Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Can we give a note of farewell and good riddance to the late Anita Bryant?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33640points) 2 weeks ago

news article

She made it her business to villify gays and lesbians, saying the God told her to say so.

She was one of the people who created the culture wars that we now see every day.

Good riddance.

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4 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Anita reason to care

She sounds evil

filmfann's avatar

I had no idea that crusty, hateful bitch was still alive.
I remember her remarks about the gay community, and the knife she put in the backs of Flint autoworkers.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I literally danced for joy when I heard the news. She was a vile person. I hope she rots. I hope her death was painful.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Way back when, she had a lucrative contract with the Florida Citrus Commission, making television commercials for orange juice. After she’d opened her big mouth and said hateful things, her career plummeted. She became known as a self-righteous bigot. She lost an offer to host a TV variety show, the Florida Citrus Commission let her contract lapse, and other endorsements were canceled. Oh, what a shame!

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