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Dutchess_III's avatar

How do I make stuffing on the stove or in the oven?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47216points) 2 months ago

I have a most delicious stuffing recipe but no bird to cook it in. Taking as a side dish to the dinner.

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17 Answers

jca2's avatar

Put in casserole dish. Add some chicken or turkey broth to it to add richness. Don’t overbake it but don’t underbake it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What about putting it in the crock pot for hours with turkey necks on top to simulate the slow drip of juices?

jca2's avatar

That might work. As long as it’s not too wet like pudding, it might be ok.

Forever_Free's avatar

In an oven safe dish. Add a touch more broth and cover it for the majority of its cook time.
I cook my turkey on the grill unstuffed. The stuffing always in the oven comes out great.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll keep an eye on it @jca2. I can take the lid off the crock pot for a while,or put it in the oven to dry out..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just don’t see broth as being a good substitute for slow, slow turkey drippings @Forever_Free

janbb's avatar

^^ It will be fine that way Dutch. I always put the extra stuffing in the oven in a casserole. I sometimes put some white wine in as a moistener,

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’ll find out!

jca2's avatar

You could also add sausage (breakfast sausage cut up) or fruit like apples for more moisture and richness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sausage. Gross!
I think I did apples one year. I think I shall do it again this year!
scrambles to update grocery list for today…

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III A good recipe with herbs and homemade cornbread doesn’t need to depend on the drippings or the broth to make it anything other than “moist”

KNOWITALL's avatar

Personally i like the crunchy top so I use cupcake tins. Also easier to store leftovers nicely.

Forever_Free's avatar

@KNOWITALL I am with you on that. In the bird will all be moist. In the oven you get that crunchy top layer. counting down the days. yum

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Forever_Free…but you’re talking about cookie cutter recipes like you find online.
This is MY homemade recipe…which I got from my ex’s sister sometime in the 80s. So ok. It’s not technically MINE since I got the basics from her, and have made it, and variations of it, for 40 years. It’s just easier to say it’s mine. And you wont find it online

I think I’m closing in on it guys! Got a me-sized crock pot and some chicken wings to start with.

You can’t find turkey necks any more??

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III No, I am not talking about ordinary online recipes.
Mine are family home recipes handed down that I have adjusted to be mine.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok. Celery, onions and mushrooms and raisens are simmering on the stove.
Catch…my son was recently diagnosed with a severe allergy to mammal meat and products. So I have 2 pans summering, one in butter and one in olive oil.
When it comes to the bread I have one sack that stays it has milk so I got a different kind that does not.
Both of my stuffing will be about the same size this should be interesting. :O

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shit. I just realized that the raisens I got yesterday are “yougart and chocolate covered.“those went into the regular stuffing before I caught that and I bet it’s gross!
So for the nonmammel stuffing I found some regular raisens..

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