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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are the worst side effects from medicine? (Possibly NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25073points) 2 weeks ago

For you personally.

Tin mouth, Is up near the top. I don’t have this side effect with my pills.

Second is man boobs.

Third is tied from twitching or dizziness.

Share your experiences.

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4 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

The worst drug that I’ve taken is Amiodarone. The cardiologist told that it is “the atomic bomb of cardiac drugs.”Works great at keeping the heart beating normally but it is harmful to the liver, thyroid, eyes, skin and lungs. But I was very thankful to have it at first as it kept my heart beating normally. No other anti arrhythmia drug worked for me. Worked great for 3 years and then slowly started being less and less effective until it completely stopped working and my heart went into persistent a-fib.

After that I went the surgical route to keep my heart beating normally, Over the last 24 years I’ve had 4 heart catheter ablations and one mini-maze operation. All in an effort to keep my heart beating normal. It’s been a big fight. And my heart has been in normal sinus rhythm well over 90% of the time. Someday I may lose this fight. But not until my heart experts say it’s time to surrender.

I know that there are many people who have a-fib and it doesn’t seem to bother them. When my heart is in a-fib I feel sick and miserable. Feels like there’s a tourniquet tied around my heart or someone has their hands around my throat and squeezing. A real bummer.

Good health!

snowberry's avatar

Death. I was affected because I went to his funeral.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Skin peeling off in sheets from antibiotic.

JLeslie's avatar

One of the worst is a severe case of TEN’s. Basically, your skin peels off and you wind up on the burn victim hospital floor and you have a 25–30% chance of dying. It’s a horrible death. It can happen from any drug and why “rash” as a side effect is pretty much listed for every drug and a reason to contact your doctor.

The worst reaction I’ve personally had was burning skin all over my body and pressure on my chest like an elephant was sitting on it. I wound up in the ER. Another bad side effect I’m having is losing my memory from statin drugs.

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