Social Question

What do you recommend based on my favorite science fiction authors?
I have a long list of works to check, but for now, here are the authors. I like them based on the synopses on Wikipedia of the novels available. I fall instantly in love with each author I’ll list here for no clear reason. I don’t like to label everything that comes our way. Rather, I label my liking or disliking of the novel, my experience in dealing with the novels.
TL;DR Take this with a grain of salt. I might change this in 20–30 years, but not now. I put in brackets their most famous work. Look for each of these authors a synopsis and get an idea of why I chose these authors.
Here’re the authors:
- Roger Zelazny (The Chronicles of Amber)
– Larry Niven (Known Space)
– Craig Alanson (Expeditionary Force) (no synopses, had to use tvtropes)
– MD Cooper (Aeon 14, same)
– Tanya Huff
– Liu Cixin (Remembrance of Earth’s Past aka The Three-Body Problem)
– John Birmingham (Axis of Time)
– Lara Elena Donnelly (The Amberlough Dossier)
– Gregory Bemford (Galactic Center)
– D. L. Young (Cyberpunk City)
– Joel Shepherd (Spiral Wars)
– Jeff Long (The Descent)
– Naomi Kritzer (CatNet)
– T. Ellery Hodges (Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs)
– Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Retrieval Artist)
– Artemis by David Weir (just that, nothing else)
– Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (same as artemis)
– Down to a Sunless Sea by David Graham (same)
– The deep by nick cutter (same)
– Declare by Tim Powers (same)
– The Croning by Laird Barron (same)
– The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin (same)
That’s it for now. There’re many authors I didn’t like and had to “sacrifice.” Some of them I liked as a kid. Robert Heinlein, HG Wells, Jules Verne, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip Dick, Isaac Asimov, William Gibson, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, Ernest Cline, James Dashner, and many others.