Is it possible to have a drug (prescription) with no side effects?
Edit to clarify: not illegal drugs, doctor prescribed drugs.
I have been on a total of about 10–12 ish different medications. All for mental health reasons. The one I am on now I have to stop for a bit because it is lowering my blood pressure too much. Another made me throw up almost everyday for a month straight.
I love my meds!!!!!! They help!!!!! But boy, finding the right ones are a PAIN.
It is 2025, why can’t we have magic pills yet?
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14 Answers
No. The side effects may be positive, but if there were no side effects the drug would be useless.
Yes I should have edited to say with no NEGATIVE side effects!!!! I am confused today.
Well you can call your Pharmacist and chat with him. They wre the drug experts. Then talk with your doctor.
Yeah^^ I did. I am stopping that med.
I am just asking if it is even possible to have no negative side effects at all. Which does seem unlikely, like you said.
@SergeantQueen Don’t quote me on this that it might be possible for one to have side effects from a placebo?
Also an interesting psychology bit of trivia. People with missing limbs can still feel it itch, and it is possible to pretend to scratch it and have it provide relief.
Is called phantom limb disorder.
There will always be ADR’s (adverse drug reactions).
Every human is different and reacts differently to drugs and food.
Well it’s also going to depend on each individual. All drugs affect people differently.
@SergeantQueen I looked it up. One can get negative side effects, nocebos from placebos. Every so often breakthroughs happen in medicine. There is a new Schizophrenia medicine coming soon KarXT is one name, and
it has lots of side effects. Your doctor will decide with you what the trade offs are, and If it is worth it.
In the future it is possible to have pharmaceuticals with no side effects. Possibly from A.I. and Quantum computing.
Every medication has main effects and possible side effects. The doctor and pharmacist ought to be able to advise you, esp. if they know what all medications you are supposed to be taking. Then they ought to be able to advise on alternative meds. The self-help path would be to look into the drug interaction feature in Epocrates app to see the possible interactions from what all you are taking. But that doesn’t help point you to a better solution.
Sure. I’m on several drugs that I feel no side effects.
The only psych med I have ever taken with no side effects that have been felt or observed is Effexor. Everything else has had some sort of side effects. I guess you need to decide what is worth dealing with. I take another med that makes me overheat quickly, and my specific cocktail leaves me with dry mouth.
Sometimes unwanted side effects will even out after a time period or at different doses. For some it can be a lifetime of trying to find what works for you.
Good luck.
All drugs have some potential side effects. Even aspirin can have a side effect. And those side effects may not hit everyone, but they can be felt by some. The drugs are doing something to your body. When that happens, it could result in other issues.
I only have one prescription. It’s Losartan, for high blood pressure.
I’ve been taking it since 2007. No side effects except for normal blood pressure, which I don’t actually notice, because I didn’t notice anything before.
If I take a full Loratadine (Claritin) for 4 days straight, it stops working and makes me pee really slowly. And that was before I got old. Minimal side effects if I take ½ a tablet at a time.
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