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Jeruba's avatar

What if Trump wants Greenland for himself?

Asked by Jeruba (56174points) 3 weeks ago

This chilling thought just occurred to me: If Trump manages to bend Denmark to his will, a transaction will occur. It will make Greenland a possession of the U.S.

Suppose the next step is that the U.S. sells the world’s largest island to Trump? (At a bargsin rate, of course.) He could pull that off. And then he gets to charge the U.S. vast sums for access to its resources.

Does this sound impossible to you, after all that’s happened?

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26 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar


SQUEEKY2's avatar

Will have to wait and see.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump will announce something only he knows. Greenland is an island (surrounded by water no less) that is not green. It’s ice.
He has no clue about the island’s resources. He will repeat, as much as he understands, what someone else tells him.

JLeslie's avatar

Gawd. What a thought.

gondwanalon's avatar

It doesn’t sound possible to me. Honestly it just sounds ridiculous.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s trump. Of course it sounds ridiculous. But then something weird happens.

filmfann's avatar

He doesn’t even want Monday’s swearing in outside in DC, cause it will be cold.
He wants to drill for oil.

Jeruba's avatar

@filmfann, it’s a convenient excuse to avoid seeing the actual size of his audience.

seawulf575's avatar

Oh brother.

JLeslie's avatar

I fully support not doing the inauguration outside, the temperature is going to be ridiculously and dangerously cold. If he did it outside he would just blame a smaller crowd size on the cold. Plus, it doesn’t matter the actual crowd size, no matter what he will say it was big.

15°F temps for hours outside is similar to being in a room and risking covid, it is truly a risk to ones health unless you really have the gear for it, and the majority of people don’t.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

My own theory…

Trump’s so ignorant, he’s unaware that the name Greenland is a misnomer, and that the island’s cold and icy. He’s picturing a green paradise that can be developed into countless golf courses.

Yes, that’s what I believe, and I’m sticking with it.

Forever_Free's avatar

I don’t think it will happen but there are so many things to think about.
The US would have new Indigenous people to wrong
The vacations there would surround watching ice caps melt
Immediate need to deal with the foreigners already there.
We would make Alaska jealous
America’s appetite for pickled fish would be satisfied
Give a boom to Flag makers to figure out how to add 1 star
Immigrant camps have to go somewhere

Dutchess_III's avatar

You guys are great!
@Jeruba…if he doesn’t want to the actual size he better not look in the mirror.

Also, if a lot of showed up he’s afraid that 89% would be booing. Hell I’d go to the inaguration for that reason.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Denmark is part of NATO, so it’s not going to happen. And Trump can’t even stand the cold enough to have the inauguration outside tomorrow, although I think that might actually be for other reasons as well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What does it have to do with NATO? Just looking for education, not an insult fight.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He would have the biggest golf course ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh I’d pay to watch his fat ass playing golf on ice!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Dutchess_III because if he goes after a country that is part of NATO, even if it’s one of their territories, then the other countries in NATO have to react.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I see.
Yes. He thinks NATO is a basketball team though.

Jeruba's avatar

I know it’s a far-fetched idea, although it did cause me to stop short when I thought of it.

My question, though: Can you really say this sounds impossible to you, after all that’s happened (and all that threatens to happen)?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know @Jeruba. After watching his unbelievable behavior prior to the 2016 election I could not believe he won.
Then, during his presidency, he was worse than we thought.
How can that be?

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Jeruba and @Dutchess_III, I think the difference is now that he is catching the world’s attention and he may find that he has gone too far. There are international courts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He has always gone too far.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Dutchess_III of course he has and I didn’t mean to imply that he hadn’t before now. But now it’s becoming international issues and there are courts that can hold him to account, even if the US can’t seem to. I don’t know how it will play out but I think it’s early in the game.

Pandora's avatar

Greenland has rare metals and Gas off their shores. Trump simply wants to steal it before China does. People in Greenland want to be independent but belong to Denmark. Denmark politician at the UN pretty much told Trump that Denmark will not sell Greenland and that he could go f himself.

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