Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is stopping you from getting into politics?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25074points) 1 month ago

Money? Skeletons In your closet? Common sence?

Humor welcome.

I might consider something after my debts are paid. No rush.
I’m interested in running for mayor of Fluther one day.

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23 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I do not like talking to people, I do not like talking in front of people, I have no charisma and I know that no one would vote for me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Maybe you can be the power behind the throne? You are very wise, ethical, very perceptive, and astute.
I would vote for you.
I would follow you into battle.

cookieman's avatar

My inability to lie very well.

snowberry's avatar

Hubby was the mayor of our tiny little town decades ago. His best friend started going to the public meetings just to stir up strife, and make headaches for everyone. Wasn’t any fun, and no, that man is no longer a friend.

raum's avatar

The people you’re supposed to be representing.

A good deal of the people you have to deal with as a school board member or city council member make me want to shove a pencil in my eye.

And that’s just local, big fish small pond shit. I’m sure it just gets worse the higher up you go.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have no interest in being a whore.

JLeslie's avatar

Invasion of privacy, embarrassment, threats to your life.

jca2's avatar

Politicians are damned if they do, damned if they don’t

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seawulf575's avatar

I have too much self-respect to dive into that cesspool.

Forever_Free's avatar

The juice is not worth the squeeze.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’m not good at thinking on my feet or speaking off the cuff. My brain needs to ponder and decide. Any politician will frequently be peppered with comments and questions and must respond in the moment.

Political life isn’t healthy or natural. Human beings don’t enjoy being hated and attacked, but both happen frequently in elected or appointed politics. There are those who believe that all politicians are corrupt liars (not true) and will despise on principle, while other people are legitimately opposed for valid reasons. Regardless of the reasons, the ongoing strife is exhausting and can harm even the toughest, most thick-skinned individual.

I’m a quiet person who’s highly introverted. A public person has no privacy. If a politician stops at the market to buy a loaf of bread, s/he will be recognized, approached, and expected to react politely.

Very often, a political life means too much work for very little pay. In Virginia, a state senator is paid $18K per year. That individual attends a grueling legislative session every year, followed by months of constituent services, staying involved in local matters, advocating for his/her district’s needs, going to countless meetings, being on the scene of natural and human disasters, etc.

Blackberry's avatar

There’s so many reasons not to. Character slander and people coming after your innocent family.

The worst case scenario is obviously assassination. It literally happens to anyone that enacts real change.

ragingloli's avatar

Adolf Hitler has had at least 42 assassination attempts.

smudges's avatar

All of the above, plus there are many times when a politician has to act in a way contrary to what they would like.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I am different, from most.
In short, I do not believe that I would represent the needs of America.

I have, ZERO representation in DC. And I know how that feels.
I would not subject the world, to what I believed to be right…

I know humans are stupid enough, to give individuals rule over entire populations. That doesn’t mean that I agree that any single person, should have ALL the power. I haven’t earned it, and I know probably every single world leader, probably shouldn’t have the power they have either.

When I was a LEO, I saw a few judges that (to me) were terrible, insecure, entitled, spiteful, people. One at least, seemed to quite clearly be high on himself, and wasted a LOT of taxpayers money, giving HIS opinions on things, like “Jerry’s Final Thoughts.”..
From what I’ve seen, mostly, people take advantage of and/or abuse power…

The government, has NEVER functioned. But American voters have trained their politicians to work mainly for reelection, not serve their constituents…

After Trump was elected AGAIN, I no longer care nearly as much, about it’s population…

It’s ALREADY a shit show, a Trump barely avoided not even having Mike Johnson, to swear him in.
Trump’s main man Musk, also, has not clocked in once yet, and he already us calling Trump’s supporters “contemptible fools,” and “unrepentant racists.”..
So Musk, has already grown tired and irritated, with his new toy he bought (Donald Trump.)

The cabinet nominees, are mostly wildly unqualified for their posts. Some of course, are also sexual predators, and drug abusers. You know, “fine people.”

For me to be POTUS, I would need to care about the people of this country. I’m not disowning people, or committing acts of terrorism, or threatening Civil War. I didn’t even vote…

Although I DO NOT wish harm on anyone, people WILL be harmed by this administration.
I’m at the point now, where I feel they need to watch it burn, so they can see what THEY did.
They need to see their loved one’s mutilated and tortured by Polio.
They need, to watch Trump fly off into the sunset, after he’s bankrupted the country.
They need to lay, in the bed they’ve made.

Why on Earth, would I want to help, the “contemptible fools?”..

I hope they live LONG lives, so they will have to live through the environmental changes that are wreaking havoc on our planet, and will slowly kill their loved ones.
Right now, their celebrating the fact they ALL fell for a lowly conman. TWICE. It’s amusing.
And now, for Darwinism…

jca2's avatar

I know local politicians because my last job involved working closely with them, and I can tell you that it’s all day, every day. They are, at night, attending events like retirement parties, meetings, town halls, stuff like that, all night long. We’d be at a party or a meeting and the politician would come in with his staff person, and he’d go around and shake hands with everyone, saying nice words, and then he’d do a little speech about the issue (if it was a meeting) or the person retiring (if it was a retirement party) or a greeting and then he or she would hustle off to the next stop. That includes weekends, too, when they’re attending parades, picnics, stuff like that.

My friend’s husband was a local politician (more local than the ones I worked with), in a growing town, and he would be at meetings 3 or 4 nights out of the week, Plus, on the weekends, if he went to a town event, people would come up to him to talk about a new building going up, or a neighborhood problem, or the budget, or something and so it was constant working, working, working. As far as what he got in compensation, it didn’t compare.

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SnipSnip's avatar

IQ points.

smudges's avatar

^^ What… too high? ;^)

RocketGuy's avatar

1) It’s a thankless job.
2) I’d have to deal with stupid people.
3) I am skilled at offending people.

JLeslie's avatar

Face the Nation last Sunday talked about this with Nancy Pelosi. One of the comments was she agreed the fears about entering politics probably works against women more than men, but both are affected. They mentioned many things we mentioned and Pelosi added children of politicians getting harassed and ostracized at school by other kids.

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