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luigirovatti's avatar

What do you recommend based on my favorite science fiction authors?

Asked by luigirovatti (3015points) 3 months ago

I have a long list of works to check, but for now, here are the authors. I like them based on the synopses on Wikipedia of the novels available. I fall instantly in love with each author I’ll list here for no clear reason. I don’t like to label everything that comes our way. Rather, I label my liking or disliking of the novel, my experience in dealing with the novels.

TL;DR Take this with a grain of salt. I might change this in 20–30 years, but not now. I put in brackets their most famous work. Look for each of these authors a synopsis and get an idea of ​​why I chose these authors.

Here’re the authors:

- Roger Zelazny (The Chronicles of Amber)
– Larry Niven (Known Space)
– Craig Alanson (Expeditionary Force) (no synopses, had to use tvtropes)
– MD Cooper (Aeon 14, same)
– Tanya Huff
– Liu Cixin (Remembrance of Earth’s Past aka The Three-Body Problem)
– John Birmingham (Axis of Time)
– Lara Elena Donnelly (The Amberlough Dossier)
– Gregory Bemford (Galactic Center)
– D. L. Young (Cyberpunk City)
– Joel Shepherd (Spiral Wars)
– Jeff Long (The Descent)
– Naomi Kritzer (CatNet)
– T. Ellery Hodges (Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs)
– Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Retrieval Artist)
– Artemis by David Weir (just that, nothing else)
– Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (same as artemis)
– Down to a Sunless Sea by David Graham (same)
– The deep by nick cutter (same)
– Declare by Tim Powers (same)
– The Croning by Laird Barron (same)
– The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin (same)

That’s it for now. There’re many authors I didn’t like and had to “sacrifice.” Some of them I liked as a kid. Robert Heinlein, HG Wells, Jules Verne, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip Dick, Isaac Asimov, William Gibson, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, Ernest Cline, James Dashner, and many others.

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5 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

The Niven-Pournelle collaborations are excellent. My favorites are Lucifer’s Hammer and *The Mote In God’s Eye”.
Niven, Pournelle, and Barnes collaborated on The Legacy of Heorot, another excellent title.

Did you mean Artemis by Andy Weir? You might also like Project Hail Mary by him. It is more richly textured in plot, character development and science than his other two.

There’s a start for you.

luigirovatti's avatar

Yeah, that’s him. I dislike ghostwriters, but with dual or triple authors, it’s a gamble. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe one writer you like, the other you don’t.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Take a look at David Brin’s stuff as well – particularly the earlier material.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’m really more of a fantasy reader than sci-fi, although I do like things about outer space and such. But I will tell you that if you liked three body problem, you should read Supernova Era by the same author. I’m reading it now and it is excellent!

YARNLADY's avatar

The man who folded himself by David Gerrold

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