Meta Question

smudges's avatar

Weird or what?

Asked by smudges (11388points) 3 weeks ago from iPhone

Blackwater_Park’s name has yarn lady’s picture! And I’m having to ask on my phone.

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17 Answers

smudges's avatar

The pics aren’t like that on all of them, but if you do a search you’ll see it. Also on the class clown question in social.

Normally when I try to ask a question and can’t, I just wait – sometimes for a few days, but this was too weird so I just had to ask on my phone, which is a big pain.

janbb's avatar

They’re starting a thing we did years ago. Actually Jeruba and I did it first. On a certain day, we had everyone secretly change their avatar to AstroChuck’s for a few hours. A little later someone did it with Yarnlady’s and it became known as the Yarnpocolypse. I haven’t heard they were doing it now but that’s probably what’s going on. Nothing to do with not being able to ask a question; that’s a glitch.

smudges's avatar

LOL That’s too funny!

janbb's avatar

It was really funny both times.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb I was going to wait until April 13tth to start wearing the “ears” !

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah, I remember now. That did cross my mind but I have not seen Yarn Lady very active lately so I was confused.

I feel like I have either seen you guys do it, or I have at least heard it talked about.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

When do I get to be a penguin?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Alright I am on that second thread. I knew it lol

jca2's avatar

It’s when we celebrate She Who Wears the Ears of the Hare!

jca2's avatar

My first profile, where I name the Yarnpocalypse as one of my favorite world events:

jonsblond's avatar

Y’all are making me so confused. :D

janbb's avatar


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