Meta Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Can I say thank you?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13617points) 1 month ago

I understand if this is not allowed, it is not really a question.

But truly, thank you.

I have no clue how I found this site. I don’t remember. But I was 16, I am 24 now. Jan 3rd 2017, so 8 years on here now?

I joined when I was in the middle of an abusive relationship. Now, I am dealing with the death of my mother. I never had much of a support system, so being able to ask questions and get advice through this has been very helpful.

You all have helped me, talked some sense into me. I appreciate it. I know I have pissed people off on here with the dumbass remarks I made. I do sincerely apologize, as I know I have said some bad things. I feel bad, but it is also a reflection of how I have grown throughout the years.

Point is, thank you for being here. Thank you for your patience. You guys truly have helped me more than I can explain. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone during some of the darkest moments of my life.

I am so glad I somehow stumbled into this website.

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15 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

You are a sweetheart and I’m so glad we can bring you any small comfort. Big hug.

chyna's avatar

I am glad you are here.

canidmajor's avatar

This is a very gracious post, @SergeantQueen, and shows how much personal growth you’ve experienced in the last few years. You’ve had a rough couple of years, I’m so glad that Fluther has helped you. Life is hard, find the joy when you can. In a way, we’re all family here, by choice.

I appreciate this lovely question from you, thank you right back atcha! <3

smudges's avatar

I’m glad you’re here – you add a different view on many posts. I appreciate your struggles and believe you have a great future. ♡

flutherother's avatar

What a lovely question. You may have demons still to fight but our battered armour and our rusted swords are at your service.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Your welcome. @SergeantQueen

Thanks for all the Jellies who stuck with me since 2009 when I was @TallJasperMan until now, and in the future.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@SergeantQueen You’re a lovely person who writes lovely words. We Jellies are so fortunate to have you among us.

Jeruba's avatar

@SergeantQueen, this post is a sure sign of how much you have grown up. Your message is warm, kind, and sincere. Thanks for that, and a quiet “you’re welcome” back to you. Glad to have you among us. I’m sure others will benefit when you share your wisdom with them.

jonsblond's avatar

Big hugs <3

MrGrimm888's avatar

You’re welcome of course.

Peace n love.

janbb's avatar

Just found this and so happy you are here now and that we’ve helped you along the way. As my friend’s father used to say, “The first hundred years are the hardest.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You’re welcome. This is a delight to read.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@janbb My father always said “It’s a rough fucking life, and it just gets harder.”
He’s been saying that, since I could understand English…

I always thought it was a terrible thing, to say to a child or really anyone going through something. But. Every time the going gets tough, I think of that saying and the absurdity of the “advice” sort of makes me smile.

I’m more of an “adapt, and overcome” type…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I appreciate you all. I struggle to find words, so I wasn’t ignoring I just dont know what to say. Thank you <3

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