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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the most that you have won on a lotto ticket?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25063points) 1 month ago

Scratch or others.

I won $50 on a $20 ticket 5 years ago.

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14 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I think it was $20 on a Star Trek scratcher a few years ago. It was a DS9 ticket, that’s why I bought it. :-)

MrGrimm888's avatar

$40. It was a weird card, drawing machine. They had just installed it in my part-time gas station job (almost 23 years ago) and I figured there would be winners in the bottom, to make others want to try.
I bought one,won, and then my boss told me not to anymore…

elbanditoroso's avatar

$50 on a lottery ticket. Never a cent on a lotto (pick 6 numbers) ticket.

chyna's avatar

40 dollars on a 3 dollar ticket.

gondwanalon's avatar

OK how much have you all lost over time?

I’ve play the lottery about a dozen times and I never got more than 2 numbers correct.

I quit playing because the odds of winning the jackpot are so overwhelming. Something like I in 300 million.

I pictured a huge barrel with 300 million pieces of paper each with names of other people playing including one piece of paper with my name on it. Then an official reaches into the barrel and selects one piece of paper for the jackpot. There is no way in hell that the one piece of paper selected will have my name on it. Get real!

Jeruba's avatar

Nothing. Nor lost.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have won a Free ticket several times!
My cousin won 90 million in in 2018..

flutherother's avatar

I won £140 shortly after the lottery began in the UK. Since then , nothing.

Forever_Free's avatar

While I may have won something that a ticket had been gifted to me, I never cashed it it.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

While I’m not a fan of this guy Mr Beast did us a favor and peeled back the curtain on scratch off tickets. He spent tens of thousands and the return rate was only like 70 cents on the dollar.

Personally I have won like $3 but overall in the hole like $30 in my lifetime of hardly ever buying them.

I have better luck playing slots or blackjack at a casino.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Forty years ago our office had a lottery pool, 5 of us split $4200, so a little over $800. Four years ago my wife won $1000.00 on a $10 ticket.

ragingloli's avatar

I have never won anything. But I only play the ad-supported “free” one from my email provider, which I believe has even lower win probabilities.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My husband won $30k on a $2 scratcher.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t play anymore but one time I won $30 on a scratch off. And the most I ever won on our state’s pick 3 lotto was $390.

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