General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

What is the best way to go about this? (details in post)

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13438points) 3 weeks ago

I changed my moms Paramount and Netflix payment to my own, as I use those. I want to change email and password, but right now don’t have her phone and I am weary about using her email too much in case something gets locked out.

Can I email them, explain the situation? I would have no problem sending an obituary if they need. I just want the information to be my own since I pay for it now.

Please, Do not tell me to just make a new account. My moms shows and profile is on there. I will not be doing that.

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15 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Emailing them won’t do any good. You’ll be lucky if you can even get to a human – chances are that you won’t.

But the main point is that without her phone (and the 6-digit code they will send to it), they don’t know you are the customer. So they won’t do any changes.

An obit prob won’t work either – a death certificate (certified) may be required,

Dutchess_III's avatar

You can sure try contacting them. Maybe call them. Explain the situation.
Do you have her D certificate? That should be all they need. Just make a scan of it and save it in your files for others who may require it.
Let me know what they say.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Their terms of use probably specifically forbid trasnferering the account to another person so if you were to get in touch with them they would probably close the account imediatley.

JLeslie's avatar

Possibly, your dad could get it switched to his name, but I highly doubt you can put it in your name, but maybe so.

You could try to read the fine print of the terms of the agreement. You maybe can scan the document using ctrl F for a search box and use keywords if the document is very long.

Or, call and don’t give them any of the account info and just ask the questions if there is a way to change the name on the account without resetting the account back to original and losing the shows you want to keep. I would call two separate times and see if you get the same answer.

If you wind up having to start from scratch you will probably be able to get some sort of introductory deal and save some money, but I know a few dollars doesn’t really matter in this situation.

I agree if they are told she died they might shut down the account immediately. Maybe you can change name and billing without any mention of her passing away.

jca2's avatar

If you want to withhold details and get them to switch the account, they might ask you security questions (like what is your favorite place to vacation or your mother’s maiden name).

SnipSnip's avatar

Close her accounts and open you own. You’ll likely need a death certificate to close hers.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

^ Will not be doing that. I will start by changing the password once I have access to her email and then I will try to change stuff later. Seems easier that way. Thanks all. It seems dumb how complicated they want to make it. She’s dead and I am paying for it, so seems weird they would close the account. I won’t risk that. I will try this first.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Snip…or let it go to collections for nonpayment. That will close it without the hassle.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Wait, are we all on the same page that I am talking about streaming services? Requiring a death certificate to change an email is nuts. I only had to give my college an obituary for a refund on a class.

There is no “closing” the account. I can stop paying and it will lock me out, but once I pay again everything is there.

No collections either. I pay monthly. If my payment declines the service stops until I pay.

I can keep it in her name, but change other info (my email, my password). I just was not sure if I would have any luck calling/emailing them and having them change it, instead of having to have access to her email

MakeItSo1701's avatar

^I should add that of course it can be deleted, and those services can get rid of users. So maybe I am misunderstanding close the account. Ignore me. I probably am confusing myself here.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As long as you make the payments you shouldn’t have a problem. Just keep making them.
Why do you want to change the email and password?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Because she has been hacked before. Paranoia, I guess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Has she been hacked with her current info?
I’d say don’t rock the boat until it’s necessary. You might create more problems.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thank you. The past few days my anxiety has skyrocketed. Especially with memorializing accounts but I think my Grandma might want to make an instagram so she can follow my mom before I lock the account.

My mother has over 1,000 posts, posting almost everyday, multiple times a day. Her crafts, all that. I am hyperparanoid of her stuff right now. I am not sure where the anxiety about hackers is coming from but here it is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Comes with the grieving @SergeantQueen.

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