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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are you getting tons of Trump TV advertising recently?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33655points) August 15th, 2024

At least in Georgia (which is a swing state) i am seeing lots and lots of Trump advertising on TV. There are two ads in particular that keep showing up: One with him talking about immigrants, and one with pictures of Harris calling her a radical.

Both appear so frequently I turn the channel when they start.

Conversely, I haven’t seen more than a small handful of Harris ads on TV.

Are you seeing this as well?

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

Haven’t seen any political ads as yet.

jonsblond's avatar

It’s never ending here in Wisconsin. It’s very annoying because the ads are full of lies.

chyna's avatar

I haven’t seen them here, yet.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope! Northern California not quite the target audience for that crap.

Zaku's avatar

I don’t watch TV other than streaming with no ads, so no.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not in my (red) state.

smudges's avatar

No, I’m seeing Harris ads, and they’re quite good – no bashing, just saying what she is for. Bashing is just low class and insecure.

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, I stream stuff with no ads and the few that have ads, I usually, choose that time to go grab a bite to eat or go to the bathroom or I hit mute and play a game on my phone. But no, I haven’t noticed any. But now that you jinxed me, I’ll probably see a lot.
I would imagine his campaign is probably spend money in areas they need to win that may be 50/50.

snowberry's avatar

All I get are Harris ads. Go figure.

Cupcake's avatar

I stream, so not really. But I am active on Twitter and the Trump ads there are relentless.

moonkayla45's avatar

Yeah I’ve noticed the same thing! Trump’s ads are everywhere in GA, especially those two. Harris’ ads are few and far between. Wonder if it’s a strategy thing or just a funding issue.

KittyPrincess's avatar

Yeah, I’ve been seeing a ton of Trump ads too! It’s like they’re flooding the airwaves. I’ve seen those same two ads you mentioned, and honestly, they’re getting really annoying. I’ve only seen a few Harris ads, so it seems like Trump’s campaign is definitely outspending hers on TV ads.

zenvelo's avatar

Remember, the traditional start of the campaigns is Labor Day. Spending on ads now, three months early, is a sign of desperation and worry.

Harris hasn’t had to spend money on ads because the news has been all about her taking Biden’s place and how refreshing it is. And she has been getting a lot of favorable press by picking Walz.

Trump has had to spend in Red States because he has not been making any meaningful appearances, except for a rambling incoherent speech at Mar A Lago last week. Add to that the Vance pick backfiring because the “Hillbilly” choice is a weirdo.

jca2's avatar

Not in NY, that I’ve seen.

tedibear's avatar

II live in Ohio. Most of our television watching is via streaming with few or no ads. I listen to the radio on my commute and haven’t heard any campaign ads yet. They’re either not there or I’m changing the station before they start. There are some homes that have large Trump signs or flags, and one place with a Trump banner-festooned boat in its pond. Interestingly, there’s an alpaca farm I pass on my way to work that had gigantic Trump – Pence banners on its fences in 2016 and 2020. This year, nothing.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Not at all. The DC area isn’t a primo target region for Trump and his pals.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m getting a lot of mail from Trump and the Republican National Committee. They are all fund raising mailings.
I figure it costs them money so I am not asking them to stop. ;-)

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