Are there random moments that you are still irritated/annoyed about years later?
In high school, I was 25 cents short my lunch money and the lunch lady threw it away and would not let me eat. $5+ meal in the trash over 25c.
In Middle school, I had a book with post it notes marking pages with quotes I liked and other things. I lent the book to a teacher and she removed all the post its. They were not obstructing the text by any means, she had no reason to do that. I was pissed.
These are not moments I obsess over, just when I am reminded it still triggers that feeling of annoyance.
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I had a deal with my university, in 1999, that they would leave a portion of my student loans for medical expenses/insurance.
I owed ~$100 to Alberta Healthcare, and refused to transfer my file to Blue Cross. They promptly canceled my mental health medicine. I didn’t have $100.
So I was left in university and my student loans where already proccessed.
I crashed slowly. I managed to pass the first year without my anti-psychotics. I tried to get commited but the hospital administration said no. Until 2003, and finally in 2012.
The rest was just cleared up in December 2024. Half of my student loans are forgiven. Also the train wreck of my life is back, finally, on the rails.
Thank you for asking, SergentQueen. I needed to vent. I’m a bit bitter. If I could go on strike I would.
I am always here for you Red :)
@SergeantQueen Thanks. (((HUGS))) I keep fighting. I belive
thatMmy time travel would be resolved if my university experience was settled.
When I was a kid, I had a fudge chocolate bar and a friend of mine pleaded to be allowed a bite. I gave him a bite and he took almost all it into his slavering jaws leaving me with the paper and a short stub of fudge. It annoys me to this day.
None. I don’t harbor feelings. That leaves me stuck in the past
For me, dwelling on past events can lead to emotional distress and difficulty in forming new relationships or opportunities.
The doctor who didn’t take seriously that the drug he prescribed for IVF was giving a horrible reaction. It eventually was removed from the market.
The doctor who didn’t send my referral over to the rheumatologist specialist.
The doctor who didn’t call me or notify me in any way that my kidney function went below normal and then when I called them about it did not get back to me and then when I went in person they tried to make me make another appointment when all I wanted was an order to retest to make sure it showed below normal again. The story gets longer, but I will leave it there.
The doctor who didn’t call me when my heart started to show valve damage.
the doctor who would not change my thyroid medicine when I was complaining of a reaction.
The doctors in the ER who CT’s me head to pelvis twice when it was not necessary. The report I requested said I had 20 years of background radiation in a minute plus or minus 50%!
The ER doctors who didn’t remove large pieces of road stuck in my skin
The ER doctors who didn’t stitch a deep wound on my elbow, and the doctors for two days on the floor who ignored my husband when he pointed out the cut was deep, open and oozing constantly.
See a pattern?
@Forever_Free Well, duh. What I am talking about is not dwelling. It is impossible to have moments that don’t still make you feel some sort of way years later. I mean a moment that when reminded of, you still feel that little bit of annoyance. Not a moment you dwell on.
Also, @flutherother reminds me of when my brother and I shared a Cadbury egg, and he took a bite and got all the filling along with it.
@SergeantQueen There is a difference between “some sort of way” and irritated/annoyed as you asked. Being bothered and annoyed at something that long ago means you are still holding that feeling versus just reflecting on the feeling you had then.
Then I do not know how to explain what I am asking. I am not holding on to anything so obviously I am not explaining myself right. Other people seem to get what I mean so I am not worried about it.
I am not trying to be rude, we are just on two different pages. Those feelings are not strong or anything. I don’t know how to explain. It is different than what you are describing, at least what I feel.
^^ Understood. I get wrapped up in word meaning too much sometimes. No worries.
Sorry again if I came off as snippy
One time I leant a soap dish to my roommate. When he moved out, he returned the soap dish to me. But he had thrown out the bottom half of the soap dish, the part that actually caught the water that drained from the top half of the soap dish.
For some reason, this bothered me more than if he had not returned the soap dish to me at all.
Mostly this incident sticks in my mind because it makes me curious why it bothered me.
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