsible for.

I could understand your position more, if Trump actually did ANYTHING he said he would for you, accept lower taxes on the wealthy.
Why don’t you call Trump out, on the Mexican funded wall that was supposed to stop the brown “invasion?”
Why don’t you call him out on backing out of important programs, and foreign policies?
What about the world’s leaders that essentially have to wait Trump out, for serious diplomacy with the US to continue?
There IS no evidence you can dig deep enough for to find any positive relations with Trump as a diplomat.
Trump is a career real-estate scam artist. What little success he EVER had was through shaddy dealings, or cheating banks into thinking they can give him money. That’s all he’s EVER been. And it was obvious from day one, a shady business person, makes a very poor POTUS.
If you spent half an hour using the same logic you try to use to help Trump, looking into his many cases, I think you would find it impossible to carry-on the way you do over the dems.

The dems suck. I’ve never said they didn’t.
But you are giving the GOP way to much slack.

Globalization, if somehow done with real integrity and honest intentions, it may work. The status quo, certainly isn’t working.

seawulf575's avatar

The issue of Smith’s Constitutionality has been brought to several courts including the SCOTUS. She is the only judge to do anything with it so far because it pertained directly to the case she is overseeing. The defendant brought a motion to the court which is their right. The judge cannot just ignore that motion. The judge, if they are fair and unbiased, has to at least look at and consider the motions. This one followed the same course as every other motion. The motion was made, the opposing legal team made a response, the judge read and considered both sides and ruled on it. And in this case the Constitution is the legal document that talks about criteria for selection of Special Counsels (government “officials”).

If Cannon was just trying to get Trump off, why didn’t she do it when he made the motion to toss the case because of Smith’s manipulation of evidence? That is a serious accusation as well and it did happen. However the matter then becomes was it detrimental to the case? Was evidence withheld or hidden or added? In the end she tossed that motion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^She has been dragging it out, for Trump’s benefit. That’s why the wait. And that’s why she was put there. For situations just like this. She is only one of many strategically placed judges, who like our pathetic congress, will all vote together. No matter how stupid the issue is.
They can’t even pick, or keep a speaker. Because of the Trump cancer in the GOP’s ranks.
Even Republican leaders who have publicly voiced concerns and take issue with Trump, vote straight down the party’s lines.
Many have been interviewed, and many say that Trump is a serious problem. Buy they NEVER will say they won’t vote for him.
The party that likes to call others feckless, are just Trump’s bitches. Spineless, cowards, who are too afraid for their affluent positions to be lost, if they dare actually act on their words.
I don’t recall you worshipping MTG. Are you seriously ok, with someone THAT batshit crazy representing American interests?
Trump has publicly trashed the wives of McConnell, and his new VP, because of their race.
Members of the MAGA movement, have voiced taking issue with a VP married to an Indian woman. (Brown person.)

Trump has no care whatsoever, about anyone who doesn’t worship him.

Now his SCOTUS, has essentially given him the power of a king.

You still have not related why, you don’t care Trump never did ANYTHING.

I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that someone like Trump would even ever be jokingly considered as a possible president.

I’d LIKE, to say that Trump gained SOME, vitally needed experience in his first term.

At this point, even Harris is still FAR more experienced, and fit for the job than Trump.
That’s just HOW low, Trump sets the bar.

I’m glad you’re sheep aren’t drinking Bud Light. Drinking isn’t so good. But yall, have GOTTA be on something to ignore ALL the craziness and unnecessary violence Trump is and will keep causing.

You’re going to help a convicted felon, proven sexual predator, and menace to society, carrer criminal escape his criminal history AND profit from you?

WOW. This nightmare, never ends. This was such a retarded idea, “The Simpsons” somehow predicted the rule, and ruin, of Trump. Fucking uncanny!

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You are all over the place. Judge Cannon didn’t railroad Trump like so many other judges of late so you malign her. She throws the case out on what looks to be a very well considered decision. I’ve even pointed out that she threw out other motions from Trump to drop the case. And so you go into a tailspin just throwing out anything and everything that you can think of about Trump. Wow.

On the plus side for you, Jack Smith is appealing the decision. But that is just posturing. He really doesn’t have a case. He’s trying to keep the case alive. And if he wins appeal, Trump will push it to the SCOTUS where he will likely win. Not because of a conservative majority, but because legally he is right. The sadder note for you is that if the SCOTUS rules against Smith, supporting Cannon’s decision, all his work on this case and the J6 case against Trump will be gone. Nothing he has done would be considered valid. But no matter what, there is no way the trial will be able to continue any time before the election.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^As I already said, in another thread, yes Smith can appeal. But, recent history/corruption, suggests that the SCOTUS would overrule any decisions that the 11th circuit would likely make.

But thank you, for pointing out the obvious things I’ve been saying. As long as Trump has a goon in the process, in ANY case, he will NEVER have a problem. No matter how ridiculous the scenario.

As Biden would say; you put the bullseye right on the problem.

Thank you for admitting that the ultimate goal is to push everything past November.

As you have, in your own special way, confirmed the corruption that we ALL know about, I have nothing further to add.

seawulf575's avatar

Here’s what I don’t get: What did Judge Cannon do wrong? I can point to a number of things other judges have done wrong (which is why their cases will likely be tossed out on appeal), but no one really points to anything specific she did wrong. I get that you’re butt hurt about the case being dropped, but what did Judge Cannon do? She has dealt with every motion that comes into her court. So far she has given some to Smith, some to Trump. Her reasoning seems to have been sound throughout.

Let me ask: if it goes to appeals and the appeals court supports her decision, are you going to admit Smith was not appointed legally? Or if it goes to the SCOTUS after that? Admit that Merrick Garland goofed? I’m not even asking you to admit it was lawfare…a political persecution…just that the appointment was bogus.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^No hypothetical situation, changes the clear conflicts of interest, and corruption that is crystal clear.

When the Patriots got caught using under inflated footballs (cheating,) the investigation showed that 11 of the 12 game balls the Patriots brought were under inflated. It’s pretty obvious, that they had 1 ball, for inspection purposes. To keep the appearance of not cheating.

Trump calls EVERYTHING, into question. She couldn’t look the other way on ALL occasions.
No. Her selective judgements, don’t fool ANYONE.
Her constant foot dragging, to help run the clock out for Trump cannot be explained away either.

That you think it’s even debatable Trump’s is being provided the equivalent of Judicial socialism, is not possibly genuine.

This duck, still walks, quacks, and acts like the waterfowl it is.

You do yourself no favors, constantly clinging to your false reality.

ragingloli's avatar

“This is a completely bonkers, made up decision that flies in the face of the Constitution, federal statutes, Supreme Court authority, directly on point, and Federal Appeals court decisions that are also directly on point. It is a partisan decision that has no chance of being upheld by the 11th Circuit, but we live in a world where I have no idea what the Supreme Court would do if it takes this up. So who knows if in a year or two the Supreme Court might bless this and overrule five decades of precedent. But based on current law, this decision is nuts.” – Devin J. Stone Esq.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yes, you keep making claims but have yet to actually point to something illegal. Your feelings are not proof.

Example: Judge Engoron had several things that were sketchy. The first was that he ruled on the case before it started. You can point to that as being something calling out corruption. Judge Merchan had a daughter that was profiting directly off the case which is a direct violation of the code of ethics for judges. He should have recused himself and didn’t. That is a solid thing that can be pointed to as being wrong.

You say Trump calls everything into question. Of course he does. He’d be stupid not to. Any defendant would do the same. That is a meaningless argument. If you got pulled over for a traffic stop and the cop pulling you over, wouldn’t you question it? If they wrote the ticket and it had your license plate number wrong, the date wrong, and the location wrong, wouldn’t you question it? So Trump questions things and he has brought motions forward several times throughout this case. The judge in every case deals with these things. And throughout the trial Judge Cannon as ruled on all the motions from both Trump and Smith. This one, though, had to be dealt with since there is no law allowing Merrick Garland to appoint whoever he wants, whenever he wants, to investigate whatever he wants. It is illegal.

So what exact thing has Judge Cannon done wrong? Ruling in favor of Trump is not an act of corruption. It is very possible that she knows more about the law than you do. There are many that agree with her determination. If you think her decision is wrong, call it up and point out to me where she “cheated” since that is how you view it.

But ranting Hate-Trump stuff makes you look bad. You are not actually addressing anything other than venting that Trump got a win.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I have a better idea.
Use the same ruling to let Hunter Biden off scott free.
Such bullshit, might release dozens or hundreds of white collar criminals.

And they could vote.

That shouldn’t bother Cannon.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 So you are trying to dodge away from actually having to back up your rants about Cannon. That’s what I thought.

As for using the same ruling to let Hunter free, you run into one little problem: The special counsel assigned to him was done legally. David Weiss was already a US Attorney…an officer of the government. His appointment falls right in line with the Constitution. So the ruling against Smith doesn’t apply at all.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry wulfie Merchan checked with the ethics people before the case started about his daughter and what she did if there would be a problem with him on this case they viewed and deemed there wouldn’t be so try again, your absolute love for the Don Father , he can break the law and all you see is the evil left is out get him, instead of just make him accountable for his crimes.
Dude you were ready to give Joe and Hunter the death penalty for a crime that turned out to be totally fabricated, that couldn’t be your Biden derangement syndrome showing through could it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. When Trump’s judges decide what is legal, yes the Hunter case was surely not a pathetic retaliation for Trump getting found guilty for 34 felonies in a court in which he had no pull. Otherwise, you fiscally responsible conservatives would have been furious at such a waste of money to keep the “crime boss” Hunter off the streets. Right?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 From the NY Courts Judicial Conduct rules:

“Section 100.2 A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judge’s activities.
(A) A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

(B) A judge shall not allow family, social, political or other relationships to influence the judge’s judicial conduct or judgment.

(C) A judge shall not lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others; nor shall a judge convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge. A judge shall not testify voluntarily as a character witness.

(D) A judge shall not hold membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, disability or marital status. This provision does not prohibit a judge from holding membership in an organization that is dedicated to the preservation of religious, ethnic, cultural or other values of legitimate common interest to its members.”

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but (B) and ( C ) both apply when the judges daughter makes $93M off her dad ruling against Trump. That seems to be a distinct appearance of impropriety. He should have recused and it points to him being completely biased.

As for Joe and Hunter, again you are missing the big facts. You have the laptop, emails, witnesses, bank records, and much more that shows the case was not fabricated. Sorry, they are criminals. Hell, we have Joe himself bragging about corruptly pressuring Ukraine to fire their AG by threatening to withhold aid if they didn’t. You know…the kind of quid pro quo the Dems claimed Trump did and they impeached him for it? I seem to remember bringing this up in discussion on Fluther when the impeachment was going on and you know what I heard from you? “Biden is not the POTUS. If he wins the presidency we can talk about it then.” And yet when he IS POTUS you don’t want to talk about it, you want to try playing it off like it was all fabricated. No sir, I’m dealing in facts, you are dealing with the derangement.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Hunter by himself is small potatoes. The issue with Hunter is not Hunter…it’s Joe and the Deep State. It is looking more and more like Joe was selling political power for money for himself and his family. As POTUS, that is a huge security risk for the country. The fact they lied about the laptop being real was election interference. It led to censorship of anyone that dared to question their lie. It created a whole lot of problems with abuse of power and it shined a huge light on the unelected bureaucrats that are causing so many problems in this country. That is worth spending money on to stop it.

What really gets me is you folks on the left that hate Trump so much are supporting a system that is weaponized, that has tried to censor people from speaking, that has demonized anyone they see as a threat and you really believe it won’t come back to haunt you. You are rushing to throw your rights away. It makes no sense.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Hunter is a loser crackhead, who like so many affluent children, became a loser.
THANK GOD we spent millions to get him, and his 5 shot revolver off of the streets!

I know you are religious, so I feel I should warn you. Every time someone says “deeps state,” an angel dies of embarrassment.

I won’t even go into the rest of your delusional statement.

seawulf575's avatar

^Thank you for reminding me! Hunter is also the poster boy for the two-tiered system of justice the Dems have created. He had federal income tax charges as well. Millions if I remember right. That would have pointed to him being an unregistered foreign agent and that would have opened the door even wider on looking at Joe. But the left slow-walked the investigation to the point that the statute of limitations passed on those charges. The gun charge is nothing, though having a crackhead owning a gun seems wrong and lying about it on the application form is a crime. It isn’t a huge crime but it is a crime. And the “special counsel” assigned by Biden’s DOJ tried giving Hunter a plea deal that effectively said if he pled guilty to the gun charge, all other charges currently or that may be brought in the future would be ignored. That is blanket immunity forever. You know, the thing you keep erroneously railing that the SCOTUS gave to Trump?

The more you look at Hunter, you realize he is a symptom of a deep rot in our government. But again, you don’t care. You want to throw your rights away to be a slave to self-serving rulers. Which is why you don’t want to go into any of my comments…why you always try to dodge simple questions or to answer them with anti-Trump rants.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^News flash! I don’t give the slightest fuck, if DC is a smoking crater. They ARE all guilty of SOMETHING. Or they wouldn’t be in the higher levels of the government.

There is NOTHING “erroneous,” about pointing out Trump’s being propped up by a corrupt SCOTUS and collection of other yesman judges.

Now. You’re trying to say that Hunter has more immunity than Trump? Nothing you have said, and there is nothing in existence, to remotely make that statement anything other than audacious.

Meanwhile Trump, is resting his feet on stacks of classified documents, instead of trying to stay awake in one of the many trials he is being helped avoid.

Calling out the list of millions of Trump’s victims (including yourself,) is not a rant.

Spin again? You are using these threads like a slot machine. No win? Spin again!

seawulf575's avatar

“They ARE all guilty of SOMETHING. Or they wouldn’t be in the higher levels of the government.” Yet you defend the Dems endlessly, blaming anything and everything on Trump. You and @SQUEEKY2 have fought with me here about daring to speak out about Hunter in the past. You can’t even keep your rants straight anymore.

And you continue with your irrational rants and applying your interpretation to me. I can see why your interpretation of things I’ve said would upset you, because you are making them something I never said. Example: I never said Hunter had more immunity than Trump. Thankfully the judge on that case realized what was in the plea bargain agreement and refused to accept it. But had it gone through he would have had more immunity than anyone. That is what the Dems were trying to set up. He could have gone out and killed someone in Times Square at rush hour with TV cameras filming the whole thing and that agreement would have given him immunity from that.

And you are so deranged by Trump you can’t even keep your threads clear. We haven’t talked about “Trump’s victims” in this thread. You are nuttier than a fruit cake. Seriously, show your comments on these pages to your therapist. They really need to see where you are at.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have no idea, what you’re talking about. Since when, have I ever even supported a Democrat?
I have never, apparently never likely will, vote in presidential elections.

You compared Hunter getting off, because of the same interpretation Trump got, the same as Hunter having “blanket immunity forever.” Which is what I falsely say Trump has.

Whilst we watch Trump, get immunity from the SCOTUS, and most recently Cannon.

Trump was never even cuffed. He never had to sit in jail, while his legal team dragged out case, after case.
He STILL hasn’t paid a penny of the $80 million +, he owes (for VICTIMIZING and repeatedly slandering) Jean.

SOMEBODY gave him $500 million the day before he would have been super fucked.

Trump constantly attacked the judge in one case, yet only paid $1,000 fines like 11 times. ANYBODY else, would have been jailed for contempt of court.

He doesn’t have to even stay awake in court.

Hos gullible (to a disturbing degree) sheep have been giving him their lunch money.

I’d have to do some research, to see how many lawyers, defense teams, and others he hasn’t paid.

Did he literally stay in HIS golden tower in NY, while handling trial appearances? Poor bastard!

You delight me, by now claiming (after who knows how many times you tried to lie about it,) you haven’t spoken of victims huh…

Your comments, that you wish to dwell on, like “the deep state,” just don’t mean anything to me.

No matter how hard you blow hot air into your twisted notion of Don “grab ‘em by the pussy – can you find me 11,000 votes” Trump, it will never hold air.

Are you ready?

Again. Trump is not now, never has been a victim. Facts…

seawulf575's avatar

Victim blaming. Again, take your comments on Fluther about Trump to your therapist. I truly believe it is something you need to make him/her aware of and to discuss with them. You are really hurting yourself. You certainly don’t hurt me other than that it hurts me to see you hurt yourself so much. I truly believe this obsession you have with Trump impacts your entire life, leading to much pain and sorrow.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

” I truly believe this obsession you have with Trump impacts your entire life, leading to much pain and sorrow” Are you looking in a mirror . . . . @seawulf575 ? ? ? You just love his lies and the fact he gets away with the lies. Fact check on his rambling 92 minute acceptance speech he made 22 False Claims.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I wouldn’t waste your time, the Don Father can tell no lies in wulfie’s eyes, and things he is truly guilty of he just down plays it,example the stolen documents are the same as a over due library book so what is the problem?
Or the real-estate fraud in New York ,other people do it so why pick on poor Dementia Don type thing,well I hope they catch up to the others and charge them as well.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie What does any of that have to do with the documents claim? Nothing. You probably ought to take your Fluther comments to your therapist as well. It would be very enlightening, I believe.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Ditto that….what does any of that have to do with the Documents case? My feelings about Trump have nothing to do with it. Actually, Judge Cannon’s feelings had nothing to do with it. She laid it all out in her decision. Have you bothered to read it or are you just taking sound bites from lefty news outlets? Letting someone else do your thinking for you?

It amazes me that so many on these pages are completely obsessed with DJT. I asked about the case getting thrown out because Jack Smith was appointed illegally. It could impact other cases as well. What I got in return was a lot of nonsense about biased judges…something none of those people said when the judges were actually violating ethics while sitting on his trials. It appears not a single person actually took the time to read the decision. So all answers, just like yours, are from a position of hatred and ignorance. At least that’s what it looks like. The only one that didn’t do this was @Lightlyseared who just didn’t care about the case at all, apparently.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Your lying hero loves your undivided love of your of LOVE his lies ! !


MrGrimm888's avatar

“Judge Cannon let’s Trump of the hook in documents case.”
Admittedly a clearly biased title.
But this article was in the July 16 Newsweek.
There was another one today, sighting other judges opinions, but I lost it trying to answer a call.

There are countless articles, from different sources. I liked the wording in the one I mentioned.
The article, biased or not, makes some excellent/obvious points.

Since I’m sure my repeating the obvious is boring. I know it’s boring me, trying to explain the corruption.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I looked up your citation and read it. Here are two points in that article that were of particular interest. The first was

“Cannon’s ruling seizes on the latest in a series of substance-less assaults Trump has made on every case brought against him. So far, she has been the only judge foolish enough to buy one of them.”

That tells us that everything you and others have been spewing about Cannon doing everything for Trump is false. Plain and simply, using your own citation, it is false. She has not done any such thing and has, in fact, mainly went against his motions. Even the one of assigning the master over the evidence that was overturned was done for solid reasons: there were too many pushes by Smith about who should have access to the evidence (including Trump’s legal team) and Trumps motion for dismissal given Smith’s own admission that he manipulated evidence prior to turning it over with a statement that he hadn’t. It showed the question of legitimacy of the evidence. Assigning an independent master to oversee the evidence was the logical thing to do to allow the case to go on without a hint of impropriety. What is more interesting is that the 11th circuit ruled in Smith’s favor, allowing him to continue manipulating evidence if he wants.

The second thing in the article that I found interesting and wrong was:

“Specifically, heads of departments like the Justice Department are authorized by the Constitution to appoint “inferior officers” of the government like Smith, but—so goes the argument—this appointment is too significant to fall under any general power the attorney general may have to appoint others to assist in carrying out the duties of the Justice Department.”

Jack Smith was not appointed as an inferior officer. Merrick Garland made that very clear when he was appointed. He told the world that Smith would be completely independent, answerable to no one, so there would be no argument about politically motivated prosecutions. He repeated several times that Smith was working independently. Jack Smith was given the same (and more) power as a US Attorney, a full blown officer of the USA. If Smith was acting as an inferior officer as the author tries to suggest he would not be able to convene grand juries, he would not be able to bring charges, he would not be able try cases, make motions…nothing. An inferior officer is a helper. The author is right that he could be appointed as an inferior officer, but that would mean he couldn’t do any of the things he has done. It would also mean there was someone he was answering to and getting permissions from. That person has never been named and their name appears on no documents. Primary officers are required to be nominated by the POTUS (didn’t happen) and approved by the Senate (didn’t happen). They are also required to get approval for funding for the special counsel (which didn’t happen either).

So that brings us to the situation we are currently in and on which Judge Cannon ruled. We have Jack Smith acting completely independently as an officer of the US government. Garland tried citing 4 statutes: 28 USC 509, 510, 515, and 533 as justification for bypassing the nomination/approval process. None of these grants him that power (this was also addressed in Cannon’s ruling). Smith was granted all the powers of someone that is a primary officer of the government but was never put through the approval process. He has taken legal actions as an official of the US government. But the question was the legitmacy of his appointment. It isn’t legal. 28 USC 509 is a generic powers of the AG statement. 28 USC 510 just allows the AG to delegate his authority to others for a time. This is put in place for him to take a vacation, illness, etc. 28 USC 515 allows the AG to assign other attorneys to take court actions that are specifically designated by the AG. This is not what Garland has been doing. He has, he claims, not told Smith to specifically do anything. That gets us back into the primary and inferior officer issue. 28 USC 533 allows the AG to appoint officials to do investigations and take legals actions. But again, these are officers, not inferior officers. Garland was trying to cobble all these together to make it okay for him to avoid having to go through the approval processes. Effectively he did whatever he wanted, regardless of the law.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


I forgot Wulfie has a J.D. and teaches at Clemson !

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