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tinyfaery's avatar

What would easiest to learn for someone who is not very dexterous?

Asked by tinyfaery (44266points) 1 month ago from iPhone

I want to learn a craft. Would knitting, crocheting, or embroidery be easiest for me? My hands are very clumsy.

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18 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Drawing or sewing would be a good start

smudges's avatar

Embroidery is small, precise work. Knitting takes coordination of two knitting needles. I would suggest crochet. There are so many patterns on youtube which teach you how to crochet and I think you’d do fine with it. Just type in “basic crochet for beginners” or something similar.

gorillapaws's avatar

Basic knitting is pretty easy.

canidmajor's avatar

Another recommendation for knitting. I’ve had arthritic hands for decades, and knitting is very doable for me, and it’s very portable.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If you have more patience, I know many who enjoy crocheting. I tried embroidery, not for me.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m more concerned with what will be easiest for muscle memory, or just easiest for clumsy hands to learn, not so much if the work is intricate or not.

Brian1946's avatar

Abstract finger painting?

janbb's avatar

I think if you do knitting starting with big needles, you’ll catch on fast. I made some very long scarves when I was in college.

smudges's avatar

Big knitting needles may do it, but I still think crochet would be easier. You only have one hook whereas with knitting you have to coordinate one needle in each hand. Speaking for myself, I never could pick up knitting but have crocheted a number of things including an afghan.

JLeslie's avatar

Of the three I say crocheting.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In grade school, I broke my wrists, and hand weaving helped to get some dexterity back.

I had a rectangle loom with 15–25 nails per side. Took me one year mostly on weekends to finish. I weaved over and under the loom. I used yarn, or wool.

It was fun.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not trying to go off topic, but you have mentioned your love for Taylor Swift before. Would you be interested in picking up a guitar or an instrument?
That can be extremely rewarding.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I second crochet.

raum's avatar

I think crochet would be easier than knitting.

But I think it’s also easy to get into the rhythm of knitting.

Embroidery seems less about muscle memory and more like drawing with textile as the medium. If that makes sense?

Kardamom's avatar

You might enjoy cross stitch which is one of the easiest forms of embroidery to learn. Between knitting or crochet, I would say crochet is easier. If you want to try something a little bit different, you might enjoy felting.

tinyfaery's avatar


My hands don’t like to cooperate when I try to play guitar.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Of course not. But your hands, are “instruments” too.
Your vocal chords, are not dissimilar from a wind instrument.
You were born with these things, but had to learn to use them…

It was just a thought. I thought of sculpting, but that has a potentially large start up cost, and nobody likes to spend a lot of money on something if they don’t know if they like it yet.

I hope you figure something out.
Personal time, and hobbies, are VERY important for a relatively healthy lifestyle.

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