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LostInParadise's avatar

Why does Trump think that raising tariffs reduces inflation?

Asked by LostInParadise (32263points) 2 weeks ago

This is in general so please stay on topic.
Raising tariffs increases the cost that people spend on foreign goods. The price is paid by the consumer, not t he company. Tariffs also raise the cost that domestic companies can charge for their goods. How is this supposed to reduce inflation?

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21 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

He thinks that the other countries will be paying the tariffs. He is wrong, of course – the cost is paid by the US companies that are buying from overseas. And they pass the additional cost along to us.

Trymp sees this as a power play and show of strength.

His knowledge of economics is lower than zero.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because he’s stupid and no matter how many times it’s explained to him he still won’t understand. Plus there is some one behind him insisting it’s a good idea…for unknown and scary reasons.
Other countries are just laughing.

gorillapaws's avatar

Your question presumes that Trump believes that raising tariffs reduces inflation. It’s entirely possible that he’s lying. If does believe tariffs will reduce inflation, it’s because he’s a total fucking moron.

Lightlyseared's avatar

He doesn’t. He thinks other countries are the enemy and raising tariffs is an attack on the enemy. If Americans get harmed as a result then so be it, that is the cost of war sometimes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This is a guy who thinks a trade deficit is a subsidy, but mainly I think this is a deflection for his massive extending tax break for the ultra rich.

YARNLADY's avatar

This question implies that the con man actually thinks. He reacts mindlessly and is striking out the only way he knows how.

JLeslie's avatar

Did he say higher tariffs will lower inflation? He believes tariffs will bring manufacturing back to the US and that tariffs will bring more tax money into the US federal government. If he also is saying it will slow or reduce inflation, I don’t know why he says that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s my firm belief, that Trump rarely (if ever,) fully understands even simple concepts, about how governments work. Or what his actual powers, actually are.

I know that Trump doesn’t care about California, but this is REALLY shitty timing, to insult the nation’s helping us with the fire.

To me, he ties immigration in with these trade agreements. Thinking he can apply pressure economically, to reduce the immigrants coming to America.

Regarding China, I believe the strategy of bringing manufacturing back, is completely implausible.
IF manufacturing booms again in America, it will be robots doing the manufacturing. Not citizens, in need of work.
The robots, will likely be manufactured elsewhere, so that would only harm the US.
With AI eating all the white collar jobs, there will be very few actual jobs available. For any person.
America is a capitalist nation, but capitalism cannot work without buyers.
This holiday season, people spent money, they didn’t have.

The system is designed to funnel ALL of the money, to the most wealthy.
ALL of the wealthiest corporations/people, get richer, and the poor get poorer, until there is no way to support the wealthy. If the US is a casualty of the most wealthy, making themselves more wealthy, the wealthy will simply go somewhere else.
Leaving the vast majority of the population working 3 jobs, and in constant debt, to support the wealthy.

In Trump’s first term, he transfered $2.7 trillion of American tax payer dollars, to the wealthiest of the wealthy.

His ordered continuation of his tax cuts, WILL take trillions more, straight from the pockets of the middle class and poor, and put it in banks that aren’t even US banks. What’s the problem?~

flutherother's avatar

Trump is only about 18% of a complete president. He has no interest whatsoever in the other 82% of the job. He will run America ruthlessly as if it were one of his companies. Lies and threats come naturally to him, it is part of business.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

He does not think this. The goal is to bring back manufacturing and it’s a logical step. For years we incentivized corporate expansion outside our borders. What we have left is a failing service-based economy. Things will get worse before they get better. That part he is not being entirely honest about.

canidmajor's avatar

^^^ Yeah, the Vietnamese are benefitting greatly! It’s not bringing manufacturing and industry back, it’s just encouraging the moves to other countries.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Vietnam is not exactly a hub of commerce like the US.

canidmajor's avatar

Um…not the point.

Caravanfan's avatar

Because he is a fucking moron.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Remember when he bragged to those HS kids that he had ultimate power and could do anything he wanted.
So clueless.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It simply doesn’t matter, what Trump, or anyone does.
The wealthy, will ALWAYS find ways to hide their earnings, and keep their money in foreign banks.
Amazon is already using robots, and they are fast tracking to try to get rid if people.
ALL the bigger corporations, don’t want people AT ALL.

The Republicans, especially in their current state, heavily oppose unions. They don’t care, about workers safety, or anything else. Just profit.
The more profit, the better.

Mega corporations, hate people.
People expect certain treatment, pay, benefits. That’s just gross, to the GOP.

There are already dozens of robots that have been worked into many manufacturing jobs.
There is NOBODY, who could tell me that a large corporation would have people, than cheap robots, that don’t have rights.

Maybe 30 years ago, this strategy would have been more realistic.
Currently, the robotics industry is happily making robots that are 100% designed to permanently replace people.

I look into small business opportunities occasionally, and my algorithms shoot me ads for machines ALL the time.
Things like a machine that makes designs on metal, to robots that can do basic assembly, or 3D printers.
Most of these machines are actually below $10k.
The idea, is that you buy the machine, and just take orders.
The machines are “easily” programmable, and there is no skill required. Just pressing buttons, and selling the finished product.

If I were a wealthy corporation, and I decided to build a new manufacturing plant for my goods, the LAST thing on my mind would be building the manufacturing plant with people in mind. Seeing the writing on the wall, I would design the manufacturing process so that the fewest (if any) people would be needed.
Trust me. There are people working around the clock, to get in on this robotics revolution. As I said, AI, is more than capable (in the mind of someone who prioritizes profit) than a person.
And obviously, the robots will never complain, ask for raises, or have feelings.

The wealthy are focused on further separating, from the poor. That could not have been more apparent, in Trump’s 3rd world, war lord inauguration, where if you look at the wealthiest people there, they were ALL smiling.
NONE of their body language, suggested it was an inauguration.
To me, it looked like people arriving to collect an award, or lottery winnings.
The wealthy couldn’t help themselves, and MANY of these most powerful people in the world, were clearly excited at the fucked up shit, they are going to do to get even richer…

The problem, is IT’S NEVER ENOUGH. The greedy pigs, would want more money, if they became trillionaires. It will NEVER BE ENOUGH.

NOTHING matters to these people, except money. Trump made it crystal clear, that the wealthier you are, the closer you can be to him.

The new car industry, is not doing well. Mainly because of exponential and unexplained hikes in prices, but also because most people couldn’t afford these vehicles IF they wanted them.

I’m sorry, but I cannot possibly see a logical way this WILL bring jobs back to America.

@canidmajor made an excellent point. Trump may indeed tell these wealthy elites to to bring business back, but how would he possibly enforce that? These people are obviously contributing millions/billions, to Trump, so he’s definitely not going to pressure them.

No China, ha! What about the rest of Asia?
We may end up, with even worse quality products, than what China shits out.

They will do whatever minimum, Trump has asked for, maybe, and the rest of Trump’s term, will be a celebration for the wealthy.
The next 5 years, will be VERY difficult… We WILL have to pass laws, preventing people from using robots and AI, or there will literally be NO jobs.
The wealthy don’t care how poor people get, as long as there are banks or credit unions willing to loan people thousands of dollars with high interest rates, so they continue spending.

If everyone becomes poor, and jobless, because of the robotics revolution, we may have to reconsider currency all together. As there will be no way, of earning money legally…

Dutchess_III's avatar

But rich people have never had a president who unabashedly, and publically cheered them on before.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III Reagan was peetty bad. He’s undoubtedly the architect of the hollowing out of America’s middle class and transferring the wealth to the top 0.001%.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Reagan didn’t cheer them on but silently transferred middle class money to the rich.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Reagan’s vast list of shortcomings, are often overshadowed by his success in bringing down the Berlin Wall.
And his success in dealing with the USSRs, leadership.

The conservative agenda, has always been low key, because much of it IS based on bigotry, white supremacy, nationalism, and religious beliefs.
Being an overt racist, USED to be embarrassing…
So many conservatives cry, and deny that. That is, until they are in the slight majority. Now, the gloves are off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I voted for Reagan.

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