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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do Epsom Salts really do?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 3 weeks ago

Are they actually any good for anything?

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27 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It relaxes you..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it salt or just the warm water @SergeantQueen?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I think its both. Like inflammation

Zaku's avatar

Epsom salts are not “salt”, they are magnesium and sulfate. Some also have oils and perfume added.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @Zaku. So does it actually have any medicinal properties, like drawing out infections? Or is it the simple act of soaking the ouchie in warm water that’s doing the trick?

Brian1946's avatar

They make your feet taste better. ;-p

Brian1946's avatar

Mmmm, toest.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I actually use Dr. Heels, lavender Epsom salt. A tub full of hot water well mixed with that stuff, and it is great.
To me, it’s a soaking.
I try to wedge myself completely under the water (accept my head,) and maybe meditate and/or play some music.
When I get out, my body feels heavy (I usually soak, after a good workout) and by the next day my body feels better.

I’m certain that there are a number of factors, in why it is effective. But to be clear, I’ve soaked in regular hot water, and it’s just not the same.
Obviously, the lavender, is relaxing as well.

I would say, when combined with other stuff, it’s really useful.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@zaku magnesium sulphate is a salt!

JLeslie's avatar

Magnesium. You can buy magnesium spray instead for topical magnesium and spray it and rub in where you ache. Magnesium is well absorbed through the skin.

You can take magnesium supplements in pill form too. Magnesium is essential for muscles including the heart muscle.

There is such a thing as too much magnesium so don’t overdo.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Er, they make the water feel “softer” but that’s about it. It’s not absorbed through the skin. Any health effects are placebo.

JLeslie's avatar

Information about magnesium.,be%20absorbed%20through%20the%20skin.

Scroll way down to Available Forms and it references magnesium being absorbed through the skin.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Brian1946 They make your feet taste better. You just made me cringe, B-man. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Would prefer information from an accredited, reputable source source @JLeslie.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

All the literature I have read about magnesium absorption through the skin says it essentially does not happen. Years ago my wife was worried about getting too much. That’s just not a thing from taking a bath in Epsom salt

Zaku's avatar

@Lightlyseared Yes though not the same salt as table salt, nor salt water from the sea or an inland lake.

It’s been enjoyed and chosen over plain water by people for hundreds of years. The fact that science hasn’t figured out and explained what exact effects it has in bio-chemical terms, doesn’t indicate much.

RocketGuy's avatar

Maybe human skin cells tolerate salt water better than bacteria, so there is an anti-bacterial effect. I recently had a sore on my gums. Swishing with salt (NaCl) water cleared that up in 2 days.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Zaku you may be surprised to know that “science” has a really, realy good idea whay sodium chloride does biochemically

@RocketGuy that statement only works if you the word some. Human skin cells tolerate salt water better than some bacteria. There other bacteria that can only exist in salt water. And in certain conditions saltwater can turn a human to skeleton in about 4 days.

Caravanfan's avatar

Nothing. Although if you ingest them you will get diarrhea.

Zaku's avatar

Oh my gawd . . .

RocketGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared – if they’re growing on your skin under normal conditions, they won’t like salt water very much.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do feel like the salt, is cleansing. Although, I always take a brief regular shower right before I get out, to wash off the stuff.

When I am covered in, and or swimming in salt water, it just seems like it de-greases you…

Sadly, the ocean water, is probably really polluted now.
There are multiple spots around my area, that have warnings for water exposure. Even getting it splashed on you can irritate the skin. These places, are usually close to a sewer pipe, or fishing/shrimp boat docks.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@RocketGuy yes. but you didn’t specify that

Kraigmo's avatar

I use it for softening bath water, and also I drink it when I fast for a week, to create a laxative effect, to clean my internal system out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I fasted for a week once. I was in high school

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