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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Why did the optician do this?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13541points) 3 weeks ago

The frames I ordered were in this really ugly yellow. I told them that I wanted them in a different color, and I am pretty sure I straight up called the yellow ugly to them.

She ordered it in purple, I went to go pick them up, and she had both the yellow and the purple frames out. The lenses were in the yellow.

I get what she was trying to do, she wanted me to try on the purple to see if I liked them.

But it still seemed odd to have them put in the yellow. She had to switch it over and I literally heard like 3 people back there trying to figure it out, and she even came back and said something about my lenses being thick.

I guess I am just curious, the logic behind it seems odd. Wouldn’t you put the lenses in the ones I ordered and then swap if I didn’t like them? It seems like her way was more difficult in the long run. I was worried something was going wrong, it took quite a while.

It really isn’t a big deal. I am just a bit confused, is all.

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5 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe trying to unload excess stock.

JLeslie's avatar

The optician is either an idiot or just made a mistake.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah, it was something intentional I believe. She kept saying stuff about the yellow glasses when ordering and I said a few times I did not like the yellow.

My dad even asked me if I was sure she ordered them in purple.

It was all just odd

jca2's avatar

It sounds like they either didn’t understand that you didn’t want the yellow or you didn’t make it clear that you didn’t want the yellow. It sounds like it was a misunderstanding and not intentionally malicious.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thank you. I agree it wasn’t malicious. I was wondering the logic, but maybe I didn’t make myself clear to her.

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