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For those who have gone through the stages of grief, what are tips on how to handle the denial wearing off?
Just wondering. I have been in this stage almost a month, want to hear others experiences of when it fully sets in.
It is November 25. My mother passed away October 28, almost a month now. It feels like yesterday. I keep avoiding any and all thoughts surrounding her death. I think of her damn near 24/7, but I cannot accept the reality yet. I know it is the reality, but it is literally not clicking in my brain. And I do mean literally. I cannot get myself to fully believe it.
Does not help that I see that image of her dead in her room when I am about to fall asleep because that is a blunt reminder that makes me want to scream.
Yes, yes, yes. Therapy. I am calling the employee resource as they have 8 free hour long sessions. Insurance changes January 1st, no point in trying if I end up picking someone who is not covered next year.
Anyways, enough about that. I just want that personal advice AI cannot give lol
In all seriousness, I am just looking for others experiences not looking for anything only therapy can provide.
I keep feeling the need to elaborate that I am not looking to Fluther for mental health help that only a therapist can provide. Sometimes I get told to just go see one when I am just looking to hear about others experiences. I am figuring my stuff out on my own, it is just helpful to hear what others have to say
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